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Abortion News

Takes time for this type of dissent to build momentum.
Sadly the willful momentum of the lawless and selfish is gonna be pretty hard to overcome without divine intervention.
The only comfort I can find for my rational half of my brain is that sins are inherited, and the poor children of people so selfish will not have to bear an added sin load. May their innocent souls rest in peace. :(

Another key example, Boxer argued in an interview, was abortion. While state governments have recently taken the lead in challenging the Supreme Court’s 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade by enacting restrictions on the procedure, Congress was a central front in the abortion wars from the 1970s through the 1990s. In the 1980s, for example, the Senate defeated multiple attempts to advance a constitutional amendment that would have allowed states to restrict or ban abortion despite the federal ruling. “To me, without the women of the Senate, we would have never been able to make the case for these guys to stay out of private decisions,” Boxer said. “I was one of the leaders, and I could tell you it was not easy. But we won every single time.”

The United States Senate failed to get the necessary 60 votes to advance two pro-life bills, one of which was aimed at banning abortions after 20 weeks into a pregnancy while another required medical care for babies that survive the procedure.....

Both measures failed to get the necessary three-fifths majority, with nearly all Democrats voting against both bills and nearly all Republicans voting in favor of both.

Notable exceptions included Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who voted in favor of both measures, and Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine, who voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Also, Democratic Senator Doug Jones of Alabama voted in favor of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

Once again, Democrats support infanticide.
There are those who worship a different god and view each abortion as a sacrifice to their god.
It’s getting to the point that the loving thing will be to correct us.
Could be. I trust Him to make that call. Yah is letting things proceed toward insane ends for some Purpose, and I also trust we will eventually recognize His Wisdom in the matter. At the moment, though, it's certainly mighty puzzling.

Something that comforts me somewhat and perhaps shouldn't, but it does, is that I had occasion a few decades ago to meet a woman labeled as psychiatrically-disabled who in every other respect was entirely functional and was fully possessed of her wits, intelligent, focused, compassionate, articulate about her faith, etc., etc. But she believed she was one of several older women scattered throughout the world who had been assigned by God to nurture the souls of aborted infants until they reached full term and could be released for their futures which include automatic admission to Heaven. This woman took care of every detail of her life. Every weekend she drove from Wilmington DE to NYC to spend it with her adult son. She always showed up for every appointment, no matter what it was for. She did all her own shopping. She went to work, performing as an upper level supervisor, for a bank, if my memory serves me correctly. She was only referred to our program because she had been thrown out of a second apartment because she disclosed that she was harboring aborted fetuses in her womb. During each evening visit I made to her apartment (necessary because of her job), sometime in the middle of talking with each other, she would spread her legs a bit (dressed very modestly in a mid-length skirt) and begin talking to each emerging unborn child by name, some of which she said she assigned them because the parents had never given them one. She said she wasn't shocked that I couldn't see them, because no one besides her ever seemed to be able to, but she said she never got over her surprise that they were invisible to everyone else. What I would now assert she was describing about each of them was that they were already possessed of their celestial bodies, and she was delighted to watch them play with each other.

I was the clinical director of a social services agency for homeless psychiatrically-disabled individuals. On all our paperwork, this woman was labeled as being schizophrenic, but, aside from her statements about the unborn children she was carrying around with her, she was more functional than the average person, highly articulate, sophisticated, diligent about self care, and possessed of great wisdom. I found -- and I was deep in my agnosticism at the time -- that I could come to no other conclusion than that, no matter how implausible it seemed, this woman was actually able to see beings no other human being around her could see -- and that she had indeed been assigned by Someone to finish something other humans had decided to abandon.

It was just one of the puzzle pieces that led me back to YHWH.

In my mind, there is no greater abomination than the murder of an innocent human being who is literally "flesh of my flesh" for the person doing the murdering, but I'm not at all surprised that our Father has made arrangements to correct even just such abominations.
I just can’t engage with this right now. Why won’t God strike us down?
It’s getting to the point that the loving thing will be to correct us.

Have you looked at the state of our society lately? Compare it to Romans 1 and Isaiah 3.

God has judged us and we're living the consequences right now. It's only going to get worse until our society repents or is destroyed.

Because He loves us more than we can even comprehend.

God's love for the innocent victim requires justice be wrought against the people and society which continually spill the blood of the innocent.