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Winter gardens

The problem with wind break tree lines in Colombia is that once trees become bigger, state will take jurisdiction over them. Yes a globalist land grab agenda.
Especially with native supposed endangered trees. Those don't produce anything, just state tiranny property grab.
I call them communist trees. lol
Anyone see similar pattern in other countries?
With the excuse of the natural habitat preservation etc..
That's a nice large tunnel. 👍
I know it gets too cold in the winter to keep tomato and pepper going, but can you keep brassicas and lettuce through the winter in there?
This past year was very busy. We grew our family by four members!
With all that we didn't put any winter plants in.
The problem with wind break tree lines in Colombia is that once trees become bigger, state will take jurisdiction over them. Yes a globalist land grab agenda.
Especially with native supposed endangered trees. Those don't produce anything, just state tiranny property grab.
I call them communist trees. lol
Anyone see similar pattern in other countries?
With the excuse of the natural habitat preservation etc..

Some parts of the USA also will declare 'heritage trees' or etc. and make it illegal to cut them down or endanger them.

Seems this is a version of what is happening in Colombia.

Speaking of cackle berry bushes got me to thinking about milk bushes, steak bushes and bacon bushes. 😋

Sadly, I don't have any 🥺
Speaking of cackle berry bushes got me to thinking about milk bushes, steak bushes and bacon bushes. 😋

Sadly, I don't have any 🥺
Yeah, our fire insurance policy required us to remove our bacon bushes, but the steak trees are doing great and we just ordered the chicken tender and leg quarter starters a couple days ago... we always have a great crop of chicken tenders.😁
Yeah, our fire insurance policy required us to remove our bacon bushes, but the steak trees are doing great and we just ordered the chicken tender and leg quarter starters a couple days ago... we always have a great crop of chicken tenders.😁

As long as you remember that the Son Himself is the real Fire Insurance and not the written Contract (and that He already held up both ends of the written Contract) ☺️

Do you roll with the standard Cornish Cross starters, or something else? I love the way the Cornish grow so fast, but they are also pretty pitiful (occasionally getting leg problems if nutrition isn't perfect) and seem to grow unnaturally fast.

On the other hand, everything else seems to grow terribly slow.

Do you (or anyone else here like Nick) have experience with the Red Ranger or other meat varieties?
Best success and feed conversion we've had is Cornish Rock X.. just got to be ready to harvest on schedule. Heat, etc can complicate uf not careful... we use chicken tractors so they get good exercise and supplement water w minerals for strong legs... balancing act, but we lose very few.