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1955 magazine article

Paul not the apostle said:
If I go out on a limb myself and explain that part of you to any of them, I might as well just be doing it for myself! ;)
Shouldn't you have "first dibs?!" Haha... all of this talk causes me to think of whether I might want another wife some day. While I hope for my wayward wife to return to me (and so I will effectively be cohabiting with two women), I never really consider having another wife in addition to my two. However, sometimes I do think about taking another wife. I think of a woman who really needs a husband - like a single mother.

I found a YouTube video done by a black lady who isn't religious. She had a discussion going on a forum she has where a Muslim man was saying that the disproportionate number of black single mothers in the USA should consider polygyny so they can have a husband and their children can have a father.

Are we going to let the Muslims care for those women, or are we going to? There is a war on in the heavens over the souls of these abandoned women and children and perhaps we need to go out and take some "beautiful captives" under our wings. :D
When you go out to battle against your enemies, and the LORD your God delivers them into your hands and you take them away captive, and see among the captives a beautiful woman, and have a desire for her and would take her as a wife for yourself, then you shall bring her home to your house, and she shall shave her head and trim her nails. She shall also remove the clothes of her captivity and shall remain in your house, and mourn her father and mother a full month; and after that you may go in to her and be her husband and she shall be your wife. It shall be, if you are not pleased with her, then you shall let her go wherever she wishes; but you shall certainly not sell her for money, you shall not mistreat her, because you have humbled her. (Deuteronomy 21:10-14, NASB)
Interestingly, the tribe of Issachar were warriors and they, "had many wives and sons." (1 Chronicles 7:4, NASB)
Re: "explaining polygyny"

Truth be told, Paul, if they love the Lord and have even a fraction of the understanding and willingness to "study for themselves" that your lovely wife has, that sounds like a very small step to me.

(As for myself, I tend to refer to the "bigger concept" of marriage as simply patriarchal. One literally cannot grasp the consistent "WHOLE" of His plan for marriage without realizing that it MUST include that many-to-one principle, or it is a lie...just like the same applies to one Master, King, or Redeemer!)

Blessings in Him,

It is articles like this, although Christian in words of how a good wife should be, it also is a slam in the face to working Christian mothers. I'll try to explain my point.

I grew up with a grandmother who very well fits this description of the lady in the article. I say I grew up with my grandmother, because my mother had to go to work to help support the family when my dad was laid off from work. After a long day of work, I saw my mother still do everything around the house even though my dad was at home. My mother felt totally guilty for not being able to do more around the house and spend time with her children. She didn't chose to go to work to buy a large boat, home, or fancy clothes just to pay the bills. It would be nice if the article would say or show what a working outside the home women can do for the family and what a good Christian husband does instead of just coming home from work that way it gives a more balanced view. ;)

It is articles like this, although Christian in words of how a good wife should be, it also is a slam in the face to working Christian mothers

I do not agree that the article is a slam to working Christian mothers because it is not about working Christian mothers, or describing working Christian mothers, or an example of a family where the mother works outside the home, or the father/husband is unemployed or laid off. It is a general description from the past based on a one income, patriarchal family where the man works outside the home, and the woman works inside the home, so therefore does not apply to any situation other than intended.
Paul not the apostle said:
It is articles like this, although Christian in words of how a good wife should be, it also is a slam in the face to working Christian mothers

I do not agree that the article is a slam to working Christian mothers because it is not about working Christian mothers, or describing working Christian mothers, or an example of a family where the mother works outside the home, or the father/husband is unemployed or laid off. It is a general description from the past based on a one income, patriarchal family where the man works outside the home, and the woman works inside the home, so therefore does not apply to any situation other than intended.

I see your point. It was part of history where women were able to stay home. I guess I just feel society has always put so much pressure on women through advertizements. How to look, how to dress, etc.

lutherangirl said:
It was part of history where women were able to stay home.
That's the thing - I think that women still can stay at home. However, I think that our Western values have been perverted. I just love Google and the interesting blogs I can find...
How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women

February 1, 2007

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

Feminism is an excellent example of how the Rockefeller mega cartel uses the awesome power of the mass media (i.e. propaganda.) to control society.

In 40 short years, many women have lost touch with their natural loving instincts. Consequently, the family is in disarray, sexual depravity is rampant and birth rates have plummeted.

I will expand on the Rockefeller's role, but first we need to remember that for a woman, love is an instinctive act of self-sacrifice.

She gives herself to her husband and children and is fulfilled by seeing them thrive and receiving their love, respect and gratitude.

A woman makes this supreme sacrifice to only one man who will cherish her and provide for his family. Men instinctively want to fulfill this responsibility. This is the essence of the heterosexual contract (i.e. marriage): female power in exchange for male power expressed as love. Sex is the symbol of this exclusive bond. Marriage and family may not be for everyone but it is the natural path for most.

Feminism has trained women to reject this model as "an old fashioned, oppressive stereotype" even though it reflects their natural instincts.

I guess I just feel society has always put so much pressure on women through advertizements. How to look, how to dress, etc.

