• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

501(c) status

And stop living in clouds. We don't get to choose master in this life. Reality is that any government is way superior to us. We can, sometimes, choose which rules among ones provided by government we can choose.
Yet we are told to. Maybe you're right, and we can't truly serve God in this life (I know that I can't do it perfectly yet, but I consider most of that to be because of my own failings, not due to some tyrant stopping me). But we are told to choose. We are told to do it today, not tomorrow. Not decide today who you'll follow in the future.
And stop choose your master question. It's a trick. Answer is obvious: Christ. Where is trick? You are implying that we can choose not to live according to state rules. Fine, you first. Stop paying all taxes and drive as you wish. See how it goes.
I think anyone who is actually doing that is highly unlikely to announce it on this forum. But I for one find it to be very difficult to separate from all the evil in this world without either substantial resources (land for homesteading and becoming self-sufficient) or acceptance of poverty (and no wife or kids).
*Voluntary spanking is great example. State can decide that any spanking, even voluntary is jail time for man.
Yet we are told to. Maybe you're right, and we can't truly serve God in this life (I know that I can't do it perfectly yet, but I consider most of that to be because of my own failings, not due to some tyrant stopping me). But we are told to choose. We are told to do it today, not tomorrow. Not decide today who you'll follow in the future.
This is more accept reality. Choose your master has sense when choice is Jesus or Satan. Then it's whose ethical code.

But there is no sense when choice is Jesus or state because you can't avoid state, althought there are some trys in progress.
I think anyone who is actually doing that is highly unlikely to announce it on this forum. But I for one find it to be very difficult to separate from all the evil in this world without either substantial resources (land for homesteading and becoming self-sufficient) or acceptance of poverty (and no wife or kids).
Point is that @Mark C keeps asking same question with obvious answer and unwelcome implications. It's fishing one answer forcing you to agree with him.

It's like: When did you last time beat your wife? This question is fishing your confession that you are regular wife beater. Best answer is one which avoids any confession.

Don't admit publically your potential crimes.
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And stop living in clouds. We don't get to choose master in this life. Reality is that any government is way superior to us. We can, sometimes, choose which rules among ones provided by government we can choose.
I'm sorry that you grew up in a place where you never understood 'freedom'. Sadly, most kids here now don't either.

But don't EVER think that just because you live in tyranny, you don't have a choice.

That is the POINT of Deuteronomy 30.

You should even know better than to fear those who can only kill the body...

And you will have a choice about the "Mark of the Beast," too. Most just won't have the guts to make it. But the Tyranny will be of the very Same Source.
Point is that @Mark C keeps asking same question with obvious answer and unwelcome implications.
You don't have to like the implications, or the choice.

But don't blame me for quoting Him. The fact that you evidently don't have the COJONES to "walk what you talk" is your own issue to work out prayerfully with Him, too.

There ARE actually people - too bad you don't know any - who are willing to die for their King, Savior, and Creator.
This is all BS.

First, I asked what causes bad repute for 501(c) organization.
No, you didn't. What you said first was:
I don't get why some people here are so obsessed that 501(c) must be source of corruption.
You were wrong about "corruption" per se. But as one who has written on that topic a lot, even though it has been addressed here MANY times, I replied. I can't help that you didn't like the answer, but the fact that you didn't understand what 'jurisdiction' means didn't help.
Well, this caused wastage of two days. It would be more if @Earth_is- didn't find answer.
When he realized you couldn't understand "forest," he tried to show you a tree.

And I still don't think you have a clue about what the concept of 'jurisdiction' even means. Much less why it matters.

Can you read Romans 6:16?

"Do you not know that to whom you submit yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?"
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@Earth_is-, there is no word in Greek for "wife" (or Hebrew for that matter). The word is "woman".

When a woman is married, she is described in Greek or Hebrew as a man's woman. In modern English however, we don't write "Peter's woman", we write "Peter's wife", as a matter of linguistic convention - because we have two words ("wife" and "woman") and use them differently. While Greek has one word and uses it in both cases.

