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Can You Provide The Basics?


Real Person
My husband and I were watching a show about people who have so many unpaid tickets that their cars get repossessed. Well, the repo woman come up to the house and started helping get the car on the flat bed to haul it away, when another lady (dressed very conservatively with her hair in a bun) comes running out of the house saying, "What are you doing to that car?" So the woman loading it onto the flat bed says, "Are you Ms.---?" The other woman said, "No, but that's my car." The repo lady says, "I need to speak with Ms.--- and need the keys for this car." Then this other lady flies out of the house yelling, screaming and dropping the f bomb saying to the repro lady, "What the f*** are you doing with my car?"

Although the repro lady was confused about who owed the car and who these ladies were, My husband and I knew immediately what was going on--these ladies are sisterwives. It was confirmed when the husband finally walked out of the house to see what all the screaming was about. The wives immediately turned from yelling at the repo lady to him, "How are we going to pick up the kids? Why is this heathen lady trying to take the car?" Still confused the repo lady asks again, "Who is Mr. --- and where are the keys?" The husband says, "She is my wife." Then the repro lady says, "Well, who is that?" The man responds, "She is my wife, too."

It finally ends with the car being towed out of the drive way and both women were yelling and pushing the husband and saying, "How are we suppose to get the kids home, you f***?" :eek:

I guess for the viewers at home the moral of the story was this guy should have paid the tickets. Our view was can this guy provide for two wives let alone one?
A car is not a necessity they can homeschool the kids and the guy can take the bus to work or walk to work potentially. Or they can potentially walk or school-bus or bus to and from school except for those bad people that might prevent the children from walking to and from school. I used to walk to and from school.

Now I bet a lot of people will jump to the logical fallacy that polygyny is bad because of this guy and ignore all the guys who have one wife and do the same thing. And the numerous other reasons that is a logical fallacy will be ignored but they will simply use this to say polygyny is bad.

I know a married man who has a good-job (or at least a job that sounds like it would pay good or at least decent that would typically require lots of experience or a college education) and he still buses to work usually. And I know another man that has a very good job that requires a high level of education and works in a somewhat specialized field who also chooses to bus to work even though he owns a new car of a good car brand.

Cars are over-rated.

But was cars, really the main purpose of this post? What did you want to talk about? How to know if a man can provide and how to prepare a man to provide or this specific man?
I think the point was that this guy had two (or more) wives and couldn't even afford to pay the parking tickets...so should he have even one wife if he is unable to provide for them.

What we don't know is did he have a good job and lose it due to the bad economy?

Did the husband even know about the tickets?

There is simply not enough information to formulate an opinion about this situation.

I would think that there may be situations where the husband stays home and looks after the home and children possibly with the help of one of the wives while another wife or wives are professionals making a good income providing for the entire family.
You both are right. Not every family needs a car, this happens all the time to mono marriages, and maybe the husband did lose his job. With the ladies swearing and pushing the husband around, the verbal attacks on the repo lady, and the unpaid tickets it just seemed like this household was out of order. So when you are searching if pm is right for your family you tend to look at things in a different way.
That show is mostly fake, keep this fact in mind. The disclaimer at the onset of the episode says something to the fact that the events are BASED on actual events. This is a fancy way of saying the event of repo-ing a car has been expanded upon to include a bunch of acting because without it we would not have any drama that would keep you in front of the mind melter.

The drama in those repo shows is acting, not real and candid situations.
Maybe this post should be subtitled something like "PolyDoc's Rant." :lol:

dtt wrote:
Now I bet a lot of people will jump to the logical fallacy that polygyny is bad because of this guy and ignore all the guys who have one wife and do the same thing.
That seems to be human nature - if, for whatever reason (man's tradition, got up on wrong side of bed, etc.) one opposes something, then every situation that might place that "something" in a bad light is shouted from the rooftops, while ignoring the same type of situation elsewhere and ignoring those positive situations resulting from that "something."

