• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

What is valuable on this forum?

Well, I'm lost, I still have no idea what you're talking about.
If it's important you'll need to explain it more clearly if you want anything done about it, if it's unimportant and doesn't need anything done then you don't need to.
Perhaps I have muddled into a problem. When I answer any person's particular comment - does it follow immediately then to that person or does it follow under whatever other discussions have taken place among who knows how many people? I was following a particular thread and now EVEN I cannot figure out what it was.
Perhaps I have muddled into a problem. When I answer any person's particular comment - does it follow immediately then to that person or does it follow under whatever other discussions have taken place among who knows how many people? I was following a particular thread and now EVEN I cannot figure out what it was.
Not sure what you are trying to say, but yes, these threads are conversations and not anything posted in them is private.
Stating that Hebrew Roots/Torah keepers are not Christian is completely incorrect and derogatory towards an entire denomination.

Outsider question

Am I not correct in thinking that the Torah Christians are basically not unlike orthodox Jews who believe in Christ as well as the new testament broadly?
Not sure what you are trying to say, but yes, these threads are conversations and not anything posted in them is private.

I think he is asking about replies and quotes of the reply so that it is more clear to whom he is responding rather than the private conversations off to the side.
It's not what I want it's what this group needs.
This group has survived quite a few people coming in and telling it what it needs.
Online interactions do not accurately (and cannot/should not) reflect real life relationships.

So what if some stranger on the internet wants to marry a certain flavor of man.

There is unity. At retreats. Every flavor imaginable.
it's not the idea that someone chooses to marry someone it's the elitest attitude. The point of a community is to become more likeminded not less.
I've been to a small retreat, and it was wonderful. I did not see or experience any of the issues I've seen here. But that should be an ISSUE. The retreats and the forums should reflect the same thoughts and mindsets.
Outsider question

Am I not correct in thinking that the Torah Christians are basically not unlike orthodox Jews who believe in Christ as well as the new testament broadly?
Yeshuah was the Messiah that the Jews had been waiting for.
He wasn’t a new religion.
Yes and I wonder how many its driven off with its "Unity"
Probably about as many as would be driven off by a more monolithic approach.
Yeshuah was the Messiah that the Jews had been waiting for.
He wasn’t a new religion.

I am not sure if that is intended as a yes or not but I did not say anything about a different religion beyond simply using them for a basis for comparison or yardstick for traditions and behavior etc. "Not unlike"
I am not sure if that is intended as a yes or not but I did not say anything about a different religion beyond simply using them for a basis for comparison or yardstick for traditions and behavior etc. "Not unlike"
The point is that the group that he was establishing was:
orthodox Jews who believe in Christ as well as the new testament
I would just change it to say that they were the New Testament. It was about them.
Edit: there was a lot that was written to the converts from outside of Judaism, written by Jews that had accepted Christ the Messiah.
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Is not the entire NT about a monolithic approach of unification, not separation? Something something divide and conquer.
I’m sure that was our Creator’s intention, but the Author of Confusion was on the job early.

10Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
……..there are contentions among you. 12Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. 13Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

As Solomon said, nothing new under the sun.
If you can find a group that believes what you believe in all things, more power to you. But you haven’t, and that’s why you are here.
The point is that the group that he was establishing was:

I would just change it to say that they were the New Testament. It was about them.
Edit: there was a lot that was written to the converts from outside of Judaism, written by Jews that had accepted Christ the Messiah.

I get all of that but I am thinking more in the context of the remarks earlier in the conversation about various different sects and how to parse and categorize them into their respective pigeon holes...obviously with some degree of overlap and blurred lines etc...but from a today's point of view.