The reason gyne is usually translated "wife" is, quite simply, because most times it is used it is obviously in the context talking about a married woman. And in English, a married woman is called a "wife". So the translators correctly render it "wife" in English in these verses, which just happen to be the majority. But the original word is still simply "woman".
@Mark C, if you'd simply quoted a paragraph from the actual legislation in reply to @MemeFan this entire argument would never have happened. I cannot understand why you insist on writing so many emotive evidence-free assertions that you are right, rather than just quoting something to show that you're right - which would have concisely dealt with both @MemeFan and @The Revolting Man simultaneously. This is a frequent issue.
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I don't know my Greek, but I know that the majority of the time it's translated to 'wife' in the New Testament. Also:

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It is the context which determines whether the English word woman or wife is used to translate the various forms of the Greek word. Cheers

@Earth_is-, there is no word in Greek for "wife" (or Hebrew for that matter). The word is "woman".

When a woman is married, she is described in Greek or Hebrew as a man's woman. In modern English however, we don't write "Peter's woman", we write "Peter's wife", as a matter of linguistic convention - because we have two words ("wife" and "woman") and use them differently. While Greek has one word and uses it in both cases.

The reason gyne is usually translated "wife" is, quite simply, because most times it is used it is obviously in the context talking about a married woman. And in English, a married woman is called a "wife". So the translators correctly render it "wife" in English in these verses, which just happen to be the majority. But the original word is still simply "woman".
The flat earther is correct here… actually all three of you are correct. There is no Greek word for wife and it is the context that informs the translation of the word “woman”. However, the context of Matthew 5:28 tells us the word should be translated “wife”, because biblically it is not adultery to desire an unmarried woman.
Let’s try a different tack here.

If you agree with seeking a license from the state for your marriage, then you probably will see no problem with seeking a license (501C3) from the state for your “church”.
If you don’t believe in a state license (permission) for marriage, why would you accept/seek it for your congregation?

“Because that’s different” won’t be considered an intelligent answer.
Edit: Let me make this clear up front. 'Corporate law' and '501c(3) exemptions' are creations of men, not of YHVH. What is IMPORTANT is what He says, not what men say He should have said. Or what they say instead. My original point was, is, and remains: Who do we serve? If we understand that, we won't get deceived by what men try to do to circumvent His Instruction.

The implication of the question, as asked here, is "why not just start with what is MOST important?" Which, evidently, isn't His Word. Which makes it funny, what some find 'most compelling'.

@Mark C, if you'd simply quoted a paragraph from the actual legislation in reply to @MemeFan this entire argument would never have happened. I cannot understand why you insist on writing so many emotive evidence-free assertions that you are right, rather than just quoting something to show that you're right - which would have concisely dealt with both @MemeFan and @The Revolting Man simultaneously. This is a frequent issue.
Because I'm not your personal AI search tool assistant, Samuel! IF none of you can be bothered even to do a simple web search, why do you insist someone else to the tiny bit of real work you won't do yourself? Both you and Zec repeatedly brag about how you NEVER listen to anything I teach, or any shows I do. Am I required to WRITE it here, just so you don't have to study even a bit on your own?

The thread TITLE is (albeit, arguably wrong) about the IRS code, section 501, and a subpart, that the creator of those identified corporate entities chooses to call "non-profit". I saw pontification. And yet none of the pontificators bothered to read what they prattle so about?

The REAL answer is, because I presume (*** yeah - I know ***) that people here are at least a TINY bit familiar with the "Law 101 Basics" of what they are so vociferously trying to argue! Good grief. This is stuff I have talked about, TAUGHT about, done radio shows about, interviewed guests about, for over TWENTY YEARS. And written about here for at least half of that. Please humbly forgive me for thinking that you by now should have heard me talk about it a dozen times or more. Much less at least read the statute if you won't.

Do I have to "prove" that Biden is senile? Or that the election was rigged? Or that the Bible makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that you "cannot serve two masters," or that idolatry is prohibited? Or that rebellion to Him, in SO many ways, brings curses? OOOPS --- THOSE things get censored and banned.

