• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

BibFam gets the shoutout... from the pulpit! 😂😂

Didn’t see any comments by that user name… weird
Two different numbers for the same user, but he asked the same question of Fivesolas.

Seems like Fivesolas didn't answer his question. I do find it interesting that he uses the word "polygyny". Could it be one of us pretending to be on the fence? I know RevotlingMan is attempting that tactic.
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You can see from the comments section that user @stevebearsley2308 is somewhat on the fence. He really wants to believe that polygyny is wrong, but he is not seeing the evidence pointing in that direction.
I remember someone here saying years ago that accepting polygyny kinda puts a believer on the pointy end of the spear so to speak. It is a very devisive topic. Probably because of the trend even in Yeshua's time toward monogamy only AND easy divorce. The pagan roots of monogamy only are truly where that doctrine originated....because even IF YHWH's "original intent" was monogamy (and that is a colossal IF) that was before sin and death entered His creation. He obviously, according to the scriptures, allowed, regulated, and BLESSED men who had more than one wife ....and that means original intent is irrelevant at this point.
There are not enough men stepping up and taking responsibility in our modern world. It is good for everyone if those who can husband more than one do so.
First reference is in the first couple of minutes - and it's immediately an uninformed personal attack against Andrew just criticising his photo on the front page. Low blow. I don't have time to watch and find if there are other references right now. But we might get a few visitors from that shoutout to the web address in the first couple of minutes!
This is my first time on this site, and this was the first thing I looked at, and having fought the good fight for almost 50 years, I know everywhere this guy is going. As a Pastor I have fought (debated - yes, some other pastors got a little hot because they could not make me see the light) virtually every other pastor on this subject. I have also written extensively on the subject, though I only started saving my writings a few months ago. It is interesting that, as a Pastor currently without a Church, I obviously am going to church elsewhere. This Pastor made the statement, completely out of wherever at the ending of his service, which had nothing whatever to do with marriage - that "Both the Old Testament and New Testament teaches one man/one wife marriages." That resulted in I think 6 pages front and back of response. Now he knows where I stand. Oh well, it wasn't going to take long anyway. I am an old man without a wife because the wife of my youth decided to divorce me because she feared I might come home with a new woman. Well, that probably was not going to happen, but... Who knows? Anyway - I really expect to enjoy your website and did join as PastorLarry.
You can see from the comments section that user @stevebearsley2308 is somewhat on the fence. He really wants to believe that polygyny is wrong, but he is not seeing the evidence pointing in that direction.
Without saying who, he is on BF, and is a believer in PM. He's asking questions in a way to draw out responses.
I finally got around to listening to this message. It was surprisingly weak. It's just the same old fallacies and eisegesis. The man is clearly in over his head, and is emoting while grasping at straws.

I fear for him. God will hold him accountable for teaching error. Like the man said, we are accountable for the things that God told us to do. God calls polygamy marriage, treats it as marriage, and forbids us from adding to His law.

I take this as a positive development. Pastors won't be able to keep ignoring this issue, and hoping it will go away.

Christians in the pews are waking up, and requiring pastors deal with it. God's Truth will prevail.

I also fear that pastor Saint is going to badly harm the sheep in that church, teaching such error.
I finally got around to listening to this message. It was surprisingly weak. It's just the same old fallacies and eisegesis. The man is clearly in over his head, and is emoting while grasping at straws.

I fear for him. God will hold him accountable for teaching error. Like the man said, we are accountable for the things that God told us to do. God calls polygamy marriage, treats it as marriage, and forbids us from adding to His law.

I take this as a positive development. Pastors won't be able to keep ignoring this issue, and hoping it will go away.

Christians in the pews are waking up, and requiring pastors deal with it. God's Truth will prevail.

