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Coming soon to a theater (of operations) near you....

Meanwhile, my hope is not in the restoration of a physical Israel to which I may emigrate someday. My place and my people are here, and this is where I take my stand. Ich kann nicht anders.
Hey, until He calls, I'm standing with ya... 'I got no place else to go.'
My understanding is that China had a growing Christian presence in the late 19th century and and early 20th (some of y'all will know of Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission, for example). The organized church in China, however, was mostly caught up in the pre-trib rapture dispensationalism being popularized at the time, and was caught completely off-guard by the Communist takeover in the 1940s, leading to a huge loss of faith and falling away.

Just sayin. Things could get a lot worse for us over a long period of time before we get any relief from on high....
Thank you for this! A few months ago, I heard a radio speaker in favor of the pre-trib view (which I used to be) who equated the pre-wrath view (which I've adopted) to spousal abuse. She (yes...she) claimed that Christ would never abuse his bride like that (I know... we have a whole other thread for corporal punishment). But aside from being obviously unbiblical to say that Christians won't suffer persecution, it struck me as incredibly disrespectful towards those Christians throughout history, and the present, who have undergone persecution, and possibly dangerous for future Christians who will face persecution. So what you say about China validates that suspicion. Out of curiosity, I did a bit of digging, and found that Corrie Ten Boom touched on this in 1974. The specific portion about China is at 3:12 in the video below, but the whole thing is very edifying, and relevant to this thread.
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Thanks for sharing that, Shibboleth! That's one of those factoid things I've been carrying around so long I've forgotten where I picked it up (hence the preface "my understanding is..."). Nice to know my memory isn't completely off, there! ;)
I heard a radio speaker in favor of the pre-trib view (which I used to be) who equated the pre-wrath view (which I've adopted) to spousal abuse. She (yes...she) claimed that Christ would never abuse his bride like that (I know... we have a whole other thread for corporal punishment). But aside from being obviously unbiblical to say that Christians won't suffer persecution, it struck me as incredibly disrespectful towards those Christians throughout history, and the present, who have undergone persecution, and possibly dangerous for future Christians who will face persecution.

Ya people like that will be saying in the end, "It's just a little mark, doesn't mean anything spiritual. God wouldn't want us to starve or suffer."

God saw fit for Christ to suffer, more than we ever could, and He was innocent. Don't anyone think that they deserve better than that.
. . . We should have made them strong for tribulation. . . .

1 Thess 3:3&4 That no man should be moved by these afflictions: (thilipsis: one of two Greek words translated as tribulation) for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto.†.
For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; (thlibo: the other Greek word translated as tribulation)

In the same letter, same author, same message: (5:9) For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

Obviously, tribulation and wrath are two distinct realities. One we are appointed to as believers, the other we are not.
Obviously, tribulation and wrath are two distinct realities. One we are appointed to as believers, the other we are not.

Though, to be fair, the term isn't necessarily an eschatological-only term: "If you marry, you have not sinned, and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Yet such will have thlipsin (tribulation) in this life, and I am trying to spare you." (I Cor 7:28) So marriage is basically the Tribulation. :eek::p

More seriously, II Thess 1:6 says that when Christ returns, He will repay thlipsin (affliction) to those that thlibo (afflict) us, so the same word is used in both directions. You have to look at the context to see who is thlibo'ing whom.
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Here is another evaluation of the current state of things, The Cold Civil War is Ending...

The dividing line between left and right is increasingly growing. 20 years ago we called it the culture war but it was as much political as anything. But now people on both sides are refusing to date across the political spectrum. Economically we are fragmenting, with banks and corporations increasingly unwilling to do business with those on the right. And the bearers of our culture now paint anyone on the center or right as beyond the pale (even '90s Clintonism is shocking today). 90% of our own history is now regarded as evil and being written out of existence. Censorship on the internet grows by the day; virtually all major platforms practice widespread automatic censorship of both opinions and history. All of our cultural institutes are broken or breaking down. We are being unmade.

We here are kind of in an odd spot, culturally we're mostly on one side, but our approach to marriage is more likely to be embraced legally by those on the other. Yet poly brings one of the few chances of fixing the broken marriage system we have today.
I'm glad you posted that; I've seen the title knocking around on YouTube and have been meaning to watch it. Well-constructed and presented argument.

Very similar to John Mark's observations and conclusions; different tone, but basically same facts, reasoning, and conclusions. There's another guy whose work I like that I'll grab something from and post here later this afternoon.
None of these people is calling for civil war or armed rebellion. But logical people can extrapolate data and make predictions, and other logical people can review those extrapolations and predictions and draw their own conclusions.

The only thing that's going to derail the predicted outcome would be for enough 'woke' white people to reach enough of those "fair-minded people" that the speaker above thinks are out there before it's too late.

NB - If any reader here is not familiar with 'intersectionality' or some of the other jargon or arguments of the self-anointed victim class, and/or you question the seriousness of the growing anti-white sentiment, you owe it to yourself to do some homework. In fact, start here.

Then watch (or re-watch) this video and consider what happens when the "Justice Democrats" take over and roll out the new religion: 21st century communism.....
You will not be allowed to escape the coming apartheid...

Two weeks after the New Zealand massacre, Facebook announced that it would ban all "praise, support and representation of white nationalism and separatism" on Facebook and Instagram. Previously, the company had banned white supremacy, but had viewed white nationalism differently. The company said it had decided to ban white nationalism after months of consultation with civil rights groups.
Wow... CRP has really changed his branding since I ran across his channel a while back. Back then he gave off a sleazy lawyer vibe.
The fact that they're coming down on calls to separate peacefully (as if that were in the same category as white supremacist groups) is pretty much the end. Buckle your seat belts!
Wasn't quite sure where to put this, Andrew had a couple threads related to this. But things continue apace. It ought to be clear by now, they intend to destroy our history. Which is, of course, just a prelude to destroying us. Meanwhile the mass censorship of anyone who was important in undermining the narrative in '16 continues...

Not just censorship, but increasingly making it hard for them to make a living, engage in banking, and the like.

And this while our supposed ally is in the White House. Can you imagine what will happen in 2021? I don't see Trump getting re-elected; not with his failure to fulfill his prime campaign promises, the lack of action on voter fraud, millions extra illegals and who knows how many fewer boomer voters.

Things are going to get ugly.
This is what pops up when I push play... coincidence? I think not...

Does it do that for other youtube videos?

Something else I failed to note. Facebook will also be censoring any posts that share information/links from these banned peoples. And any facebook groups that are set up to share that info will be likewise banned. Of course, that kind of censorship on that platform isn't exactly new, but they're being really open about it now.
Does it do that for other youtube videos?

Something else I failed to note. Facebook will also be censoring any posts that share information/links from these banned peoples. And any facebook groups that are set up to share that info will be likewise banned. Of course, that kind of censorship on that platform isn't exactly new, but they're being really open about it now.
This is the first I’ve had that pop up for a YouTube video.
Everyone on YouTube needs to switch to “Full30”

I am keeping an eye out for an alternative but for now one hasn't emerged. Unfortunately the views just aren't anywhere else. Everyone I know who tried to shift their videos anywhere else have come back, sometimes quietly but they've come back.
I tried Gab and they would only let me post an extremely short video. Steemit was multi level marketing. I don't even know what happened to the juicer people. As soon as there is a chance to be heard elsewhere I will make the switch. But for now I'm going to use the enemy's tools against him as long as I can.