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Church/Worship Ideas


But in above case she is family. She is living with her sister who is family.
Nevertheless, having a permanent position in a family is different from a sister having an eternal guest position.
I think a sister is a clear exception, because they already are a part of the family. Having a live-in aunt as part of the family is a common practice, my grandparents generation had many single aunts (due to the men lost in the world wars), and they were an important part of the family. They're not an eternal guest, they are an integral part of the family by virtue of already being family. Obviously different to a wife, but not everyone has to fit in the same box.
The question that I am reacting to is, what gives a woman a sense of security?

We have been through this prior to our understanding of polygyny. She wandered off because she couldn’t feel that sense of security.
The question that I am reacting to is, what gives a woman a sense of security?

We have been through this prior to our understanding of polygyny. She wandered off because she couldn’t feel that sense of security.
Being very much desired.

Husband having sexual attention of other women, still can't stop himself from fertillizing her.
I may be too much direct in previous post, but core of it is true. It's desirability of wife by her husband which truly matters.

Think a little. How much time is time to raise child till self-sufficientcy? At least 15 years, more now. Her life and time will be spend on raising children. And she is far less able to leave children thanks to social factors (and possibly others).

Whole situation makes wife very vulnerable to replacement. Sexual infidelity by husband for wife is nothing compared by husband leaving her. It means at least loss of social class, possibly survival of her and children are issue. And since time must be spend on children where to find time for earning money?

Which bring us to the problem. Accepting polygyny isn't risk-free proposition for woman. What if new wife convinces husband to leave her? Husband monopolization efforts by new wife(s) most not be disregarded. And even if new wife doesn't replace existing, new wife can become favourite earning more favours and therefore providing more better chances for new wife children.

She must keep her position in marriage which means she must stay desirable.
There is a growing Baptist church here in Georgetown TX, that needs an associate pastor, who will step into the role of senior pastor, after 18 months. @frederick, it would be nice if that pastor were sympathetic to polygyny.
There is a growing Baptist church here in Georgetown TX, that needs an associate pastor, who will step into the role of senior pastor, after 18 months. @frederick, it would be nice if that pastor were sympathetic to polygyny.
Oh, let's see; do I really want to piss off another group of self-important, money families in another Baptist church? This is why I'm better suited to prison chaplaincy. At least I can growl at a mass murderer, and next week, he will respect me for it. Not so much with Uncle Moneybags. I'm sure this says as much about me as them. rant over. . .
There is a growing Baptist church here in Georgetown TX, that needs an associate pastor, who will step into the role of senior pastor, after 18 months. @frederick, it would be nice if that pastor were sympathetic to polygyny.
Indeed. But the interview process with his two wives present will go how....?
Oh, let's see; do I really want to piss off another group of self-important, money families in another Baptist church? This is why I'm better suited to prison chaplaincy. At least I can growl at a mass murderer, and next week, he will respect me for it. Not so much with Uncle Moneybags. I'm sure this says as much about me as them. rant over. . .
Let's not piss people off. I can do the dirty work. I just need inside info on who the decision makers are, and I will coordinate with the pastor. Once it has been determined who will accept the truth, we will have a core to work with.
Our Baptist church is looking for a new pastor, as are quite a few others around the country also at present. There is quite a shortage. It could be interesting to apply and just see what happened, even if just for the amusement value of it @frederick and @MarkH.
The Baptists are never going to accept polygyny.
Miracles are always possible.

I think real issue is hidden assumption that women are only for sex. Carried by both sexes. It causes inability to see any good reason to see why man would want multiple wives.
There is a growing Baptist church here...would be nice if that pastor were sympathetic to polygyny.
Years ago I had a discussion with Steve Butt, whom many here may have known, about denominations and 'open-ness' toward polygyny. He had quite a few who had - usually VERY privately - come to him with questions.

So I asked if he had noticed some denominational differences, and which of the otherwise mainstream were most likely to have private doubts.

His response? "Baptists," because they like to believe they are focused on Scripture-as-Written. And some seem to have a Significant Emotional Event when they come to realize how much of a deception they have been subject to.

Still, most of the time, even if they had to acknowledge to the Truth to themselves, the subsequent action amounted to, "well, I can't preach THAT from the pulpit," I'd lose my job/congregation/whatever...

That didn't help my own skepticism about the 501c(3) situation.
Still, most of the time, even if they had to acknowledge to the Truth to themselves, the subsequent action amounted to, "well, I can't preach THAT from the pulpit," I'd lose my job/congregation/whatever...

That didn't help my own skepticism about the 501c(3) situation.
I would have assumed you would know the first phrase had literally nothing to do with the second phrase. The government has nothing to do with who the church hires and fires as pastor. And no, preaching polygyny would not violate 501c(3), regardless of local and federal laws.
Which doesn't stop cowards from being cowards. Any excuse will do, as we've seen for years now.

Or is it just another pesky 'coincidence' that all that limp-wristed treachery seems to coalesce?