I also fear that pastor Saint is going to badly harm the sheep in that church, teaching such error.
It appears to me he has already harmed that one family. Very sad.
It appears to me he has already harmed that one family. Very sad.
Yes, he has identified himself and I spoke with him in the Men's Chat on Wednesday. It is sad, but not utterly hopeless. A lot of us men had negative reactions from our wives when we first brought this up. Some of us are the lucky ones, whose wives stayed with us, instead of cutting and running off. We will be praying for this family.
This is my first time on this site, and this was the first thing I looked at, and having fought the good fight for almost 50 years, I know everywhere this guy is going. As a Pastor I have fought (debated - yes, some other pastors got a little hot because they could not make me see the light) virtually every other pastor on this subject. I have also written extensively on the subject, though I only started saving my writings a few months ago. It is interesting that, as a Pastor currently without a Church, I obviously am going to church elsewhere. This Pastor made the statement, completely out of wherever at the ending of his service, which had nothing whatever to do with marriage - that "Both the Old Testament and New Testament teaches one man/one wife marriages." That resulted in I think 6 pages front and back of response. Now he knows where I stand. Oh well, it wasn't going to take long anyway. I am an old man without a wife because the wife of my youth decided to divorce me because she feared I might come home with a new woman. Well, that probably was not going to happen, but... Who knows? Anyway - I really expect to enjoy your website and did join as PastorLarry.
Hi, there's an Introduction section where we'd all enjoy reading your back story when you get time to post there. But, welcome to Biblical Families and glad you joined the team.
There is a reason why there is an army of such men:

There was a book I saw. How to be a minister without being religious. Basically a how to book teaching would be ministers how to be inoffensive to everyone and keep everyone happy. It had nothing to do with preaching the good news of Christ's reign, or calling anyone to repentance.
I'd call that a farse! But some are happy with it.
This is my first time on this site, and this was the first thing I looked at, and having fought the good fight for almost 50 years, I know everywhere this guy is going. As a Pastor I have fought (debated - yes, some other pastors got a little hot because they could not make me see the light) virtually every other pastor on this subject. I have also written extensively on the subject, though I only started saving my writings a few months ago. It is interesting that, as a Pastor currently without a Church, I obviously am going to church elsewhere. This Pastor made the statement, completely out of wherever at the ending of his service, which had nothing whatever to do with marriage - that "Both the Old Testament and New Testament teaches one man/one wife marriages." That resulted in I think 6 pages front and back of response. Now he knows where I stand. Oh well, it wasn't going to take long anyway. I am an old man without a wife because the wife of my youth decided to divorce me because she feared I might come home with a new woman. Well, that probably was not going to happen, but... Who knows? Anyway - I really expect to enjoy your website and did join as PastorLarry.
This is my first time on this site, and this was the first thing I looked at, and having fought the good fight for almost 50 years, I know everywhere this guy is going. As a Pastor I have fought (debated - yes, some other pastors got a little hot because they could not make me see the light) virtually every other pastor on this subject. I have also written extensively on the subject, though I only started saving my writings a few months ago. It is interesting that, as a Pastor currently without a Church, I obviously am going to church elsewhere. This Pastor made the statement, completely out of wherever at the ending of his service, which had nothing whatever to do with marriage - that "Both the Old Testament and New Testament teaches one man/one wife marriages." That resulted in I think 6 pages front and back of response. Now he knows where I stand. Oh well, it wasn't going to take long anyway. I am an old man without a wife because the wife of my youth decided to divorce me because she feared I might come home with a new woman. Well, that probably was not going to happen, but... Who knows? Anyway - I really expect to enjoy your website and did join as PastorLarry.
Yeah, if you can keep your cool when debating a knowitall, they will eventually start raising their voice at you. When you catch the temperature starting to rise, calmly tell them to calm down and not get their blood pressure up too much. We love our knowitall brethren and sisters. Sometimes they just can't help it!

We need a pastor like you here in Texas! :)
Without saying who, he is on BF, and is a believer in PM. He's asking questions in a way to draw out responses.
I guess he was able to remove my response then.... I should have clued in to that word "polygyny".
I read his comments. It looks like he wants Joel Saint or the Fivesolas guy to hang themselves since they will have to name a category of sin that polygyny falls under - and they can't! Jesus used similar tactics with the Pharisees.
I noticed that Joel Saint has not responded to any of the comments, unless....Joel Saint IS FiveSolas :D