For example, if I meet a family out and about who have a yamika, headcover, large beard (sidelocks?) But are phenotypically a long way from what one more classically associates with more traditional Jews...and maybe during the course of conversation you discuss food and by extension dietary restrictions...is it safe to assume they are Torah Christians?
Personally I would just ask but who knows who is also curious in the peanut gallery about a Marlin Perkins'esque breakdown on how to identify in the wild.
For example, if I meet a family out and about who have a yamika, headcover, large beard (sidelocks?) But are phenotypically a long way from what one more classically associates with more traditional Jews...and maybe during the course of conversation you discuss food and by extension dietary restrictions...is it safe to assume they are Torah Christians?
Nothing is safe, you haven’t figured that out yet?😉
From my early observations this was a Christian ministry . Made up of many different backgrounds.
The problem is the word choice. Christian ministry can mean a lot of different things especially if it's made up of many different backgrounds. It could be that they all agree on a certain doctrine (polygany) but individually would still keep their personal sects and beliefs and are just ministering to help promote understanding of the one doctrine (like polygany, baptism, etc.) That is what I understood the site to be from what I could find here.
After looking up the facebook group that I didn't know existed, and after being here a while it sounds more like what you considered this site to be. Which is that a group of christians breaking off from their own sects in a way, agree on a large segment of doctrine (not just one or two principles, or one doctrine. It would be a list) and consider that to be truth and minister that to others. But in order to not cause confusion they should define it clearly, and define what beliefs they consider to make a person non-christian which rather than on the site occurs in conversations after one joins the site.
In my opinion the description on the facebook group is more clear.

Now I know I'm sounding sharp but I have felt perplexed about this subject for a while now. Like I can tell that as an LDS person, I am welcomed here in a sense, but it's like when I moved NC or Idaho after growing up in the city. Religiously and culturally I understand things very differently. There are a lot things I don't know or understand but am expected to already.
We may use the same terms but they have different meanings.
And I know it's not just me who would be confused or view things differently because I have lived in three different countries, moved over 18 times, and there have only been two places where I have lived that there would be debates over what the word christian meant.
I get all of that but I am thinking more in the context of the remarks earlier in the conversation about various different sects and how to parse and categorize them into their respective pigeon holes...obviously with some degree of overlap and blurred lines etc...but from a today's point of view.

For example, if I meet a family out and about who have a yamika, headcover, large beard (sidelocks?) But are phenotypically a long way from what one more classically associates with more traditional Jews...and maybe during the course of conversation you discuss food and by extension dietary restrictions...is it safe to assume they are Torah Christians?
Haha! These are all the same questions I asked when I wanted to know about Torah Christians! I had heard about it once before by a man in Chelmsford who was trying to become a Torah Christian and so was studying the Torah, and he also seemed a bit confused! There weren't many if any Torah Christians where he lived so he was mostly studying alone, and so I suppose he was a bit peculiar. He wasn't sure if it meant he needed to wear a cap or have tassels. He did start growing out a beard and might have started sidelocks by the time I left. I know I did offend a few people in my confusions and questions but I hope not too many... I guess I think it's natural to have misunderstandings a questions especially if you haven't really met people from that religious sect or sort of group. People are often getting LDS and Amish confused. I had a friend apologise to me because he thought I was just a slutty Amish but he looked it up on Urban dictionary and now knew what mormon was. I thought it was hilarious and wasn't offended at all.
I have asked a few Torah christians here privately and after talking to a few I think I have a better sense of it.
Haha! These are all the same questions I asked when I wanted to know about Torah Christians! I had heard about it once before by a man in Chelmsford who was trying to become a Torah Christian and so was studying the Torah, and he also seemed a bit confused! There weren't many if any Torah Christians where he lived so he was mostly studying alone, and so I suppose he was a bit peculiar. He wasn't sure if it meant he needed to wear a cap or have tassels. He did start growing out a beard and might have started sidelocks by the time I left. I know I did offend a few people in my confusions and questions but I hope not too many... I guess I think it's natural to have misunderstandings a questions especially if you haven't really met people from that religious sect or sort of group. People are often getting LDS and Amish confused. I had a friend apologise to me because he thought I was just a slutty Amish but he looked it up on Urban dictionary and now knew what mormon was. I thought it was hilarious and wasn't offended at all.
I have asked a few Torah christians here privately and after talking to a few I think I have a better sense of it.

A slutty Amish...
Not entirely sure how to visualize that

Best I can come up with is the woman from the Weird Al vidScreenshot_20240903-113103_YouTube.jpg

Or maybe this girltenor (12).gif

I remain unconvinced by both however
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thought I was just a slutty Amish
Questions come crawling from the deep dark corners of the mind……..Back! Back I tell you! Return to the foul depths from whence you came!