• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Based memes

It’s estimated that around fifty million illegal aliens are now in the United States… that’s approximately 1 in 6-ish people in the US are illegals.

It’s so obvious that the western Christian world has been (allowed to be) infiltrated. Once the lights go out - and anarchy rules - those that continued to trust their 501c3 churches will be much worse off than those that put their trust in YAHUAH. The 501c3 churches are in bed with the governments - they do not have your best interest at heart. They teach you lies and call it truth. Some of those lies are meant to weaken the family unit, and weaken the head of the house.

This is just a tiny little teaser of what’s coming. These violent illegals and criminals are going to have an absolute field day with the monogamy only Christian households. Average family has what - maybe 1 or 2 sons? And if mommy and daddy were both working, and the government was raising their children - who knows even if those few sons believe they are males. Who’s going to protect the daughters from gang rapes? Who’s going to protect the wife from a similar fate? 911 won’t work.

The Christian household is WEAK. It’s weak because they have abandoned the Word of YAH. Jacob’s household had 12 sons. Gideon around 70 sons. If you read in numbers - the average family had around 20 sons. When “SHTF” you will be on your own. In those cases - it’s best to have a united household with plenty of sons to protect its members.

They are raping the US dollar for all its worth. With zero plans on paying the debt off. It's all designed to fail. Get your house in order. Before it's too late. "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE." The Titanic has already hit the iceberg. It's no longer "if" it will sink. It's only a matter of "when." Go look it up - many servants of the adversary are building underground bunkers:

No argument found

Would only add that as I mentioned to @theleastofthese in another thread, that it is so much worse than that.

Most will not see

There is a Lot of information to consume. Some simply will not notice patterns. Others have a normalcy bias like iron that can not be broken by information.
Others frankly...well, I will be nice. There are some who only believe bad things happen in other places or in the movies as well as entirely too many who just float along without many thoughts at all