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Bustin' Outa The Closet or Tellin' The Fam

I do look forward to reading any of his posts. How in the world did you find this site, anyway?

Today DeeAnn and I were discussing evangelism and the differing viewpoints on how it should be accomplished. There is the live and let the light shine through you until they ask what about you makes you so different, and the convert or die, and everything in between. If we don't tell someone about God, how will they know. I have also heard from non believers that they wish they had been told sooner about God's saving grace. Taking the concept of reaching just one person to make it worth it.....

Am I missing the boat on the issue of this thread?
Should I be telling my sister about this forum and getting her on here so that she at least knows that it is an option for her?
What if I should marry again (stop it lurkers) and I tell my family?
What if her reaction after the sinful/not sinful discussions is "hey goober, sure would have been nice to know before I turned 35! I always did pal around with so and so anyway.."

I know that the large majority of the reactions will be negative and the remaining portion will probably turn negative when you actually put it into action, but like DeeAnn said in the GPS thread, if just one woman finds her husband and one kid gets a dad, isn't that alone worth it anyway? I don't need them to be into ME, it has more to do with seeing this type of marriage as being so beneficial for so many people and wanting to at least give them the opportunity to make their own decision.

BTW, yes I have a sister who is not married yet, but that was just an example that I was using. I do pray for all the single women that we know frequently, including her.
Want to get some feedback if anyone has some.
let the Lord lead you
the answer might be yes, but at a different time

(psst, got any pics?......Ahem,..Harumph...not that it matters, of course) ;) :lol: :D :roll:
Paul not the apostle said:
How in the world did you find this site, anyway?
It's pretty hard to miss when researching Christian Polygyny. I came across it probably about a year / year and a half before I started actually looking into this site and posting.

Paul not the apostle said:
, yes I have a sister who is not married yet, but that was just an example that I was using. I do pray for all the single women that we know frequently, including her.
Praying for is very good... but.........
James 2:15-16 said:
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?
So, as you can well see, such prayer needs to be met with match-making. :mrgreen:
sadanyagci said:
Praying for is very good... but.........
James 2:15-16 said:
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?
So, as you can well see, such prayer needs to be met with match-making. :mrgreen:
I watched the Matchmaker video and then clicked on the video of "Sunrise Sunset". I noticed that during the wedding ceremony, the groom put the ring on the brides right hand on the pointer finger instead of the ring finger on the left hand as we do in this country. Does anyone know if that was correct? Was that the custom during the time period for Jewish people?

Just curious. I love to know little details like this.

You're very welcome. That is my favourite movie too. Here's a short little story about that movie...

When I was getting to know my wife, Keneshia, we would spend hours taking on the phone. When I brought up that movie and I found out that it was her favourite - wow! I believe it was at that moment that I knew I wanted to marry her. :D
Yes, the ring is placed on the right index finger. Another little known fact is that a man does not wear a ring.

I will provide you folks with a copy of my wedding program from last year when Keneshia and I married... it has a lot of teaching in it about Jewish/Biblical marriage customs - many of which are directly related to our relationship with our Bridegroom. Keneshia and I decided that we would have a Biblical marriage ceremony and it ended up being a Jewish one, cause it's Biblical. :D

Let me go search for the file and figure out how to arrange for you to download it.
I have a story like that as well. When hubby and I were first exploring the possibilities of our relationship, we found that we both liked to sing (and can carry a tune as well) and that we both like musicals. Well, I am something nut about musicals and I know a lot of the music. So this one particular day we were playing in my kitchen and he started singing the song, "Do you love me?" from Fiddler on the Roof. Well, of course I sang Golde's part and he sang Tevye's part and we had a great time. Now, everyonce in awhile, when we are feeling silly, he will start a song from a musical and I can almost always finish it. When he wants to be really silly he talks about "pickalittle" which makes me start singing a song from "The Musicman" where all the ladies singing together resemble a bunch of chickens in a henhouse.

I've uploaded my wedding program to my iDisk. You'll find the link in my signature below. The file called is "WeddingProgram.pdf" and it contains several pages explaining all of the wedding traditions. It also has the order of service and prayers. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
My favorite movie as well. One of the things I love about it is that Tevye accepts the first 2 marriages, though they contradict the traditions. But when it comes to his favorite daughter going against God's Word, he understands that he cannot accept it, and doesn't budge an inch, though it pains him greatly. To me, that's a lot of true meaning to find in a movie.

