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Church/Worship Ideas

They Baptists say they go by scripture alone but in a lot of instances that’s not the case. Or at least their warped interpretation of the Bible. I’m from an independent Baptist background and they made all sorts of extra biblical rules and regulations. Hell, they used to dictate what kind of shirt and tie you wore, what music you listened to, and whether or not you went to movie theaters. Really overbearing with $hit that had no basis in the Bible.
Hell, they used to dictate what kind of shirt and tie you wore, what music you listened to, and whether or not you went to movie theaters. Really overbearing with $hit that had no basis in the Bible.
If you follow all my rules, you won't sin.

Why this reminds me of Pharissees?
If you follow all my rules, you won't sin.

Why this reminds me of Pharissees?
You have no idea how many rules they had. Can’t listen to any music not approved by church, which consisted of piano type music only. Drums and guitars are sinful. Have to wear a jacket a tie to church and not just any tie an approved tie. Must go canvassing every week to try to pressure people into saying some prayer to get saved whether they understood what they’re doing or not. Must give 10 percent at least to church. This was checked frequently by the pastor and if you weren’t he would harass you and tell you you’re in sin and some speech about robbing God from Malachi. For the young people no physical contact was allowed ever not even hand holding or you’d be punished by church leaders. They controlled every facet of your life. You were expected to eat and sleep the church and anything you did they didn’t approve of was considered “worldly” by some bullshit made up doctrine twisting scriptures.
You have no idea how many rules they had. Can’t listen to any music not approved by church, which consisted of piano type music only. Drums and guitars are sinful. Have to wear a jacket a tie to church and not just any tie an approved tie. Must go canvassing every week to try to pressure people into saying some prayer to get saved whether they understood what they’re doing or not. Must give 10 percent at least to church. This was checked frequently by the pastor and if you weren’t he would harass you and tell you you’re in sin and some speech about robbing God from Malachi. For the young people no physical contact was allowed ever not even hand holding or you’d be punished by church leaders. They controlled every facet of your life. You were expected to eat and sleep the church and anything you did they didn’t approve of was considered “worldly” by some bullshit made up doctrine twisting scriptures.
I can understand.

World was never lacking in people with pshycological need to control others. And bureaucracy need to invent rules is endless because they need new rules to solve conflict between existing and "clarify" existing.
I can understand.

World was never lacking in people with pshycological need to control others. And bureaucracy need to invent rules is endless because they need new rules to solve conflict between existing and "clarify" existing.
The pastor in some of those churches was king, judge, jury, and executioner. It was impossible to question “the man of God”. Almost worshipping the pastor.
The pastor in some of those churches was king, judge, jury, and executioner. It was impossible to question “the man of God”. Almost worshipping the pastor.
Found twitter account claiming that current church service approach wasn't historical or biblical.

He claims historical approach was having group dialogue about scripture. Now we have lecture by Very Important Person. No wonder narcissism gets some pastors.
We worship in our home. We have a sacrament or communion that I do, as patriarch of the family. Then I teach the family from the Bible. We do a personal worship during the week with just my wives, and then do one on Zoom with friends and family on the sabbath. We honor the sabbath on Saturday.
They Baptists say they go by scripture alone but in a lot of instances that’s not the case. Or at least their warped interpretation of the Bible. I’m from an independent Baptist background and they made all sorts of extra biblical rules and regulations. Hell, they used to dictate what kind of shirt and tie you wore, what music you listened to, and whether or not you went to movie theaters. Really overbearing with $hit that had no basis in the Bible.
That sounds very specific to the church. I've never encountered anything like that in any Baptist church I have known. Different country of course, but I don't think it's fair to criticise "Baptists" as a denomination from that experience, rather certain churches where the power has gone to the head of the leadership. The same critique would apply to certain pentecostal churches also, so it's not really about denomination.
That sounds very specific to the church. I've never encountered anything like that in any Baptist church I have known. Different country of course, but I don't think it's fair to criticise "Baptists" as a denomination from that experience, rather certain churches where the power has gone to the head of the leadership. The same critique would apply to certain pentecostal churches also, so it's not really about denomination.
I’m criticizing “independent fundamentalist Baptists”. Look up characters like Jack Hyles and other extremists Baptists. Better yet, watch some YouTube videos about these idiots. Look up the New IFB movement and lunatics like Stephen Anderson. That’s the flavor of Baptists I’m talking about and the type I was forced to attend as a young person, although Anderson is a more recent phenomenon.

There were hundreds of churches like this in the US. Their heyday was probably from the 1970’s to 1990’s
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I grew up in Springfield, Missouri - described as the 'buckle of the Bible Belt,' and Southern Baptists were considered "middle-of-the-road."
I grew up in Springfield, Missouri - described as the 'buckle of the Bible Belt,' and Southern Baptists were considered "middle-of-the-road."
I’m not talking about southern Baptists. I’m talking about the crazy fundies.
This is a great question. @NBTX11 what are your thoughts now that you've had some discussion here about it? Would you say you got your original question answered?
This is a great question. @NBTX11 what are your thoughts now that you've had some discussion here about it? Would you say you got your original question answered?
I don’t know, not really. There is no perfect solution. I’ve tried worshipping at home, taking only one wife to a church and taking both wives to church. When I took both to church, I took them to a mega church, which wasn’t my normal church. I sat there and held both wives hands for 1 1/2 hours and no one said a word.
I don’t know, not really. There is no perfect solution. I’ve tried worshipping at home, taking only one wife to a church and taking both wives to church. When I took both to church, I took them to a mega church, which wasn’t my normal church. I sat there and held both wives hands for 1 1/2 hours and no one said a word.
I'm surprised there isn't an organized online option at least. I hope you find what you're looking for.
I'm surprised there isn't an organized online option at least. I hope you find what you're looking for.
Following covid, many churches are online every sunday in addition to their regular service. If online is ok you can attend any church you want and hold hands with as many women as you like! You don't even need to wear pants!

Seriously though, we've tried organising regular video church-like fellowship before, but it fizzles out - starts with enthusiasm and then only lasts a few weeks. I don't think that "attending church" is what anyone is really looking for, whether online or in person. They're looking for real in-person fellowship.

I've come to the conclusion that that means being a part of your local church - by which I mean, being involved with the other Christians who live near you. It is tempting to try and form a "church" with like-minded individuals, but when scattered across the world we cannot truly be a church - we can't turn up at your door with baking when you've got a cold or drop our kids off to play with yours for the afternoon. Your local church is the Christians who live near you. Period. Now, that doesn't mean you have to attend their Sunday worship services - they might reject you. But it does mean cultivating whatever relationships are possible with them, and trying to find what role God has for you in the local church community. Even oddballs have an unofficial place - find yours.
Yes, this is essentially what we’re all looking for. We need other like minded people. It’s important for us to be around other Christians.
And be willing to show a little grace toward one another when we discover we're not as like minded in other areas of faith and practice. Not directed at you @NBTX11.... a general comment.
How do you worship together as a family, given that poly is rejected and hated by the vast majority of Christendom and certainly by all major denominations?

Never had a second wife, so we have always gone to a traditional church, but we still worshiped together as a family. Past tense because, sadly, all of the children have grown up and moved out and away!

1. Have a stack of song books, and just sing! Each of the songs are numbered so we would just call out a number and start singing! We come from an acapella tradition so we did not bother with an instrument.

2. Sometimes I would have a Bible lesson planned.

3. Pray. Sometimes I would lead a prayer, and sometimes we would go around the circle and let everyone pray in their own words.

4. Communion. Bread and wine in rememberance of Jesus followed up by a love feast!

Good times!