This is supposed to be BIBLICAL Families. We start with Scripture. (And, as I contend, ALL fundamental US "Law" - the 'Law of the land" - comes DIRECTLY from Scripture!)

Can you at least ADMIT the problem????!!!!!!

PS> And, until this edit, note that I didn't even say "Whore Church." But - you all know I thought it!
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PPS> And I can't help but think this is somehow apropos.

Maybe some might find it 'compelling' - or at least 'food for thought.'

The Supreme Law of the Land, Article II of the Bill of Rights, says in part that the RIGHT, "of the people, to keep and bear arms, shall NOT be infringed."

So how is it that there are 20,000+++ so-called "gun control laws" in a nation in which ANY are so explicitly prohibited?"

Could it be that you can "trade essential liberty for a little temporary security," as Ben Franklin said? And he was, it turns out, paraphrasing Scripture again, in that Esau, "traded his birthright for a cup of pottage." And, thus, says YHVH, he "despised" his birthright.

Gee, that outta ring some bells!

Some here, in this thread, would just say - "C'mon, cut the guy a break; he was just hungry."

So how is it that people who once had a 'God-given, and Constitutionally-PROTECTED, UNalienable Right' to "keep and bear arms" (ALL arms!) now find they are "slaves to another master"?

Asked, and answered.

And, note (anybody want to demand I scan a 4337 form for them? Or can I ASSUME that should be obvious, too?) - NOW Big Brother is exercising what the 'law' once called "prior restraint." And look at that thing and THINK ABOUT what your are signing!

A slave can't even "buy or sell" something they once had a God-given right to OWN without the permission of that "other master."

Jurisdiction matters. Choose this day Whom you will serve.
Because I'm not your personal AI search tool assistant, Samuel! IF none of you can be bothered even to do a simple web search, why do you insist someone else to the tiny bit of real work you won't do yourself? Both you and Zec repeatedly brag about how you NEVER listen to anything I teach, or any shows I do. Am I required to WRITE it here, just so you don't have to study even a bit on your own?

The thread TITLE is (albeit, arguably wrong) about the IRS code, section 501, and a subpart, that the creator of those identified corporate entities chooses to call "non-profit". I saw pontification. And yet none of the pontificators bothered to read what they prattle so about?
Because situation isn't so simple.

Simple web search is good for finding basic fact. What is situation requires judgement and discernment? As analogy, why is my wifey unhappy with polgyny idea? How useful would search be? It can only generate thesis which requires additional research. Or maybe better approach would be to ask for advice?

Just because church is 501(c) doesn't it's bad because of 501(c) regulation. Churches using 501(c) is normal (meaning usual, regular) and since normal Christianity isn't good in US, real reason could any reason(s) why normal churches are bad. Maybe 501(c) is just coincidence.

And answering this question requires somebody with understanding of situation which web search doesn't provide.

And I started this thread because taxes are current intellectual interest, read text from first post, connected dots (bad reputation of 501(c) churches and taxed can't reason) and asked question out of curiosity.

I certainly didn't want to spend 100s of hours finding why US churches are bad. All I expected is, maybe, someone knows situation better and can provide 5 minute answer.
The Supreme Law of the Land, Article II of the Bill of Rights, says in part that the RIGHT, "of the people, to keep and bear arms, shall NOT be infringed."

So how is it that there are 20,000+++ so-called "gun control laws" in a nation in which ANY are so explicitly prohibited?"

Could it be that you can "trade essential liberty for a little temporary security," as Ben Franklin said? And he was, it turns out, paraphrasing Scripture again, in that Esau, "traded his birthright for a cup of pottage." And, thus, says YHVH, he "despised" his birthright.

Gee, that outta ring some bells!

Some here, in this thread, would just say - "C'mon, cut the guy a break; he was just hungry."

So how is it that people who once had a 'God-given, and Constitutionally-PROTECTED, UNalienable Right' to "keep and bear arms" (ALL arms!) now find they are "slaves to another master"?
Because interpretation of law matters. That how obvious sentence becomes word salad when somebody wants it to means something else.
I'm sorry that you grew up in a place where you never understood 'freedom'. Sadly, most kids here now don't either.

