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501(c) status

What you can do is speak to biblical character (is it ok to sleep around on your wife or grab women's private parts without permission) and the biblical stance on political issues and even hand out a list showing the candidates and which stances they take. BUT stop short of stating support for or tell people not to vote for a particular candidate. It is a fine line, but churches have been navigating it for some time now.
Same as in Croatia, althought I haven't heard of candidate/party grading

Here we have proof 501(c) isn't problem.
In 1954 501c3 was established.

Roughly 10 years later bibles were gone from the public school.

Another 10 years later abortion became legalized.

On and on we go.

My question is if the churches didn’t trade their free speech for money - could they had all gotten together and rallied against any candidate that had intentions to pass something that was contrary to the faith?

I think the answer is yes. Which is just more the reason to “come out of her so you don’t partake in her plagues.”

They've cursed themselves. They’ve cursed their land. So is the adversary the wicked one? He simply made an offer. He didn’t force anyone to accept it. Just like he didn’t force anyone to bow down to pagan idols, so they can have sex with desirable prostitutes.
This proves nothing except something bad happened after introduction of 501(c).

Tons of revelant events are being missed like sexual revolution of sixties and invention of pill. Both introduced idea of pregnancy-free sex. Abortion is natural consequence.

Causality requires mechanism how something A has caused something B.
This proves nothing except something bad happened after introduction of 501(c).

Tons of revelant events are being missed like sexual revolution of sixties and invention of pill. Both introduced idea of pregnancy-free sex. Abortion is natural consequence.

Causality requires mechanism how something A has caused something B.
The churches removed their right to speech - removed their right to warn their congregation - for money. They also cannot preach something that goes fundamentally against what the world preaches.

James 4:4
4 You adulterous people, dont you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God?Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

Ezekiel talks about the watchmen on the wall - having to warn the people. How can a 501c3 church warn if they taped their own mouths shut?

The church and state should be separated as much as possible. They should never be holding hands together. That was one reason why the United States was a blessing. The separation of state and church. But churches decided to forsake that separation for one reason or another.
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Both you and Zec repeatedly brag about how you NEVER listen to anything I teach, or any shows I do.
Because you don’t teach. You rant about how stupid everyone else is. And this is a discussion forum, not a teaching platform.
Am I required to WRITE it here, just so you don't have to study even a bit on your own?
Aren’t you at reacher? Isn’t this what you do? Allegedly.
You don't have to apply for "501c tax status" or anything like that, you don't have to sign any agreement with the government. All churches are automatically considered charities. So how could you possibly be a "non-501c3 church" anyway? You could only be a church that didn't bother to claim back taxes, but that would just be sloppy accounting.
The problem is, you don't understand how NOT TO STEP INTO State-made TRAP.
What. Trap. There’s no trap. You can’t show us a trap. Where’s the trap? This whole thing is something you heard someone say once and you fixated on without ever examining it. The government can not trap you spiritually. That’s a ridiculous statement.
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What. Trap. There’s no trap. You can’t show us a trap. Where’s the trap? This whole thing is something you heard someone say once and you fixated on without ever examining it. The government can not trap you spiritually. That’s a ridiculous statement.
The trap is very simple. Any deal or arrangement that concludes with this — “We will do something for you, but you have to do something for us.”

If that “something for us” means (among other things) compromising on the Word of YAH, or removing your right to expose darkness in any way shape or form (including targeting political opponents to the faith), then you’ve fallen into the trap. The state and church are supposed to be as separate as possible.

That is how the Roman Catholic Church became what it is today. Constantine did not like some of the things YHVH wrote. So they compromised on the Word - and in return - it became the official religion of Europe through the merger of the state and church power.
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The trap is very simple. Any deal or arrangement that concludes with this — “We will do something for you, but you have to do something for us.”

If that “something for us” means (among other things) compromising on the Word of YAH, or removing your right to expose darkness in any way shape or form (including targeting political opponents to the faith), then you’ve fallen into the trap. The state and church are supposed to be as separate as possible.

That is how the Roman Catholic Church became what it is today. Constantine did not like some of the things YHVH wrote. So they compromised on the Word - and in return - it became the official religion of Europe through the merger of the state and church power.
Except that is nowhere in the law. Or the application. Or anywhere. The only thing you can’t do is endorse candidates as an institution. It’s not a good law but it’s not idol worship.
Here's what you gotta understand, @Earth_is-

BF is a lot like the Church/State in that regard. It's not really "law" --
but whatever it is, the Moderators will tell you. Which is all that matters.

It's not a good law, but it's not idol worship.

And you're wasting your time thinking you can say otherwise.
These pastors that came from the 501c3 say otherwise:

I watched most of this video. First it starts with assumption of false teachers, then tries to prove it. I dislike first setting frame, then pushing evidence. It would be more neutral if it starts with evidence, then leading to conclusion.

It contains testimony of pastor (second guy) claiming 501(c) is "suffocating". Sadly pastor fails to provide any example how suffocation was done. So this could be just his feelings.

It starts with man (first guy) doing speech and listing some things IRS is supposedly requiring. What is problem with requiring distinct ecclesiastical goverment? You mean IRS requires church to be priests (or someone similar) in charge?

What is best this guy claim only Catholic church fulfills this requirement.

IRS requires code of doctrine and discipline. So issue is that church must know what it believes?

