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WOMEN-ONLY POLL, or How Deep Does Being on Board Go?

For women only: what is your true level of support for polygyny?

  • I fully support polygyny and sincerely desire a sister wife.

  • I fully support polygyny but hope my husband isn't successful creating plural marriage.

  • I fully support polygyny for others but will not tolerate it in MY family.

  • I let my husband think I'm supportive of polygyny, but I'll never let it happen to me.

  • I pretend to be supportive of polygyny, but actually I think it's wrong for anyone.

  • I simply do not support polygyny but promote patriarchal male leadership.

  • I do not support polygyny or patriarchy.

  • I do not support polygyny or patriarchy.

Results are only viewable after voting.
I will say that with the experience I have in patriarchy and polygyny...many women think they are 110% on board with it all and then find out reality isn't exactly what they thought it would be. They want it but then decide oh this isn't for me. This leaves 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on wives in a bad place. It takes commitment every day and we ladies are emotional creatures. I trust in Yah. To my way of thinking if I claim to trust in Yah I must fully and completely support patriarchy and polygyny. It is absolutely biblical. Can't argue with the Word.
If even you won't see the results, then what on earth is the point?

You could change to make the results public so we can actually see and discuss them, add a choice of "I'm a man wondering what the results are", or decide it's a waste of time and not bother.

I can see the results. Here's what I see for right now.

Screenshot 2022-08-28.jpg
I already voted and I liked the idea of having it anonymous until a person voted so that way I knew my vote wasn’t unintentionally influenced by seeing how others voted before me.
Maybe a deadline next time would’ve helped; like after a certain number of days, it would’ve been made public.
@Keith Martin
Nice job on the poll bud, I think a lot of people dont like being honest with themselves. Many people say they are ok with another wife on paper, but where the rubber meets the road things become real. Judging by some people's reactions they haven't truly thought of it, or thinking of it makes them uncomfortable. My women had no issue answering your poll. Some people say they are patriarchs, but the proof is in the pudding. Keith, hearing part of your story and even your wife's letter that you read to us, I admonish you for growing into a patriarch and know you will lead you family well and always try to present your side well.