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20 tonnes of tnt

These are good points to remember. On the balance of probabilities, I don't think China or Russia will allow themselves to be baited into a war yet. They are systematically working on non-US-dollar trade deals and gradually separating their economies to prepare for a future global system led by Asia and not by the US. This is inevitable, based on historical cycles. The USA-led global order's days are numbered. But the ground-work isn't finished yet.

I think the USA is trying to get them to jump into a confrontation before their preparations are complete. While their plan is to bide their time and gradually take over with as little bloodshed as possible.

However, there is still a chance that they might take the bait. And if they don't, the goading will become even more intense to try and get them to snap.

During this process of goading towards war there will continue to be many smaller conflicts in countries outside the US, Russia and China, where they can provoke each other to reveal their military capabilities to allow each to prepare for a larger future conflict if necessary, and demonstrate the capabilities they want to demonstrate in order to scare the others into submission. And these smaller conflicts will continue to cause great suffering to the people living wherever they take place. But they're foreigners so don't really matter to the big countries... (I hate this attitude with a passion).

Despite being American, I support what Russia and China are doing to replace the dollar as the world reserve currency. Other countries should not have to purchase our debt and finance our illegal war and other shady activities abroad. I wish the US would go back to issuing the dollar interest free like during the Civil War under Lincoln with the Greenbacks.


Despite being American, I support what Russia and China are doing to replace the dollar as the world reserve currency. Other countries should not have to purchase our debt and finance our illegal war and other shady activities abroad. I wish the US would go back to issuing the dollar interest free like during the Civil War under Lincoln with the Greenbacks.


It's a nice idea, and might have worked once upon a time, but that isn't the way the story (His-story = history) goes.
The current state of affairs needs to always be considered in light of prophesy (The Author's sneak preview) though, as the end has already been written. :)

America's debt is a fraudulent debt, and the result of departing from God's law. These "financial interests," and America's debt and current sittuation are actually described in scripture, as well as the cause and affect and even the final resolution! (This is good news)

America's debt exists because every dollar circulating is debt, rather then actual money. This is fraud on the American people, because no one would allow this, if they understood it (it is grand scale incomplete disclosure). The major international dilemma however is that while America's debt is a fraud, those countries that bought the debt did use currency that represented real value or labor.

Because China is the country getting the short end of the stick, giving something real, in exchange for a debt that is literally and completely fraudulent and unpayable, they will eventually do as prophesy states, and team up with other nations, and come to the land Ezekiel describes to "Take a prey, and a spoil" or in modern terms "forclose on the note."
America's federal lands were put up as collateral... .and China is a very populated country.

I'm not sure the Bible states what kind of currency is used in the coming Kingdom, and doubt it will be greenbacks, but I do not for even a fraction of a second doubt that "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ" will happen .....starting with America.....and hopefully soon!

"Thy kingdom come!" And praise Him forever.....it is!!! (Insert happy jumping up and down ecstatically emoticon! )
Well shoot. You're right. We're gonna need a lot of bricks...
It might just be easier to go back to the way is used to be here, with God's law being followed. Then we would enjoy peace and prosperity, and the wicked would either "straighten up and fly right" or flee to some other country where the laws facilitate lawlessness, the way it is here now.
I have always loved the stanza of our national anthem that points forward to when the "star spangled banner in triumph shall wave o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave."

I have so many reasons for the hope, it is hard to be quiet about it.
Is it immature if I point out that Russia could not shoot down our missiles and did not respond?

Expect to hear some conciliatory news out of North Korea. I repeat, I don't necessarily think this is a good thing but for the foreseeable future it is the thing.
So just like last time? Empty saber rattling with plenty of heads up and few men or machines in harms way.
It might just be easier to go back to the way is used to be here, with God's law being followed. Then we would enjoy peace and prosperity, and the wicked would either "straighten up and fly right" or flee to some other country where the laws facilitate lawlessness, the way it is here now.
I have always loved the stanza of our national anthem that points forward to when the "star spangled banner in triumph shall wave o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave."