So, Paul and DeeAnn, how about that matchmaking?
Sadan, you sound like you want us to do some matchmaking for YOU. Remember, I'm all about God's timing and such. I have felt like sitting down with my single friends and telling them our stance on PM before they hear any rumors about us and might shy away for fear that I want to be their friend so that my husband could date them. Then see where the conversation goes from there. I'm still not sure. I've lost some monogomous friends already so there is a little bit of worry at how it would turn out. But then again, I really hate when someone hears a rumor and makes a judgement without even hearing my side at all. I sometimes just want to get the rejection out of the way and get past it.

I have told almost my entire family(well all the ones who are christians) what I believe about this and I have not had extremely negative reactions. I think maybe it is because none of them nor I was raised in a "christian home" and so do not have the expectations of traditions placed upon us so strongly. My mom is on her third husband. I think they see how much better an idea it is than divorce. Besides they know I don't accept anything at face value or because it's tradition so this is not the first "wierd" doctrine I have studied. They all still cling to what their pastors say and do not study things out as I do for the most part but they respect my own journey and that everyone has to work out their own salvation. I think when you have lots of brokenness and terrible sin and secrets for many generations as opposed to having a healthy, God-fearing but "traditional" background then it is easier because if your parents couldn't make it work then they just (if they be humble enough) will sit back and watch your testimony unfold without lots of freaking out. See?
I have a theory that presenting it, initially, as the traditional and Biblical solution to the huge current problem of singleness and lack of available and appropriate guys MAY go over well. Sort of along the lines of that T-Shirt design I posted.

Especially if the "problem" can be posed, and they can be guided in brain-storming possible solutions to solve the situation in a Biblical manner. Perhaps they will be able to arrive at the conclusion on their own, logically, at which point it is simply a matter of educating and filling in the blanks.

I'm admittedly brainstorming myself, now, but as to your Sis, Paul, what would happen if you asked her how she's doing with this singleness thing, and try to induce, or perhaps bring to the surface, the dissatisfaction that I suspect is in every single woman's heart at some level? Men's, too. Then explore together whether "settling" for singleness, or "being called to a single life" is really God's plan? And if He loves women as much as men, seeing as there are more of the former? And if He loves us all, what solutions might be open to Him to solve the problem? And which of the several available (some of which sound pretty far-fetched) has He endorsed or at least supported throughout the Bible?

I plan to use that tack if I'm able to get into a good discussion with my pastor in the near future. We'll see how it goes.
Paul not the apostle said:
Sadan, you sound like you want us to do some matchmaking for YOU. Remember, I'm all about God's timing and such. I have felt like sitting down with my single friends and telling them our stance on PM before they hear any rumors about us and might shy away for fear that I want to be their friend so that my husband could date them. Then see where the conversation goes from there. I'm still not sure. I've lost some monogomous friends already so there is a little bit of worry at how it would turn out. But then again, I really hate when someone hears a rumor and makes a judgement without even hearing my side at all. I sometimes just want to get the rejection out of the way and get past it.

Hey, I'm not asking for any personal matchmaking. But if no one tells them that they don't have to be alone, and they don't have to risk marrying someone who may divorce them, exactly how will they find out? God doesn't open everyone's eyes personally like He opened those of a lot of people here. Sometimes He uses others. Why put a lamp under a bowl when people are falling off marital cliffs left and right?

brYce said:
Sadan - What about your African friend? Think of all those lonely African women who need a husband!
My African friend was joking. :(
brYce said:
The Pastor will probably say, "That's ADULTERY!" :roll:

Well, he didn't when I told him THAT I believed in PM, and that it was why I didn't hold actual membership in his church although I've been involved and supportive for 2 years. :)

What he said was that, although we didn't have time right then (he'd slipped me in for 10 minutes before another waiting appointment), he'd like to spend the time to sit down with me and hear me out as to exactly what and why.

I've had such a wide range of responses from SdA pastors that it is nearly comical, though the official church policy at this time seems to be, "No."