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A Message on Girly Greatness

Yes, it is a devastating thing, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! I'm amazed at the comments on this brother's misfortune. The blame that has been automatically laid at his feet. The finger pointing. He didn't have the affair; she did. The heartache of betrayal cannot be understood if you haven't experienced the pain. I'm going to bed tonight truly saddened by what I've seen in this thread.

I don't want this to descend one more inch towards acrimony or division so I will make one statement and then go dark on this one. This "man" is spreading a false and destructive teaching that is literally killing people and causing the downfall of our society. And I'm trying to be a little restrained in my rhetoric. He doesn't deserve sympathy. He is the enemy. If he repents and recants then he deserves forgiveness and restoration. But while he is still attacking the truth and spreading lies all while claiming to be a messenger of the Gospel he must be treated like an enemy combatant.
At first I skipped the video and just started reading the posts (no particular reason for skipping), and upon reading all the bashing and really negative comments about 5 posts down, I thought, "Man, I probably should go back and see what's in this video for myself." So I did, and I'm glad I did! It's amazing to me how we as believers sterotype, and consider that okay, and then justify it. It's actually become one of my pet peeves!

Frankly, I get really tired of the millenials who go around saying this or that person "Is gay" just because---you name it, "they look like it", "they sound like it", "they act like it", "they dress like it", "they talk like it", etc., etc. In my day, accusing someone of being gay was fighting ground--no questions asked! IF you said some one was, you'd better have your ducks in a row and solid facts to back up your statement or accusation because you just might get your clock cleaned if it wasn't so. That meant for a fact you knew they were in a same sex relationship. Our young people are accosted by the gay/lesbian movement becoming so prominent in the government schools and promoted by Hollywood, and it has become common place to speak freely of such ungodly behavior. Our society has done everything it can to create effeminate men and emasculate women. The pulpits rightly denounce the sin but often have failed to remind that God died for that soul just like He did for our sinful soul. Of course, you know, that IF someone were a dike or a fag, they still are a part of the "whosoever will"!

This guy had passion about the message he presented. Would to God all of our men would have the same passion! True, he used some trite phrases which were turn offs, but at 28 years old, he's barely out of college, still developing his style, probably barely married more than 5 years, maybe even not a dad yet since he didn't mention any children, and still has a very healthy personal identity of himself as a man and respects women as God intended, and ISN'T ashamed or afraid to lay it out there. You've got to wonder what sort of men mentored him. BTW--he had no choice over how his voice developed any more than you had a choice in what color your eyes are.

There's not a single example he presented from Scripture that was incorrect or not so. As well versed as I am on all the stories presented, I was glad to hear a couple of new thoughts or info I hadn't thought of or known. (ie: the treasury was located in the women's court, the writing on the ground "was against the men", the prophetess Hulda was a contemporary of Jeremiah and Zacheriah) That's always refreshing.

I'm certainly NOT a big fan of the "Can I get an amen?" or "Somebody say 'church'!" or "Can I get a word of confirmation?" Coming from the circles I've been in for the past 45 years, I'm personally sick of the preacher asking for a cheerleader from the pew!

Thank you Wifeofhisyouth for posting the video. I can only hope his message didn't fall on deaf ears.

Yes, it is a devastating thing, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! I'm amazed at the comments on this brother's misfortune. The blame that has been automatically laid at his feet. The finger pointing. He didn't have the affair; she did. The heartache of betrayal cannot be understood if you haven't experienced the pain. I'm going to bed tonight truly saddened by what I've seen in this thread.

Thank you @rejoicinghandmaid . I feel and felt exactly the same.
Thank you Wifeofhisyouth for posting the video. I can only hope his message didn't fall on deaf ears.

Oh dear sister, I did NOT share this video as something any of us should take as truth. His entire message is sprinkled with things from the Bible but the rest was full of poison. Though he quotes scripture, he continually spins emotional ties and falsities that not only aid the the current misinterpretation of the true Words of the Father but corrupt the mind even further of the proper God give gender roles we were designed to have. I was deeply saddened listening to the message knowing that our culture looks more at his passion on a topic over the words he is actually speaking. We are living in an emotionally driven culture that thrives on the pumped up speaker (even if they are spewing lies!) and fail to even look at the very words spoken to compare it to scripture.

I am saddened that these teachings are being spread across the world from church to church as he teaches on stages and on the radio.
Anybody and anything is possible


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