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2019 Summer Conference and Family Retreat (late July)

I wish Nathan were here so that we could come to the retreat. I would love to come. I don't know if I would want to make the drive without him. I may look into it after a location is locked in. I have family in Dallas. If it's close to them, I might feel more comfortable traveling by myself. I can't wait until our whole family is able to attend together
I wish Nathan were here so that we could come to the retreat. I would love to come. I don't know if I would want to make the drive without him. I may look into it after a location is locked in. I have family in Dallas. If it's close to them, I might feel more comfortable traveling by myself. I can't wait until our whole family is able to attend together

We will more than likely drive and I think you are on the way, so maybe you could talk to <wife> and see if there is an opportunity. Not sure, but might be worth thinking about.
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We will more than likely drive and I think you are on the way, so maybe you could talk to <wife> and see if there is an opportunity. Not sure, but might be worth thinking about.
Well now that Nathan may be coming home early instead of taking leave in May, he may actually be able to attend! If not I will consider other options
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I had to look it up too.
The Zecster, increasing our vocabulary singlehanded.

I mean, that’s a very necessary word in our line of thinking.
My parents used to call us lugubrious when we were being weird as teenagers. They'd heavily draw out the second "u" though so they'd ask us if we were "lugoooooooobrious" and make duck lips. In all fairness this was before the internet and no one knew how ridiculous duck lips were. Those were happier times.
I was just I was just wondering, do we have to use the same email address that we login to The Forum? I used a different one and haven't heard anything that's why I'm asking.
You do not have to use the same email address. The womens retreat has been the focus for the past few weeks, but now that that's behind us, you should soon be hearing more about what we'll be doing this summer.
Negative. Everybody that could/would/should be planning is up to their ears in personal/family stuff. Give us a coupla weeks and then ask again if you haven't heard anything.

Edit: This was a response to a post 4/1 asking for an update, which post has been deleted by its author.
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Good evening, my wife was just inquiring with me on when the July retreat will be we're not worried about where at in Texas. We are more worried about what weekend because the calendar for July is filling up with those who want time off and if she is going to request time off she needs to do it soon. So if you all have any particular time schedule on when that would be, it would be greatly appreciated. Sorry to be a bother I'm just excited that my wife wants to go to one. May you have a wonderful and blessed day. Edward
Well, here we go! The retreat has been planned for a location in southern Oklahoma, the last weekend in July (July 26-28, and as mentioned above, those who are interested may stay from July 25-29). Prices range from $69/nt (2 ppl) to $109/nt (6 ppl) (with $79 for 3, $89 for 4, and $99 for 5). You can save $10/nt on a two person or six person room if you bring your own sheets and towels. Tent and RV camping are also available.

So now we need to know who’s coming, and the sooner the better, as the larger the block of folks we represent, the stronger our negotiating position on final prices for meeting room rental, dining facility rental, activity pricing, and those sorts of things.

Let us know as soon as reasonably possible whether you intend to join us this summer. Hope to see you there!