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It's the same thing with mail in ballots. Here in tyrannical Washington state, all elections are now mail in only. They play a critical role to keep the criminals in control.
The fun thing is that mail in voting is illegal. Rulled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in a unanimous decision...this included Ginsberg.
See Foster V Love 1997

Election day is a single day and should take place entirely on the day. Casting, counting and announcement. This precludes mail in.

Will it ever be enforced? Does anyone know about it that could make an issue? Yeah...apparently a fair number know about it in power. I am 2° from General Flynn...not a brag or anything, just know people that know people...the brag is that I am also 2° from Kevin Bacon....anyway, he knows and apparently lots of others dp as well but it seems to mean sweet F-all.

It is my opinion that normal sane people will be cheated again and that evil will continue to rein. The empire has had its chips and we are in a hastey decline before collapse.
But then I am the cheerful and optimistic type.
It could be way worse than that
It is my opinion that normal sane people will be cheated again and that evil will continue to rein. The empire has had its chips and we are in a hastey decline before collapse.
But then I am the cheerful and optimistic type.
It could be way worse than that
Relax. Everybody with eyes knows that West is becoming like USSR.

Real risk is violent breaking of Western countries and NATO joining party in Ukraine. Expect continuous disobedience by lower levels of government and population. Nobody accept laws by those who hate them.

This will result in continuos loss of legitimacy and growing impotence by political leadership.
I don't do relax really. Life is mainly concern for the future and attempting to plan to keep the family safe. Relaxation and happiness etc comes in single serving events within the deluge of concern.

We are at the end of the empire and I am a weido who believes the lights are going out in our lifetime. Just always picture me with a tinfoil hat and as the most ironic follower of Noah.
I feel confident things will get worse politically until that entire paradigm ceases to exist and it is survival time for those who are prepared.

So...I am worried about the polits in thst they just make the rest of the plans more difficult.
If I did not hold the beliefs about the future that I hold, I would likely be opening a thread about national political issues and posting loads of breaking stories, studies, analysis and videos pretty much constantly...doesn't seem like a lot of point though. I am already a difficult enough match for any woman that might think 'Haaaay, that guy is Kinda weird but maybe it wouldn't be so bad, I should drop into his DMs'. Get as deep into the politics and social issues as I mike like will certainly have the imaginary hoards of ladies breaking for the hills