But don't EVER think that just because you live in tyranny, you don't have a choice.

That is the POINT of Deuteronomy 30.
West was never free society after end on Middle Ages. Claim of West being freer than rest makes sense and true. Horewer, we have replaced absolute rule of kings with absolute rule of parlament. Which means somebody can run your whole life and you have hardly any vote in this.

Situation same as on slave plantation, althought we are treated better.
You should even know better than to fear those who can only kill the body...

And you will have a choice about the "Mark of the Beast," too. Most just won't have the guts to make it. But the Tyranny will be of the very Same Source.
You don't have to like the implications, or the choice.

But don't blame me for quoting Him. The fact that you evidently don't have the COJONES to "walk what you talk" is your own issue to work out prayerfully with Him, too.

There ARE actually people - too bad you don't know any - who are willing to die for their King, Savior, and Creator.
This is Christian forum, therefore answer is obvious. Real question is why are you insisting so much on this question? What you get by getting from me obvious answer? Sense of moral superiority. Sense you being right? Satisfaction that I agree with you?

I don't get why you insist on this so much? Why is that so much important to you?

Real issue wasn't never about which moral code to live. It was about living this in our world as it is.

In Nero's time it was spiritually wise to keep as much of Lord Law as possible and extremely worldly stupid to proclaim yourself Christian. Why volunter to make yourself lion food in arena?

There is so much idealistic undercurrent in your posts.
No, you didn't. What you said first was:
I don't have to say my thesis in first sentence. Question was and still is: why some consider 501(c) bad and taxes can't be reason.
You were wrong about "corruption" per se. But as one who has written on that topic a lot, even though it has been addressed here MANY times, I replied. I can't help that you didn't like the answer, but the fact that you didn't understand what 'jurisdiction' means didn't help.
When he realized you couldn't understand "forest," he tried to show you a tree.

And I still don't think you have a clue about what the concept of 'jurisdiction' even means. Much less why it matters.
We obviously use different mental model for jurisdiction. I just don't see your explanation of your model. Before this is fixed, further communication is useless. I have provided mine.
What is the fundamental public policy on things like cross dressing and homosexuality and transgenderism? The fundamental policy is love and inclusion. So they push it down your kids’ throats through the schooling system, and the things they watch (movies/shows/video games/entertainment).

What does the Creator say about it? It’s an abomination for a man to lie with another man. It’s an abomination to cross dress.

So because of their union with an additional master - they are trying very hard to please them both. They want to please the Savior of mankind and they want to please the state. A church/state system is an un-holy and adulterous union.

The state says that polygyny is a wicked sin, and they hate it so much they’ve made it illegal. So the 501c3 church, in order to please their additional master, they will twist the scriptures (I call it dancing with the dragon - because I find it honestly disgusting the way they will twist it), and they will throw polygyny under the bus; which means throwing the Creator under the bus, his faithful servants, and his perfect torah.

You cannot have two masters:

Mathew 6:24
No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.
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I don't have to say my thesis in first sentence. Question was and still is: why some consider 501(c) bad and taxes can't be reason.
Because it explicitly means:
1) "strings attached."
2) submission "to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and laws."

and, yes:

3) obedience to "another master."
We obviously use different mental model for jurisdiction. I just don't see your explanation of your model.

Romans 6:16 --

Do you not know that to whom you submit yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?

Actually, I did explain precisely that "explanation of my model." Page 3 of this very thread. (7:16 PM yesterday, in whatever time zone applies)
The flat earther is correct here… actually all three of you are correct. There is no Greek word for wife and it is the context that informs the translation of the word “woman”. However, the context of Matthew 5:28 tells us the word should be translated “wife”, because biblically it is not adultery to desire an unmarried woman.
My original comment was made in regard to what was posted here...
The Greek does not say "woman." It says "wife."
Hence my follow-up comment...
It is the context which determines whether the English word woman or wife is used to translate the various forms of the Greek word.
The English translation of Matt. 5:28 is incorrect, however that in not because there is a Greek word for wife that has been mistranslated. Cheers