A few months ago, I sent email to Institute for Creation Research (http://www.icr.org), calling them to task for something they have on their website about polygamy never being condoned in the Bible. (The author of that article apparently has not read the Bible! [but I didn't say that in my email...]) I never received an answer from them (not surprised) but in a recent article in Acts and Facts, their monthly magazine, an author (a Ph.D. in some branch of science) very pointedly talked about "wicked Lamech, the polygamist." (Maybe it's just my overly-suspicious mind, but the timing of this magazine article in relation to my email seemed mighty coincidental...) The fact that Lamech had two wives was totally irrelevant to the topic being discussed, but probably, in the mind of the author, underscored the "fact" that Lamech was wicked, since (in the mind of this scientist) everyone "knows" that it is a sin to have more than one wife. {Because the Church says so.} Even creation scientists, who claim to be unbiased in their pursuit of truth (and from what I have seen, that is mostly true, at least as it relates to scientific matters), fall prey to man's traditions.

I have never seen anyone write about "wicked Cain, the monogamist." (Of course, the Bible does not tell us how many wives Cain had, but again, everyone "knows" that polygyny was very rare {because the Church says so}, and if a man had more than one wife, especially a wicked man like Cain, the Bible would surely tell us.)

I have never read about "wicked Ahab, the monogamist king of Israel." (Again, the Bible does not explicitly say that Jezebel was Ahab's only wife {although she is the only wife mentioned in the entire Biblical record of Ahab's reign}, but surely, if he had more than one, the Bible would tell us that, since polygyny was very rare in the OT. {Because the Church says so.})

I have never read anything about "righteous Abraham, the polygynist who obeyed YHWH no matter the cost." (Offering as a sacrifice the son of promise, his most cherished treasure - see Genesis ch. 22.)

I have never read anything about "righteous David, the polygynist, a man after YHWH's own heart." (See 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22)

The fact that most of the men in the Bible who are said (or are reasonably inferred) to have been polygynists were righteous men is either totally ignored, or some "excuse" is made for the "otherwise righteous man sinning" by having more than one wife.

Except on this forum. :D
I thought about it more and I agree the real dilemma was not the car being towed but that the people have a characteristic of putting their credit in a position where the repo worker came.
Paul not the apostle said:
That show is mostly fake, keep this fact in mind. The disclaimer at the onset of the episode says something to the fact that the events are BASED on actual events. This is a fancy way of saying the event of repo-ing a car has been expanded upon to include a bunch of acting because without it we would not have any drama that would keep you in front of the mind melter.

The drama in those repo shows is acting, not real and candid situations.

Yes, you are right. The drama is what sells this program. How boring it would be if it was just about towing the cars. :lol:
lutherangirl said:
Yes, you are right. The drama is what sells this program. How boring it would be if it was just about towing the cars. :lol:

Backwards, LutheranGirl. The drama is in the car towing. How boring it would be if it was just about guys getting berated by wives! :eek: :roll: :lol:

(Sorry! Too good to pass up!)
I am working two jobs and earn good money. I can well afford a car, but I am thinking of getting rid of mine. There is a direct bus route to one of my jobs and the other job is within walking distance. I could use the exercise. I think if we did not have the car we would spend less money, and we would be more focused on home. Also it keeps you humble not owning a car. I kind of admire the Amish in this. They ride in cars, but they do not own them.
cnystrom said:
I am working two jobs and earn good money. I can well afford a car, but I am thinking of getting rid of mine. There is a direct bus route to one of my jobs and the other job is within walking distance. I could use the exercise. I think if we did not have the car we would spend less money, and we would be more focused on home. Also it keeps you humble not owning a car. I kind of admire the Amish in this. They ride in cars, but they do not own them.

Yes, but the car is useful for grocery shopping and it might not be safe to transport women and children on the bus.

I would suggest a cheap car and using the bus to go to work.

I know a very successful person who owns a good car but uses the bus frequently, you do not have to buy gas, park it, maintain the car as much and it might be better for the environment (not because of the CO2 global warming hoax, but for other reasons.)
I thought of that, but I figured out it would be way cheaper renting a car once or twice a month to take care of errands like grocery shopping. Enterprise will even bring the car to you!
cnystrom said:
I thought of that, but I figured out it would be way cheaper renting a car once or twice a month to take care of errands like grocery shopping. Enterprise will even bring the car to you!

Can you explain this further?
Just to be cantankerous, I'm weighing in on this discussion ...

