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Attending Church as biblical family believers

Cowpox gave immunity from smallpox.
Consider yourself a carrier of the cowpox of Truth and attempt to infect as many as possible, immunizing them from the smallpox of Traditions.
I have done this a number of times now and it can indeed end badly and it can end okay. I have been kicked out and persecuted relentlessly and I've also recieved some mostly bored , noncommittal nods. My parents heads exploded, my mainstream church men's group didn't even hiccup (I had thoroughly plowed that ground with David for multiple years though.)
It helps if you are already considered a bit of an unpredictable wild man, no one is too shocked by me anymore, a dangerous state that leaves fighting nigh near uncontrollable urges to up my game. I think it's easier for Torah types too because we already have shown an affinity fot the Old Testament in areas that don't mean we get to have sex with multiple women.
These are just some random thoughts to put a little human interest behind what @andrew is saying. He's right. We all need to stand for the truth. We can be wise. We can be careful, but we can't be silent.
Texas, of course!

Although Belize might be a close second....
Nah, man, do your homework. ;) Belize is actually pretty temperate, and cooler than what I put up with every year in Central Texas! :eek:
Mm, can't say I'm interested in stomping through the jungle. What about down on the beach?

Full disclosure: I haven't been, I'm thinking about going sometime this year. My sister and brother-in-law bought oceanfront property down there last year, and the photos and stories are pretty compelling. If I were ever going to bail on the USofA, Belize is top of my list at this point. But I'm trafficking in second-hand information. So far.
Mm, can't say I'm interested in stomping through the jungle. What about down on the beach?

Full disclosure: I haven't been, I'm thinking about going sometime this year. My sister and brother-in-law bought oceanfront property down there last year, and the photos and stories are pretty compelling. If I were ever going to bail on the USofA, Belize is top of my list at this point. But I'm trafficking in second-hand information. So far.

Though you have to admit, there is something TH Lawrence about banding together to carve a living space out of the mysterious jungles of exotic belize, surrounded by our beautiful women and no kings but ourselves? ;)
Let’s go! :cool:
Lol belize... sounds hot, humid, and uncomfortable. Im not sure I would be able to fully enjoy the benefits of being married to 2 doctors in such a place... ;)

Alaska, I hear, has generous salaries tho... lol
Yeah, Alaska is wonderful. ... in July and August. The rest of the year is cold and colder.

But, if you could live in Belize the other ten months, you might have a winner.
Belize is beautiful, and a villa on the coast might be alright. Stay out of the jungle... it bites, stings, craws, slithers, and wants you, parasitically. The humility seems to hover around 120%.

One of the local guys that we became friends with, was robbed while we were there. The thieves stole everything he owned... literally everything, including his underwear and cans of food out of his cupboards. His apartment was completely emptied. :eek:
Yikes! I'll check into crime stats while I'm investigating....
We attend Church on the Couch. It’s a very small tight knit family of believers that love to be together and we’ve been having phenomenal growth evidenced in our relationship with God.

We also occasionally visit other families of believers as the opportunity arises. After reading Pagan Christianity, what we thought was church became intolerable and extremely distasteful to us.

I love the term “church on the couch!”
Those of you who are laying low might try experimenting with being more vocal. Ask questions, don't try to straighten everybody out. What do you think about this? Why do you think that? Etc.

As VV76 pointed out, the groundwork needs to be laid before that plural family shows up. Part of what you have to work through is the sheer shock that someone known and trusted (that's you...) has suddenly lost their mind and may be in the process of losing their salvation and joining a cult. Get that stuff on the table and work through it before that hypothetical family you're waiting for shows up, so when the time comes you can say "see, this is what I was talking about". Otherwise you'll just get booted with them when you stick up for them, and if your fellow churchgoers won't hear you out and 'reason together' now, they're damn sure not going to do it when the you-know-what hits the you-know-where.
I can't agree more. I've expected to get kicked out when I was vocal about polygyny not being a sin. So for 2 years I've spoke up against judgemental or ignorant comments, challenging those who make remarks to back it up with scripture. Then showed how they scriptures used made God into a liar or Yeshua a sinner. We now have 2 semi open poly families that sometime attend our church. The "leadership" of the church knows they are poly families aswell as a handful of the congregation.

Although Belize might be a close second....[/QUOTE]