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CHRISTMAS - Exposed!

He had been thinking you were being inconsistent (sometimes typing - and sometimes o), and suddenly it all made sense when he realised you were quoting things. He found that sudden realisation amusing.

It's easy to take things badly over text, because you can't see the emotions behind what people are saying. You get far fewer misunderstandings and offences when talking in person.
If we truly loved one another, we wouldn't be so easily provoked or think badly of one another. Maybe it's time to read 1 Cor. 13:4-8 again and be reminded of how love fits into the believer's life(?)
Matthew 24:10 (KJV) And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

Being offended is one of the signs of the end times, it is something that we need to guard against.
I do not raise my son worldly and so people saying how the world works is not showing me how to raise my son.

I think you read to much into what I write. I am here to find out what others Believe and I have seen what you and a few others believe and that I might never have gotten till we have this kind of discussion.

That was not a fight, it was stating facts. I would do the same in-person too so that we understand that I live by G-ds Words.
You believe that it only applies to "The Assembly" but we are on/in a Biblical Assembly even if it is Online we are Assembling.
Believe it or not its part of The Feminist Movement and not very Biblical at all.

Believe it or not I do think about what some of you say because some it is right.
But I disagree 100% any woman has any Authority over an Adult male other then maybe a Mother in come cases due to Respect your Mother and Father. I normal do as my mom ask of me.
Did Deborah have any authority over any men? Or was she just a judge of women?
Did you allow your father to choose your wife or some other spiritual leader?
Twelve pages in and I'm still going to be celebrating Christmas.
Is it me or did this whole thread get 1678160720185.jpeged
on pages 1 and 2? And it's been that way ever since. Has it ever gotten back on track?
Oh, @Edward, everyone had forgotten about this debate. Now it's been bumped into the active threads list and is going to start again. Bad @Edward. :)
I am so glad I did not do this 6 weeks ago when I had my 4 wheeler accident, because I laughed so hard reading your reply. I need to get out more.
Is it me or did this whole thread get 1678160720185.jpeged
on pages 1 and 2? And it's been that way ever since. Has it ever gotten back on track?

I understand the derailments in Ohio are being repaired and the trains are back on track.

I propose that we be given the ability to stone a thread.
This thread reminds me of ye old Christmas dinner at my Italian family's house. Everyone yelling and slinging food for thought around. Talking with hands. Brings back so many memories!