Also church must have "established places of worship". You mean church must be religious institution? And religious institution (institution: pattern of behaviour) does some religious rituals somewhere in some sacred (read: special place) place. So IRS requires church to behave as religion, instead of say, drunken party.

Now, I may be biased in sense I disregarded something dangerous, but this guy doesn't seems like somebody serious.

Any IRS requirement must be sign of state control. 501(c) is for churches and requiring church to be church to quality is bloody normal and excepted. Otherwise, what is stoping football club from claiming 501(c) status? Hello.

Cause is principle of rule of law. Simple, IRS bureaucrat must not have any discretion (this is rule of man), so list of tests must be provided which only churches can satisfy.

And personally third guy is best. Problem is that 501(c) forbids inference in legislative process and campaign process. This guy actually want that when some immoral law is in consideration and/or some immoral politician is campaigning that pastors are able to stop that.

What is called form of governement when priests are in charge? Theocracy. So actually, this guy doesn't want separation of church and state. Look, separation implies no direct influence by state on church and opposite too. If church can directly influence governement, then this is backdoor state church (actually, state doesn't have church, but church has state. In practice same.).

At 16 of 22 minutes I lost interest. Conclusion: no real proof, video creator claiming that IRS "oppression" is actually modern Enlightenment secular democracy working as designed.

It' my personal opinion now it time to comment video creators IQ in unfavorable light, but I will be diplomatic.
The trap is very simple. Any deal or arrangement that concludes with this — “We will do something for you, but you have to do something for us.”

If that “something for us” means (among other things) compromising on the Word of YAH, or removing your right to expose darkness in any way shape or form (including targeting political opponents to the faith), then you’ve fallen into the trap. The state and church are supposed to be as separate as possible.

That is how the Roman Catholic Church became what it is today. Constantine did not like some of the things YHVH wrote. So they compromised on the Word - and in return - it became the official religion of Europe through the merger of the state and church power.
Provide example how it's done today. Otherwise, all you have is warning of potential danger. Which may not exist.
Provide example how it's done today. Otherwise, all you have is warning of potential danger. Which may not exist.
Same goes for most of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc. They are a "warning of potential danger. Which may not exist."

Or may get you killed. Who do you trust?

PS> History is a good indicator in that regard...
Why is applying the tax code, as stupid as the tax code is, a spiritual issue?

Ephesians 6:12 KJV — For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places.
Geneva bible translation

Laws that are implemented enforced that oppose control or subjugate against YAH are by default a spiritual issue.

For example the law of bigamy.


Ephesians 6:12 KJV — For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places.
Geneva bible translation

Laws that are implemented enforced that oppose control or subjugate against YAH are by default a spiritual issue.

For example the law of bigamy.

The tax code is flesh and blood. The text you quote says we don’t struggle against it….
Laws that are implemented enforced that oppose control or subjugate against YAH are by default a spiritual issue.

For example the law of bigamy.

They are also idolatry.

PS> And for those who refuse to see: We don't "struggle" against things that don't apply to us. It's about jurisdiction. We serve another Master.

And there MAY come a time to "take up a spear." Pinchas did. But he had discernment.
For example the law of bigamy.
Good point, @JudahYAHites, and thanks for the reminder. I'd've though it would be obvious to most here, but it goes to the heart of the blindness:

The "law" (plural, depending) against "bigamy" is illustrative, and most here - even those who pretend no to 'get it' - can see through the subterfuge, and, yes, the "legal language."

What is 'bigamy'? (and don't try to get away with parroting just what WEBSTER says.)
Does such apply to you if you don't ask for a "license"?
Is it even a real "law"? (Hint: Not if it "prohibits the free exercise" of His Word, and our faith in Him, "as Written." How's that for a loaded reminder?)

By the way, where's the language in the contract? What do the words on a "marriage license" mean? The easiest solution, long espoused here, is just don't make that "deal wit the Devil," to begin with.

But if you check Black's Law, under 'polygamy,' you'll see that WHATEVER that word means in that "jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution and Law," it is, and I quote, "a crime in every State." "third degree felony," even. Maybe words really do matter.

I wonder if there's a 501c(3) connection?

PS> This one, studied through the rabbit trails, will REALLY open some eyes. It did mine! And note that, somewhere down there, you'll find the legal term "this State". Whatever that means, it's a place I'll suggest you don' wanna be.
A blasphemous gospel is calling YHVH a sinner. His perfect torah a sin. His righteous servants that practiced polygyny - sinners. That’s what a blasphemous gospel is. Throwing the Creator under the bus in favor of Roman law.

There is indeed a connection with bigamy and 501c3 churches. They are in bed together.
A blasphemous gospel is calling YHVH a sinner. His perfect torah a sin. His righteous servants that practiced polygyny - sinners. That’s what a blasphemous gospel is. Throwing the Creator under the bus in favor of Roman law.

There is indeed a connection with bigamy and 501c3 churches. They are in bed together.
There has to be room in your theology for people to be mistaken, for them to have gotten it wrong but being on a journey towards a more perfect understanding.

People further down that road than you look at you and you seem as far away from the truth as the people you’re looking back at.

If non profit status is a blasphemy to you then you are a ridiculous caricature. 591c3 churches could absolutely teach the truth of polygyny. In fact they have. Hell, the National Polygamy Advocate trademarked his organization. This is just a bonkers conversation. You and @Mark C have lost your way.