You are dead on with this statement, except I don't feel it, I know it. My wife was so conditioned to believe the wrong things about herself that she is constantly amazed at how different she is now that she works at home and how fiercely she defends her choice. It is the monogamy only proponents that oppress and overwhelm women with the unrealistic expectations and unnattainable fantasy world of "you can have it all, the career, the children, the perfect marriage, and be in perfect shape, and be the envy of all your friends, and be the best cook, and on and on and on."

To respond in a non direct way to what you wrote about your family history, when I am home and the house is clean, the dinner was prepared for me, the kids are calm, etc., I have so much respect for the work that my wife does, my conscience alone makes me want to find out how her day was and if there is anything that I can do for her. It is not an issue of me sitting on the couch doing nothing. I WANT to find out about this amazing woman and see what makes her happy and then go get it, do it, or create it. She has done a lot of praying for Him to work in my life, and it did not happen overnight. Not every time that she has been doing the "right thing" have I responded properly, but she honors me just the same. The more I care and show her patience and love, the more she serves because she feels like I won't take advantage of her gifts of love. The more she serves and respects, the more I want to cherish her and know all about her. Marriages have to build momentum. Unfortunately they tend to follow the "if he is not giving me what I want, then he does not deserve my submission or affection. If she is not respectful, what is there to cherish?" type of system that builds momentum in a negative way. There is merit in the spiralling effects of reacting to our spouses, we just have to make sure that we are spiraling towards each other and upward toward a more Christ like lifestyle, and not apart and downward in self-centeredness.
This article was written in the 50's when there were very few divorces and few men who didn't take care of their families. If the article had included stuff for Christian Working mothers it would have been considered heretical.

However, half a century later, the world is a different place. Yes, if a family makes a choice to do so, a woman can stay home and make her home and family a priority. My sister has done it with a great deal of success. But today, many Christians came to Christianity later in life after they have already run up those charge card bills and bought the big fancy cars and houses. For these people (a huge majority) there could be some guidelines for working families. Since it is scriptural to pay our debts and honor our commitments, it should be honorable to work towards the place where both parents no longer need to work.

And what about those poor women whose husbands have left them with children to care for? Child support is hardly sufficient to support a family, so single mothers must work or have government involvment in their lives (public assistance). So you can all say what you want to about setting our priorities, before you judge others just try walking a mile in their moccasins.

Well, there's no reason why a woman can't work outside of her home if she's able to manage her duties at home and work. However, if there are children in the picture then that's pretty difficult to manage. I really have a big problem with the idea of putting my children in a school, as I really don't see how that lines up with Scripture. It would be ideal if communities had co-ops where parents helped each other with homeschooling. I heard of one such operation in Toronto where the Rabbi would also help with Hebrew and Bible lessons. Until I'm blessed to be associated with a congregation that has a set up like that I'll just have to do my best. :D And really, that's all I can do.

Anyway, what mother with children can have much time to work out of the home? That's usually a full-time job, unless there are others who help care for the children. In cases like that a mother might be able to find the time to work a bit. Perhaps a lady in that situation might appreciate having a husband with three other wives?

Another thing that families do wrong is live beyond their means, or expect too much privacy. How many parents would move our of their large home for a more humble abode so they could better afford to have more children? In Jamaica, families can crowd a home pretty well. Also, a lot of Asian and Indian families here in Canada can teach us a thing or two about squeezing people into a home.
Apparently Alberta has really great homeschooling support, I was talking to some Christians about it when I was at camp. Its quite enviable really, you get much of you're curriculum books payed for and have huge parent groups to share the workload with.
Yeah, are you going for it or no? I don't know what the rules are or how long you'd have to be in Alberta to get it ect, do you know anything about it? I don't have the number of the people I was talking too so I don't think I can get more information from then if you're going to Alberta homeschool
There are a few homeschool associations here in Edmonton that I can plug into that have some great helps for people like us that are just starting out. And, a good friend is a new teacher and he'll be a big help for us if I ask him. Shalom! :D
Thats great, we plan on staying in Saskatchewan but both the girls that have big potential for long term relationships would prefer to be in Alberta, its a big deal to both of them for good reasons and we will probably move if we wind up with on or both of them as Alberta is a good place for us too, in that case I want to know if its homeschooling is all its cracked up to be. Let me know how it goes will you?
Brought back for your general amusement. Ran across it while looking for something else.
lutherangirl said:
I see your point. It was part of history where women were able to stay home. I guess I just feel society has always put so much pressure on women through advertizements. How to look, how to dress, etc.


Just turn off the TV and ditch the magazines and most of these problems go away. The choice to stay home or not at times is not an option, but a necessity. Many cases however, it is a choice of lifestyle rather than a need. Each man will decide for his own family how that works out, whether his wife works outside the home, runs a business from home, or whatever else he deems appropriate for his family.

I vote this best thread of all time and thank the Lord for my precious wife who not only agrees with, but exemplifies all the good Biblical points made below. Brothers, we are certainly blessed beyond measure!!!!

Doc, you are a bad, bad man..... :lol: :lol: :eek: I love that picture, though I don't agree with its sentiment. I was just reminded of all the things my mother told me were terrible and wicked: movies, any music other than hymns, a glass of wine, etc. etc. ad infinitum.