I have so many reasons for the hope, it is hard to be quiet about it.
Jolene, you and I have been agreeing a lot lately, but I just want to point out that "the way it used to be" never really was.
I agree. It's similar to Germany & Great Britain in the leadup to WW1. Germany knew they could never outmatch the royal navy. But they knew the navy was spread over the entire globe. With a much smaller force they could dominate the north sea. Same goes for Russia and the USA today. The USA has far more troops, but they're committed all around the world, as the USA has taken over from the UK as the dominant global imperial occupying / influencing force in the world. Russia doesn't need to outmatch the US military globally, only within the regions of interest to them. Nor do they need to outnumber them, if they have superior technology (which we won't really know until action begins). And it's not Russia alone, whenever the bombs start to fall Iran and even China are likely to fall in line with them. There was one report in the last couple of days that China had already instructed its naval vessels in the Mediterranean to immediately commence joint operations with the Russian navy should an attack be launched on Syria - that's unverified as far as I can tell, but it's very plausible.

You've got plenty of juicy sounding internal scandals, but they're the distraction, as they don't involve people getting blown up so are far less important. Wherever people are being killed, that's the real story - even if it was intended as a distraction from something petty.
Also "Wag the dog" stuff only works if you're a Democrat, like Bill Clinton.
Conservatives already know it won't work for them; especially with a historically overtly hostile media.
I wonder if Trump is wishing he hadn't congratulated Putin on his re-election to dictator about now...
When the world's militaries dress out for gym class there is no one more laughed at than the Chinese navy. From carriers to tenders they are barely more than a mirage. Zero threat there. Taiwan doesn't worry about the Chinese navy.

I realize I'm the stereotypical ugly American but Russia will not risk getting America deeply involved in Syria. Whatever comes out of it won't be what Russia wants, which is to keep Israel from supplying natural gas to Europe.

Unless God intervened and was looking to humble America, a very real possibility.
Well put, Chinese Navy only has a hope of accomplishing something if they are up against the likes of the Philippines with no foreign support.
I'm certain 1 US Air Craft Carrier group would easily and handily annihilate the entire Chinese flotilla (assuming proper resupply)
The best gun is the one you have with you when the bullets start flying. Also, the best ship is the one that's available...

So on that note: As far as I can tell from the media, the Russian fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean well outnumbers the US fleet right now. That may change in a few weeks with the arrival of a US carrier group. But right now Trump has few options to attack Syria, and any ship that tried would be seriously in danger. But more foolish things have been done before.

The Chinese navy is small and not a massive threat in itself. The Russians don't need their help at sea, that's not the problem.

The problem is that an attack on Syria could result in open war with China. What will that do to everyone, war with one of youf most important trading partners? Forget the military activity, where do you sell your soybeans and who builds the components for all your electronics? It's not the ships that are a problem, it's what they signify.

All the talk about who's got the biggest navy is short-sighted. I get "Rule Brittania, Brittania rule the waves!" stuck in my head when reading your posts Zec! What has been is what will be, and there is nothing new under the sun. A crown does not last forever.

Because there are deeper issues at play than just counting who has more guns in their gun cabinet.

I think China would back down. They are too dependent on American commerce; even Russia; we could crush the ruble simply by ordering US banks to not process their credit card transactions. My concerns after loss of American life for the s**tstain that is Syria, is the very real threat of successful cyberattacks by Russia / China. They've caught us with our pants down before. If it really became a full world war, which it won't, but if it did, China/Russia would take out our satellites, and they would both hack the crap out of the US and our allies. So much of our superior tech. depends on satellite involvement.
I think China would back down. They are too dependent on American commerce; even Russia; we could crush the ruble simply by ordering US banks to not process their credit card transactions. My concerns after loss of American life for the s**tstain that is Syria, is the very real threat of successful cyberattacks by Russia / China. They've caught us with our pants down before. If it really became a full world war, which it won't, but if it did, China/Russia would take out our satellites, and they would both hack the crap out of the US and our allies. So much of our superior tech. depends on satellite involvement.

You are right. It is difficult to take out a satellite but that is the mist likely scenario in my humble opinion.
What's funny is here in the Philippines they use both. You go to the market or grocery and things are in KG, lengths of buildings, clothing, height is in inches, and speed limits are in km/hr.
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