• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

BibFam gets the shoutout... from the pulpit! 😂😂

Well, you can always plant the seed. Remember the parable of the sower. It can apply to hearing the Word of God, but it can also apply to other ideas as well.

Agree in principle
I used to be the guy who would long post and destroy ludicrous pulp cultural narratives with enough proofs and citations to demonstrate to those with any sort of intellectual honesty that they had been lied to and had drunk deep of the lies.
I also have presented similar arguments in person on rather a lot of occasions and while occasionally some might admit that maybe the facts were on my side, their feelings would not change. Had some relationships ruined as a result. To be frank, people's insistence on sticking doggedly to what seems like transparent hucksterisms and grifts to the point of delusion has rather put me off the pursuit.
So I have backed off.
Before I was a dad, I was just about infatigeuable on debate and argument but as just about a grumpy bastard, it did not make for a long trip to being bitter. Now however I am quite literally a different man and have a duty to my son to have a really good attitude and free of bitterness. My focus is on what I can effect and I don't bother to beat drums that much.

Besides...I have been planting a seed or two here with none to subtle references to bad times coming. With the hope that some of those seeds sprouting. Doing my group selected best/duty.
Am I odd here? Sex was the reason I found two concubines, old women. Supposedly not interested at all. Both were voracious. Well, one is now - the other has gone to be with the Lord. I did not love them when we came together. But it was the sex which drew us together and I loved them both, now the one very, very much. There is a reason she cannot join me here or she would be in my home now. Because of my experience, I have found sex to bring about love and the more sex, the more love. The remaining concubine is a terribly obese woman. Someone I WOULD NEVER have chosen. But she was there. Now, I love this woman very much though I am still somewhat repelled because of her looks. How did Isaac come to love his wife? Through sex. They became one flesh and they became one of mind and spirit.

I am glad that those instances worked out well for you.
I think my advice is still sound however. Communication is key and one can not always turn up trumps even of you and your women turn out to be compatible in the long run.
I agree that the physical side and lots of it can very much help to solidify and tighten the bond. I will say that there are times where regardless of one's compatability at mattress dancing, there are other factors that eill drive wedges.
Don't know each other obviously but you give off the wanting permanence as opposed to liason vibe...Likely would not be here otherwise. So it is my hope that you fine the right one(s). That said, I think the quorum will support my notion that you really should get as much clear in advance as possible so as to avoid false starts and disappointment.
Ah! So it wouldn't paste without breaking it up! Use Sticky Notes.
It appears he is done with his rantings on polygyny:
I am glad that those instances worked out well for you.
I think my advice is still sound however. Communication is key and one can not always turn up trumps even of you and your women turn out to be compatible in the long run.
I agree that the physical side and lots of it can very much help to solidify and tighten the bond. I will say that there are times where regardless of one's compatability at mattress dancing, there are other factors that eill drive wedges.
Don't know each other obviously but you give off the wanting permanence as opposed to liason vibe...Likely would not be here otherwise. So it is my hope that you fine the right one(s). That said, I think the quorum will support my notion that you really should get as much clear in advance as possible so as to avoid false starts and disappointment.
I already had the false start - 50 years of it. And because I don't believe in force, I also believe in kindness and suffered personally because I did not want to cast her out. Hey, she is still not cast out. She still lives here and will until I bring another into my home, at which time she has promised to leave (she has two apartments that became hers at the time of the divorce but it is cheaper for us to continue to live in my house.

I consider my age to be a factor in who I seek to bring into my home. It would be easiest of all if I could afford to belong to one of those dating sites and just advertise for a woman or women who have lost their man. I already know I can love anyone who wants to be loved. AND, I also know I can love someone who is almost disgusting in appearance. But I would still want to wear a mask when out in public with someone like that so no one knew who was with her. I'm sorry - I am too proud and I have no right to be. I do think God is humbling me far more than I ever wished to be humbled by this. But what 81-year-old man has his pick of the choicest?
I already had the false start - 50 years of it. And because I don't believe in force, I also believe in kindness and suffered personally because I did not want to cast her out. Hey, she is still not cast out. She still lives here and will until I bring another into my home, at which time she has promised to leave (she has two apartments that became hers at the time of the divorce but it is cheaper for us to continue to live in my house.

I consider my age to be a factor in who I seek to bring into my home. It would be easiest of all if I could afford to belong to one of those dating sites and just advertise for a woman or women who have lost their man. I already know I can love anyone who wants to be loved. AND, I also know I can love someone who is almost disgusting in appearance. But I would still want to wear a mask when out in public with someone like that so no one knew who was with her. I'm sorry - I am too proud and I have no right to be. I do think God is humbling me far more than I ever wished to be humbled by this. But what 81-year-old man has his pick of the choicest?
I already had the false start - 50 years of it. And because I don't believe in force, I also believe in kindness and suffered personally because I did not want to cast her out. Hey, she is still not cast out. She still lives here and will until I bring another into my home, at which time she has promised to leave (she has two apartments that became hers at the time of the divorce but it is cheaper for us to continue to live in my house.

