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Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are you

Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

woodysgang said:
Our family is in the Columbus Ohio area and are searching for a place to worship If anyone knows of anything let us know. We will be willing to host in our home in a few months if someone is willing to teach

We are in Northeast Ohio. Good to see more people on here nearer to us.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

We practice what most people would consider main stream christianity but we have in the past attened a messianic church is you call it that. My sister was married to a man whos parents are messianic. I have lost touch with them since being in Texas but I will check to see if the are still in Columbus. I am not sure on there views of polygany but I can sure tried to find out for you.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Hi, my name is Robbe . I live in a small town 25 min from Boise Idaho and wanted to know if there were any poly family's in the area we could get to know as friends and if our doctrine is similar we would love to fellowship. We believe in discipleship and along the same lines as the international Christian churches but they do not believe on plural marriage. I have two wives and 6 children. We have just merged with our second wife and now have had to leave our church and would really love to have friends / fellowship here in Idaho area to help us to stay strong as well as to streanthen each others family's. iron sharpens iron and want my family to always be strong and have support.
Hope and pray I hear back.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Are you still building churches that are poly friendly? I am a contractor in California and would be willing to donate some of my time to help fix things up a little. I have been looking for an open bible Christian poly church however I have not been able to find any or even any or any poly families that would like to get together for worship. Or just to chat about life and experiences
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Hello all
We are wondering is there has there been any luck or update on areas with poly friendly christian based churches?
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

"Poly friendly" churches (real, Christ-centered, Bible-believing anyway) are still pretty much a rumor, that we'd all like to see become reality. There are folks who have gotten a pastor to be sympathetic, especially if they aren't practicing and are willing to not rock the boat much. But fully accepting plural families into public fellowship, without reservation - we haven't seen that.

What we have seen is families starting to get together, here and there - just two or three to start. And doesn't this make sense? Build up home churches, if we aren't welcome in a bigger body. It's happening in Missouri, in Orlando, in New England, in Idaho, in Oregon. I see some people talking about it in southern California again. I'll bet it becomes more regular in Texas after our January retreat.

We know families in other locations - maybe they are waiting for you to start something. Would you open up your home, to someone you haven't met? Or travel an hour our two to get together with someone? Would you break bread, share the Word, pray for each other? That's all it takes. Let me know, I will do my best to introduce you to a family near you, or keep an eye out for someone in your area.

Drop me a note at nathan@biblicalfamilies.org, and let me know where you live, who you are, and how bad you want the fellowship of believers again.

Blessings, Nathan
Re: Christ-centered, poly-friendly churches, where are you?

My sense is that the admins here strive to maintain in-person gatherings, and the personal connections that result from meeting face-to-face, as the main information-sharing point, and eschew anything that could cause this website to eclipse those. I admire and support that approach.

And so yes, I suspect we'd best leave online list-making to other sites.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

We don't worry about 'eclipsing' the website, we'd be more than happy to have the forums be more active, and set up some more active chat times and other online services that would be used. (Only the ladies are doing that weekly, not many on the teens chat, and we haven't tried a 'guys' chat. Would that be weird? :) Maybe a conference call, we've done that in the past. )
But we do recognize the increased level of relationship and fellowship that comes from in-person meetings - and that's what we want more of for our own families.

I wouldn't want to use polyamory.meetup.com - we have enough trouble making clear to outsiders how we differ from that community. But I like the idea, let us discuss setting up our own similar 'meetup' - but that has issues too, unfortunately. The Christian PM community still has it's share of (to be blunt) predators, manipulators, and other losers. We prefer to have some knowledge of folks (preferably in person!) before we recommend them to others, so there would have to be some sort of involvement for group leaders. If we treat it as a better, and easier expanded, 'Local Groups' page (which is out of date, I'll try to fix that soon), that might work.

West Coasters - since we won't be back until the fall probably, let me encourage you to come to the Dallas retreat and make some connections, then go back and start a group. (At least 'plant a flag', and see who finds it over the next year.)
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Sounds good. And what about the people wanting to join a group but there's nobody near their ZIP code (yet)?

