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Can You Provide The Basics?

cnystrom said:
Would that not be a violation of Romans 13:8? Also Psalm 37:21.

I do believe these scriptures fit perfectly in what I'm referring to. Thank you.
if their business plan includes getting help from government programs i call it: Food Stamp Patriarchy.
notice that i specified it as being part of their business plan, i am not speaking about a family that finds things rough at times while trying to provide for an extra single mom.
If a pro-abortion government is an oppressive regime that murders human beings, would it be wrong to collapse their finances by taking food stamps following the letter of the law?
DiscussingTheTopic said:
If a pro-abortion government is an oppressive regime that murders human beings, would it be wrong to collapse their finances by taking food stamps following the letter of the law?
steve said:
DiscussingTheTopic said:
If a pro-abortion government is an oppressive regime that murders human beings, would it be wrong to collapse their finances by taking food stamps following the letter of the law?

I suppose you think it would be wrong to sabotage enemy soldiers gun factories and gas chambers also? :?
DiscussingTheTopic said:
I suppose you think it would be wrong to sabotage enemy soldiers gun factories and gas chambers also? :?
i am not at war with and attempting to destroy our government. but i do disagree with it a whole bunch :D
DiscussingTheTopic said:
If a pro-abortion government is an oppressive regime that murders human beings, would it be wrong to collapse their finances by taking food stamps following the letter of the law?

DTT, there are plenty of other ways to combat an oppressive regime besides becoming a welfare recipient. Claire Wolfe's '101 Things to Do Til the Revolution' comes to mind.

Historically, polygamy has been associated with the rich and powerful. That seems to be a natural link to me, and even Biblical, given the admonitions to provide adequately for all wives and children.

Now I know there are economic downturns and changes in individual circumstances, I am not talking about that. But in my view, for someone to aspire to a polygamous lifestyle they should also be aiming for:

1. Home ownership rather than renting (are you really in control of your family's destiny when you can be kicked out of your home at the end of a lease);
2. Economic surplus rather than dependency;
3. Self-employment or business ownership rather than being an employee (as if/when your lifestyle becomes public, as an employee you may be at risk of job loss).

So to answer the original post, yes I think someone proposing a Biblical Family should be substantially above the basics level.

I couldn't agree more. If I were ever to be 'looking' financial security would be very high on my 'absolutely required' list.
DiscussingTheTopic said:
steve said:
DiscussingTheTopic said:
If a pro-abortion government is an oppressive regime that murders human beings, would it be wrong to collapse their finances by taking food stamps following the letter of the law?

The gov will never run out of money, they can steal it. It's part of socialism and why we're in this mess now. We do not have a free market economy like we should because the gov regulates everything. They control the price of everything thru laws, taxation, and printing money. I've heard that almost 50% of this countries population recieves some kind of entitlement. Even the farmers recieve some money for every acre of corn grown, or even when they don't grow anything. The world leaders want the new world order (or Satan does) so they must have total control of everything to bring it about. This is real reason for getting rid of these little dictators over in the middle east. Can you imagine what would happen if they stopped giving out most of the entitlements? There would be a revolution here tomorrow. As long as the gov keeps people from living in cardboard boxes, nothings going to change (Not until the Lord returns anyway). I don't think it's wrong to recieve financial help from the gov, especially when it has played a big part in getting us in this mess. I guess if they have the money to support these wars, build other countries, and provide provisions all over the world, I guess they can help folks here to.
is it justifiable? could be.

is it righteous? well.......................
Can financial security be achieved after marriage, even if it's to a second wife? I know that it's always said, that a man should be before marriage. But what about a woman, shouldn't she be?
Jim said:
Can financial security be achieved after marriage, even if it's to a second wife? I know that it's always said, that a man should be before marriage. But what about a woman, shouldn't she be?
no, the leader and provider is male. it is nice if she is secure, but she will probably be looking to you to provide it.
of course, you will have to decide how much of her financial insecurity you are willing to take on and deal with ;)
Can financial security be achieved after marriage, even if it's to a second wife?
sure, the family is the place where socialism works. :eek:

from each according to their ability,
to each according to their need.

or something like that.
the husband is to bear the brunt of the providing burden, though. :)
The gov will never run out of money
our present administration believes this statement to be true, and are trying like crazy to prove it.

it is an assumption that will end in disaster if allowed to run unchecked.
Jim said:
when justified than its righteous!
we can justify purt-near anything......to ourselves.
in front of the Almighty it gets a little harder.
Steve wrote:
we can justify purt-near anything......to ourselves.
in front of the Almighty it gets a little harder.
Hitler justified his atrocities to himself and his top henchmen. Others have done the same thing, differing only in degree. When I was an unrepentant sinner, I justified every sin I wanted to commit, sometimes twisting Scripture in that effort.

We need to look at our lives in the mirror of God's Word, not the mirror of those around us.
Psalms 119:11 NKJV Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.
When I was an unrepentant sinner, I justified every sin I wanted to commit, sometimes twisting Scripture in that effort.
were you able to quit cold-turkey?

i am still looking for the "patch", the "gum", anything that will help me cut down on my justifyin. :D ;)
i am still looking for the "patch", the "gum", anything that will help me cut down on my justifyin.
The only solution I have been able to find is death. Death 1, dying to self daily. Death 2, dying to the world. Death 3, dying physically and leaving this world. Nothing else seems to work. Unfortunately #3 is the easiest, #'s 1 & 2 are really hard to do and the old self keeps resurrecting when we least desire it. Like what Paul recorded in the last part of Romans 7.
but john,
we are americans, we are entitled to an easy way. :D ;)