I consider my age to be a factor in who I seek to bring into my home. It would be easiest of all if I could afford to belong to one of those dating sites and just advertise for a woman or women who have lost their man. I already know I can love anyone who wants to be loved. AND, I also know I can love someone who is almost disgusting in appearance. But I would still want to wear a mask when out in public with someone like that so no one knew who was with her. I'm sorry - I am too proud and I have no right to be. I do think God is humbling me far more than I ever wished to be humbled by this. But what 81-year-old man has his pick of the choicest?

Jump on modernpolygamy
It is free if you do the verification process

My own luck has been limited to date but I have very different priorities and am pretty clear about some of my beliefs that may be keeping the Ravenna hoards from clambering to me.

That of perhaps that part time job all those years ago using my face to stamp gorilla cookies is coming back to bite me.
Do you think he’s on here, reading the comments?
Perhaps, because I saw a lot of comments in the YouTube videos, but I never saw the comment about liking being in prison with his one wife. It would be awesome, if we could get him to join the Wednesday Video chat!
Jump on modernpolygamy
It is free if you do the verification process

My own luck has been limited to date but I have very different priorities and am pretty clear about some of my beliefs that may be keeping the Ravenna hoards from clambering to me.

That of perhaps that part time job all those years ago using my face to stamp gorilla cookies is coming back to bite me.
If I remember correctly that is the one where to verify one must take a video with a TV on in the background, while signing Pastor Larry, while standing on tiptoe doing the hokey pokey turning one's self around. I figured that is what this was all about. Well - I'm 81. Just using a cell phone is about all I can do. I tried to do the video the other day and somehow, while trying to film myself, it went to filming what was in front of me instead of what I was doing, and then the hokey pokey part got me all frustrated and I almost threw my shoe through the TV screen until I remembered it was not the TV's fault and I couldn't even figure out how to throw a size 13 shoe through a cell phone. Phone's smaller than the shoe. After all that, I can't even find the Video on my phone, and doubt if it is even on there. I just decided if I am not good enough for him the way I am, I will not be using his site for anything. I would sooner spend money to get on a costly site if I had any money to spare, but that is obviously not going to happen. You know - it was my generation that invented the modern computer, but young folks just laugh at us. I had one of the first computerized businesses in Des Moines (seems like a century ago) but every time something went wrong I would have to call my guru. I guess I should have figured it out then when it was all much simpler. Too late now.
If I remember correctly that is the one where to verify one must take a video with a TV on in the background, while signing Pastor Larry, while standing on tiptoe doing the hokey pokey turning one's self around. I figured that is what this was all about. Well - I'm 81. Just using a cell phone is about all I can do. I tried to do the video the other day and somehow, while trying to film myself, it went to filming what was in front of me instead of what I was doing, and then the hokey pokey part got me all frustrated and I almost threw my shoe through the TV screen until I remembered it was not the TV's fault and I couldn't even figure out how to throw a size 13 shoe through a cell phone. Phone's smaller than the shoe. After all that, I can't even find the Video on my phone, and doubt if it is even on there. I just decided if I am not good enough for him the way I am, I will not be using his site for anything. I would sooner spend money to get on a costly site if I had any money to spare, but that is obviously not going to happen. You know - it was my generation that invented the modern computer, but young folks just laugh at us. I had one of the first computerized businesses in Des Moines (seems like a century ago) but every time something went wrong I would have to call my guru. I guess I should have figured it out then when it was all much simpler. Too late now.
Just live for Jesus then. Earn all the rewards that you can. When your time comes, those rewards will come handy. We all know that there is no marriage in heaven. Some have speculated that there might be sex in heaven though. I am pretty certain we will retain our genders. Be the most desireable man in your corner of heaven with all the rewards that you wil have earned, and observe what the saints and angels are doing, when you get there.

The worship pastor at the local Baptist church repeated the often misunderstood concept that we are going to be casting our crowns at the feet of Jesus. The Book of Revelations speaks only of 24 elders who cast their crowns at the feet of the Father; not Jesus. I believe the crowns we will inherit, will be our glory for the work that we have done for Christ. If everyone were to cast their crowns, it would undoubtedly pile up so high, it would be nowhere near the feet of Jesus. I just want to be near Him when I get there, and if He for some reason wants to see my crown at His feet, I will gladly place mine there, but I believe crowns were meant to be worn, not simply placed at someone's feet. The symbolism in Revelations, is most likely recognizing the ultimate authority of our Father God.

EDIT: I found this painting of what a minscule number of crowns might look like at Jesus' feet. Note how tiny the crowns are and the people who wear them, constrasted with the size of Jesus' feet.

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The frequent bickering and arguing detract from the core objectives of this ministry and put people off reading the information in the discussions. It's so bad I can't direct people to this website anymore because I don't want them confronted with such squabbling.
I so very much agree with you Frederick. There are people who I know who might be called "weak in the faith". It can be difficult enough to convince someone about polygyny. But if I would direct weaker ones here and what they first encounter is another episode of squabbling over torah-keeping and the like, some who I know personally would not bother to dig any deeper, they would be gone, or worse - gone in disgust at such a website. To put it more directly - there are people who I have purposely not notified about the existence of this forum because of what I know they will encounter. I myself have at times also considered leaving because of encountering so much beating the torah-keeping drum.

For me it's a sad situation. Biblical polygyny is why I came here. Yes, fellowship in other non-beat-each-other-up topics has at times been of value to me. But I think it would be a valid question to consider - why do so many people who in fact see poly as right, show up here for a while and then disappear? ...especially ladies who it's easy to see from their writing that they are of a delicate and possibly shy nature? They are obviously not battlers - so then - why would they hang around a battlefield?

It would not surprise me if the reasons for some leavers leaving are not so different than has been my own thinking at times: that the squabbles make it hardly worthwhile for me to stay.

Due to my knowing polygyny is right in the sight of God, I wish I could unreservedly point people to come here. But out of care for the well-being of some sensitive souls, and with concern for others who are not yet stable enough in biblical understanding to stand firm when a battle is raging - I just can't.
If I remember correctly that is the one where to verify one must take a video with a TV on in the background, while signing Pastor Larry, while standing on tiptoe doing the hokey pokey turning one's self around. I figured that is what this was all about. Well - I'm 81. Just using a cell phone is about all I can do. I tried to do the video the other day and somehow, while trying to film myself, it went to filming what was in front of me instead of what I was doing, and then the hokey pokey part got me all frustrated and I almost threw my shoe through the TV screen until I remembered it was not the TV's fault and I couldn't even figure out how to throw a size 13 shoe through a cell phone. Phone's smaller than the shoe. After all that, I can't even find the Video on my phone, and doubt if it is even on there. I just decided if I am not good enough for him the way I am, I will not be using his site for anything. I would sooner spend money to get on a costly site if I had any money to spare, but that is obviously not going to happen. You know - it was my generation that invented the modern computer, but young folks just laugh at us. I had one of the first computerized businesses in Des Moines (seems like a century ago) but every time something went wrong I would have to call my guru. I guess I should have figured it out then when it was all much simpler. Too late now.

Drop the man a note and explain the difficulty.
He is one here
Cough cough dude

I suspect he will help you out.
He had to look at my silly ass video so I suspect he can get you sorted
I so very much agree with you Frederick. There are people who I know who might be called "weak in the faith". It can be difficult enough to convince someone about polygyny. But if I would direct weaker ones here and what they first encounter is another episode of squabbling over torah-keeping and the like, some who I know personally would not bother to dig any deeper, they would be gone, or worse - gone in disgust at such a website. To put it more directly - there are people who I have purposely not notified about the existence of this forum because of what I know they will encounter. I myself have at times also considered leaving because of encountering so much beating the torah-keeping drum.

For me it's a sad situation. Biblical polygyny is why I came here. Yes, fellowship in other non-beat-each-other-up topics has at times been of value to me. But I think it would be a valid question to consider - why do so many people who in fact see poly as right, show up here for a while and then disappear? ...especially ladies who it's easy to see from their writing that they are of a delicate and possibly shy nature? They are obviously not battlers - so then - why would they hang around a battlefield?

It would not surprise me if the reasons for some leavers leaving are not so different than has been my own thinking at times: that the squabbles make it hardly worthwhile for me to stay.

Due to my knowing polygyny is right in the sight of God, I wish I could unreservedly point people to come here. But out of care for the well-being of some sensitive souls, and with concern for others who are not yet stable enough in biblical understanding to stand firm when a battle is raging - I just can't.
This Biblical Marrige Includes Polygny Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2155221284553280 excludes TO. Three questions MUST be answered in the affirmative that you are in agreement with non TO. I am a moderator in the group , and I will not tolerate any discussion of TO. If you want to point people to what we believe in, without any TO, that is a good place to point them. Biblical Families has made it a rule not to argue about TO, but obviously that does not prevent people from shoehorning it into a discussion. Some people simply cannot help themselves. I know they think they are doing this for our own good, but as you expressed here, it just creates more problems that we don't need to deal with.
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This Biblical Marrige Includes Polygny Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2155221284553280 excludes TO. Three questions MUST be answered in the affirmative that you are in agreement with non TO. I am a moderator in the group , and I will not tolerate any discussion of TO. If you want to point people to what we believe in, without any TO, that is a good place to point them. Biblical Families has made it a rule not to argue about TO, but obviously that does not prevent people from shoehorning it into a discussion. Some people simply cannot help themselves. I know they think they are doing this for our own good, but as you expressed here, it just creates more problems that we don't need to deal with.
Sooooooo, I know I'm not supposed to ask since you spelled it - but what on earth is TO other than the direction you are going.
Torah Observant, people who observe God's commands as given through Moses.

Although others would probably try to give a much more derogatory explanation.
Nope! I would just say Torah Observant. I suppose I should have spelled it out at least once, for the noobs, but I find myself typing too much, and I took a shortcut. Be blessed.