Is the only solution for them to keep checking these forums regularly? Can't we keep their email address and ZIP code on file and publicize the number of people in the area interested in starting a group?

Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Hello Nathan7, I got a suggestion. Why not start a call on Talkshoe, or something similar, People could get to know Who stands for what. And know each other, And anybody that wanted to do things another way, would be welcome to follow His own path. I know that's not a perfect way, but it works. I am part of a couple different calls, and it is educational.
This site has everybody's email address, so it would be no trouble to notify everybody when there is going to be a call. Just have to get someone to set up the call, and be the operator.
Of course there's Trolls, but They can be cut off by the touch of a button.
I, also am interested in meeting like minded people who are willing to take the Scriptures for what it says, as the Hebrews should have.
I think You could have a good program, as long as You have a good Narrator.

Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

I would think that even for me, should this turn from an idea into a reality, things would go down just the same with the local church as they do for everyone else. Tensions are growing over the fact I even think it's ok, and certain individuals are watching my behaviour, with the best of intentions...

People are so emotional and hung up on completely the wrong issues. The only thing that really matters in Christianity is whether we accept Christ as Lord, and our focus should be on bringing others to also accept Him in the same way. That's what we should be emotional about. That's what we should be passionate about. Instead we tend to just see that as such a given that it isn't worth even thinking about, and we get all worked up over minor peripheral details instead, such as marriage. The church as a whole is in a pretty sorry state, and even though I see this issue I too struggle to be more passionate about evangelism than I am passionate about the other details that I feel are important. Any issue, however true, can be a distraction from our true purpose on this earth.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Cow fam said:
For the sake of others, I won't even hint at where/who/how but I know of a polygynous man who is welcome in a local church. Of course, the church does not think that both ladies that attend with him are his wives, but anywho.... :eek:

I wonder how long someone can keep that up?
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Would depend a lot on the size of the congregation and level of personal interaction you had with other members. You could do it indefinately in the back row of a 2000 person megachurch, you'd struggle in a 20 person church.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Looking for church and fellowship that is polyg friendly in Dfw are of tx
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

I tend to agree with Samuel's last post. The church size and your level of involvement in the church would determine or at a minimum impact whether or not you could fly under the radar. I personally like to be involved in the small groups as well as volunteer at our church. Should wife 2 come along, it may be possible that we'll need to attend different churches or I may need to step back from some involvement. It's speculation on my part at the moment, since I'm not there I can only draw on what I've heard or seen from the great people on this board!
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

My question to all of You is; Why would You want to attend a so called Church where You're afraid You're not welcome? I'd do as the Scriptures says, dust the sand of Your shoes and move on.

Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Speaking for myself, I believe it is statistically unlikely to find a church in my area that would welcome someone practicing polygyny. My hunch (uninformed) is that you would find churches on the far ends of the spectrum of belief that may be accepting. For example, I might expect more acceptance first from a church that is extremely liberal in their interpretations of Scripture than churches who aren't as liberal in their interpretations. Likewise, there may be some very small ultra fundamentalist home church groups that may accept it. You may find some messianic congregations that would tolerate it, not sure though.
The reality for me is that each of us has their own view of what the church they attend should be like. We attend church for several reasons that need to be in balance with each other. The reasons include teaching, fellowship/friendship, children's ministry, opportunities to serve. If I choose not to attend a church period, because I can't find one that supports this one belief then I'm missing out on a myriad of good things. Over a belief that is not a command.
When the previous church found out what I believe, it was made clear that a) they believed I should divorce my wife if I intended to follow through, and b) if I did bring in a second wife I would be asked to leave. I decided to leave at that point and made my way to another church. This church will likely not be supportive either if they find out... so I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. This likely and unfortunately means that I'll have to stay at the periphery which could reduce the positives of some of the things I mentioned as reasons to attend. but perhaps not. How many pastors have successfully concealed mistresses for years?
Thank you for kicking up some thought provoking thinking.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Ministering in the local synagogue until invited to leave seems to be a pattern in the NT.

The second part of the pattern, building a local fellowship that incorporates the new truths, is moving much more slowly for most of us. I am lazy, I would rather find a fellowship where I fit in than be the tool that the Lord needs to build one. :oops: