Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. I have found that when we pray for patience we get tribulation. When we pray for wisdom, we get stuff to test our wisdom.
Wisdom pills are any situation that makes you grow and stretch your faith. For me, recent wisdom pills have come in the form of college, a stressful fulltime job, two disobedient little dogs, a hubby who is half a world away and a sister/wife who lives two time zones away. Throw in a little financial pain, shake well and...
You get my point.
Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. I have found that when we pray for patience we get tribulation. When we pray for wisdom, we get stuff to test our wisdom.
Wisdom pills are any situation that makes you grow and stretch your faith. For me, recent wisdom pills have come in the form of college, a stressful fulltime job, two disobedient little dogs, a hubby who is half a world away and a sister/wife who lives two time zones away. Throw in a little financial pain, shake well and...
You get my point.