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It doesn't have to be that direct a comparison.

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A woman you meet at church still might have the heart of a harlot. Perhaps she is an "alpha widow" or "reformed party girl" who has had past relations with a huge number of men, and is looking for a nice religious beta simp to take care and provide for her (and her bastard offspring).

By the way, the word "bastard" is obviously offensive, but is also Biblical.

Some women in church might be truly and radically converted former harlots (like Rahab). I might consider one. Many others are still harlots in their hearts, with a thin veneer of fake piety covering their still wicked natures.

A woman you meet at church might be a feminist, a Marxist, a quarrelsome and contentious woman, a lazy woman, a drunkard or drug addict, mentally ill, actually abusive, etc .

Not all Israel is truly Israel
Ah, Our Mrs. Reynolds, one of my favorite episodes from one of my favorite shows with one of my favorite actresses….
Ah, Our Mrs. Reynolds, one of my favorite episodes from one of my favorite shows with one of my favorite actresses….
It's our favourite show also, we watched it together when dating, have watched it many times through our marriage, and we're currently going through it with our 16-year-old son, having decided he's old enough to maturely handle the content.
Yes, it's dangerous.

But we have to prove their religious is toothless and made them uncool.
And that comes via exposing the cockroaches to light.
Part of that light is a constant relentless fact based mockery.of these horrible people.