What ARE "Basic Needs"?

One person's idea of "roughing it" is a weekend at the Waldorf. Another's is heading out into the mountains carrying nothing but a sheath knife!

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is usually depicted in a pyramid form as: Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, Belongingness and Love Needs, Esteem Needs, Need to Know and Understand, Aesthetic Needs, Self-Actualization, and Transcendence.

A survival site lists the 4 basic needs as: Warmth, Water, Sleep, and Food. Add companionship, and you can be surprisingly comfortable. And some folks don't even mind solitude! (Though it can be argued that they DO get pretty weird pretty quick!)

Which list must we draw from in determining eligibility to covenant in Biblical Marriage?

We've pretty well got the survival set covered at our house at this time. Perhaps quite a bit beyond. But sometimes elements appear to be temporarily shaky.

But how high on Maslow's list must I go to qualify? Some of those are well outside my control, and subject to unforeseen forces ... creating those unpleasant "for worse" scenarios. (Like being without a car and having to rely on Enterprise. ;) )
Well, since I brought this post up, I'll take a stab at answering some questions about the basics. I'm going to need help, because I'm not sure what verses in scripture refer to the bride dowry and such. I know the bride is suppose to bring something into the marriage, but also the husband had to provide something. I don't think in Biblical times the father would want to give his daughter away for nothing. Please help with providing these passages someone, anyone. :D

Then another thought occurred to me. The basics in life without being married is accomplishing things on your own and, if you borrow things or money to achieve your living, one day you have to pay those loans back to say that you did it on your own. I've listened to a lot of my friends in there 30s and 40s tell me they are going back to school for their Master Degrees. They borrow thousands of dollars from their elderly parents living on meager means and never pay their parents back. I have to wonder is this accomplishing the goals on the backs of others, or did they do it on their own?

So, I guess I'm saying that this applies in marriage, too. If a man and woman(men) want to live meagerly without much of the basics on their own without assistance--that's great! If they become dependent on a system of loans and debts that never get paid back, I question the integrity of their realization of "basics".
Well to add my 2 cents: I grew up on a working farm and I don't like that type of lifestyle. Nothing wrong with it if you like it, but living off the land has no appeal to me at all. I can dress an animal and make all sorts of stuff with the parts but I'd rather go to the store and buy what I want. I can garden and preserve food too, but I'd rather pay someone to do that for me. The thought of staying home all the time is totally depressing to me. I prefer to work hard for money; It's so much easier.

I truly love traveling and eating out at nice places and going to events and stuff like that. Basics are ok, but if we all lived at a 'basic' level wonder how we'd ever develop all the cool stuff like computers (with on-line shopping and bill pay), and, well you know what I mean. Seems to me that if our goal is to live at the 'basic' level it lowers our standards and would make our country 'less cutting edge' in some respect.

Well I think so anyway.
PolyDoc said:
Maybe this post should be subtitled something like "PolyDoc's Rant." :lol:

I have never read about "wicked Ahab, the monogamist king of Israel." (Again, the Bible does not explicitly say that Jezebel was Ahab's only wife {although she is the only wife mentioned in the entire Biblical record of Ahab's reign}, but surely, if he had more than one, the Bible would tell us that, since polygyny was very rare in the OT. {Because the Church says so.})


Your point is an excellent one and I agree with it wholeheartedly, except for one thing. If you read 1Kings 20, it could be easily construed that Ahab had more than one wife. It's not concrete fact, but has enough "wavering factor" that I would choose another wicked king as my "wicked monogamous king" example!

DiscussingTheTopic said:
cnystrom said:
I thought of that, but I figured out it would be way cheaper renting a car once or twice a month to take care of errands like grocery shopping. Enterprise will even bring the car to you!

Can you explain this further?



You can rent a small car for about $20/day. They will even bring the car to you. So for example for $50/month you could rent a car twice a month to run errands and stock up on food. That way your wife would not have to carry the groceries on the bus or anything.
lutherangirl said:
If they become dependent on a system of loans and debts that never get paid back, I question the integrity of their realization of "basics".

Would that not be a violation of Romans 13:8? Also Psalm 37:21.