"We women are taught to see other women as wolves, only out to devour our men." I must have missed the lesson on this one! I was taught that people are people and all deserve to be respected as masters of their own lives. It takes two people to cheat.
But, I'm a firm believer that every couple is entitled to decide for themselves what is and isn't cheating. If it works for you, cool beans! I'm mostly here to support the wives who aren't on board with Biblical bamboozling.
Though woman was created for man and some men are content to be single, why is it restricted to ‘why does he need another wife?’
That’s our culture’s cereal box. Blah!
What about a good woman wanting to raise a godly family with a good man and is able to contribute to the Man’s vision?
I don’t know that any husband needs another wife, any more than a woman needs more than one child, but why stand in the way of letting him be a blessing and protector to her as he has been to you? We women are taught to see other women as wolves, only out to devour our men. Many women are precious souls that we can bless by .... following, loving and obeying our husband’s.
"We women are taught to see other women as wolves, only out to devour our men." I must have missed the lesson on this one! I was taught that people are people and all deserve to be respected as masters of their own lives. It takes two people to cheat.
But, I'm a firm believer that every couple is entitled to decide for themselves what is and isn't cheating. If it works for you, cool beans! I'm mostly here to support the wives who aren't on board with Biblical bamboozling.