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Doctors routinely discriminate against non-vaccinating parents. It is almost impossible to see a pediatrician if you don't; they'll kick you out of the practice. It's always kind of been that way but their national association had a campaign to really enforce it and it got bad.

If you present with measles symptoms, but have had the vaccination, most doctors won't test for it. They'll assume it must be something else.
There is a ridiculous bias with drs.
They only use good science when the outcome of doing so is politically correct, (read fits the pro drug and vaccine agenda) and use lame idiotic "reasoning" (or more like lack of ) when the truth goes contrary to pharma's profits.

This system is mystery Babylon. Thank YHWH her days are numbered!!
I have an odd question, does your son ever come in contact with flashing strobe lights of any kind? I read today that ‘specific frequency flashing strobe lights could initiate seizures in epileptics’[/QUOTE

It was my daughter and she is now 26. To answer your question, the lights and no sleep triggers them. She has to avoid those because they will defiantly offset and cause the seizures. I took her to an ophthalmologist and they waved the light in front of her eyes. Exactly an hour later, she had a full blown seizure. She has to randomly go for checkups to have the wires connected to her brain and they require her to not sleep the night before. Her electrical lodes and connecters in her brain are more active when this occurs.
Although language like this sticks in my craw...
That should be the case for all parents, and we certainly feel like you do.
Children are the heritage of The Lord and the care of them is a sacred trust. Any Christian should object to secular godless people deciding ANY limits to the parents medical rights. What is ridiculous is that the secular world will let a parent willfully murder their child in utero, and is letting sick parents mutilate their children's genitals with so called "sex change" but don't want anyone to decline vaccination.

I tried to do a simple search on Pinterest. This is what it pulled up.

Our freedom of information is being stripped away daily. It’s heartbreaking.
View attachment 846

I tried to do a simple search on Pinterest. This is what it pulled up.

Our freedom of information is being stripped away daily. It’s heartbreaking.
That super confused me all I could see was the image and I thought the thread had been banned or something lol
I tried to do a simple search on Pinterest. This is what it pulled up.

Our freedom of information is being stripped away daily. It’s heartbreaking.

Expect to see more of this. They know that the highly educated are the ones most likely to refuse all vaccines. They can't talk us down, the only effective action is censorship.
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I tried to do a simple search on Pinterest. This is what it pulled up.

Our freedom of information is being stripped away daily. It’s heartbreaking.

The worst part about pinterest is, the last time I checked that is, that you can look up stuff on Pro-vaxx, but not anti-vaxx. If it did pull up anything for anti-vaxx it was just making fun of people who choose not to. Its infuriating. I've lost family and friends over this discussion. Even Christians. I don't believe God would have us pump chemicals and animal DNA or other human tissue into our bodies. Not sure if anyone has talked about this, but pharmakeia in the Bible is translated as sorcery or witchcraft...
Facebook have this new thing where they're not deleting anti-vax pages and groups, but they're making them difficult to find and they don't appear on your news feed. They said they didn't want to delete them because they want to actually reach these people and teach them that vaccination is good, rather than have them all disappear off somewhere else to talk about it. But the stuff that I keep getting on there that is supposedly telling me that vaccination is a good thing is all making fun of anti-vaxers and is full of a lot of misinformation about us. Some of it is really nasty too. Which for real is one of the main reasons I don't discuss it with anyone because they either make of fun of you or tell you your children are going to singlehandedly kill everyone in the country....

They know that the highly educated are the ones most likely to refuse all vaccines.
Many years ago I read a response from a government organisation, when asked why they didn't do research into vaccinated vs non-vaccinated they said they couldn't actually do a fair trial because non-vaxers tended to be different from mainstream people. They were people who were very intelligent, who had a middle to high income, who home schooled, and who preferred to use natural products to heal their children instead of going to the doctor (makes it difficult to count doctors visits then huh...).
A couple of years ago there was a trial released that actually did a fairly decent job of comparing vaccinated vs unvaccinated children by the CMSRI. I was going to share it here but unfortunately it's now been taken off their site. However this is Samuel's summary that he wrote about it when it came out.
Finally, an independent scientific study directly comparing the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Basic result: Vaccinated kids were less likely to have had chicken pox or whooping cough. However they were more likely to have pneumonia, ear infections, hayfever, other allergies, eczema, learning disabilities and other neurological conditions, or any chronic illness. Overall, vaccinated kids were more likely to have had to visit the doctor due to illness in the past year, or to have been hospitalised, and to require antibiotics, fever medication, allergy medication, or ventilation ear tubes. Basically, unvaccinated kids were generally healthier than vaccinated kids. This is the general informal observation that many parents and health professionals have already made, but now demonstrated scientifically. Highly recommended reading.
@FollowingHim2 thanks for sharing that summary. Doesn't surprise me in the least. Sounds like the difference between the general health of kids today vs. a generation or two ago. It's really shocking how much more common many diseases and maladies are today.
Thank you for being brave enough to post this. Our daughter was severely injured from vaccines and has lived with epilepsy since she was 4 months old. Sadly we learned the hard way. She is 14 now. Her seizures are down to about three a year. She is taking dual credit courses and super optimistic about life. But I worry about her. I pray she finds a very understanding husband some day.
Our daughter was too, permanent life long damage. But is a loss our controllers are willing to take. Is so sad.
Facebook have this new thing where they're not deleting anti-vax pages and groups, but they're making them difficult to find and they don't appear on your news feed. They said they didn't want to delete them because they want to actually reach these people and teach them that vaccination is good, rather than have them all disappear off somewhere else to talk about it. But the stuff that I keep getting on there that is supposedly telling me that vaccination is a good thing is all making fun of anti-vaxers and is full of a lot of misinformation about us. Some of it is really nasty too. Which for real is one of the main reasons I don't discuss it with anyone because they either make of fun of you or tell you your children are going to singlehandedly kill everyone in the country....

Many years ago I read a response from a government organisation, when asked why they didn't do research into vaccinated vs non-vaccinated they said they couldn't actually do a fair trial because non-vaxers tended to be different from mainstream people. They were people who were very intelligent, who had a middle to high income, who home schooled, and who preferred to use natural products to heal their children instead of going to the doctor (makes it difficult to count doctors visits then huh...).
A couple of years ago there was a trial released that actually did a fairly decent job of comparing vaccinated vs unvaccinated children by the CMSRI. I was going to share it here but unfortunately it's now been taken off their site. However this is Samuel's summary that he wrote about it when it came out.

If you compare different countries by vaccine ratios you can see the picture is more clear. The official narrative is biased and controlled.
Tries to kill people's free will. No surprise. Is just one facet of control.