• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Fool Me Once, Shame On Me. Fool Me Twice.....

I don't attend Biblical Families Conferences.

Well you are certainly welcome to attend. I'd love to chat with ya. Feel free to attend the West Coast retreat if you do desire. No one from the leadership will criticize you even if there are a few differences.
Sorry for breaking the wall of silence over this but someone had to tell him…good grief.
Actually, I am not sure someone had to tell him.
Even if they did, they could have maybe told him in a private message. :(
If the potential next wife is divorced verify her version of the truth with multiple sources, preferably the ex. My husband met a single mom who we thought had potential. He found out after talking to her ex-husband that the situation regarding the divorce is much different than her version and the ex-husband wants her back. Because of that it was obvious that she was not justly divorced before Gd and he did not want to be taking another man's wife so he had to break that off.

In our local county the divorce rate is so bad that most women can expect to be married about 3 times by age 45, so we have an excess of desperate single mothers. Their difficulty mainly comes from the fact that they want to stay local and all the "good men" are taken or leave so they settle for a series of drunks and abusers. That desperation can create a husband stealing mentality. It is said around here that when a woman gets married the bachelorette party is for her to say goodbye to her single girl friends b/c "single friends steal husbands."
We had one women who said she was interested but her actions showed that was not what she felt. She was really hoping that I would be so upset over the idea of sharing that I would leave him.
And these were ones that were confessing Christians.....
Dear Isabella People,
I avoid BF gatherings because of people like you, people with your attitude.
You have my permission to never read anything by me again. When you see the post is by me, do me a favor and just skip it.
I HATE TO STOOP TO YOUR LEVEL IN THIS, BUT FYI THERE ARE 1300 people in my Yahoo and Flickr groups, and for their sake, clearly not for yours, I will continue to post what I feel led to post even if only half of them might be lurkers and looky-lous. I have one Yahoo group with 1300 members dealing with sexual issues where polygyny is one of the items dealt with as needed. Though I may be nothing more than a Don Quixote to you,
apparently there is a significant number of people in this world who choose to receive my posts as I am led to post them. I would be a fool to let gainsayers and critics like you influence my posting.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OrthodoxB ... gePolygamy 
http://groups.google.com/group/Biblical ... myPolygyny
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PolyPolyg ... gynyNJesus
elkanahtyler said:
Dear Isabella People,
I avoid BF gatherings because of people like you, people with your attitude.

Oi,oi,oi,what is all this 'People' thing? Why are you blaming the rest of BF for what 'I' said? These people have done nothing to you. I take full responsibility for what I say but I think it very unfair for you to blame others and use that as a reason to avoid BF gatherings. You shalt find me at one anyway, though I daresay there would be a fair few people on this board I could have a decent craic with, I still think most of the folks on here would have more in common with and more tolerance for, you, not me.

Hi Doc,

Some sound advice, though I have a few differences, I think the vast majority of people can benefit from what you are saying. Been awhile since I have been here. I have read some posts from time to time, but this one caught my attention. I always thought it was fool me once, shame on you...Fool me twice shame on me, (by not learning the first time). I have also been hoodwinked and some of the warning signs were there. I am amazed at how sophisticated these people are getting at deceiving people. If only they would spend as much time and effort on doing something upright, imagine how successful they could be. :mrgreen:

My answer is always to pray and obey, even if it does not feel right. The feelings have to catch up with the obedience. We are currently adding a second wife here locally in South Africa, but we prayed about it and though it is tough, God is all over it and when people do what He says, it works. However, it DOES take work and laying down personal desires to love the others with the love of Christ, which is our duty and how people will know we are true Christians.

Anyway, this is a great topic and very timely as the internet dating for poly seems to be taking off, especially with the poly dating web sites popping up and even traditional dating web sites getting a few people talking about poly more openly.

Keep up the good work Doc.


Sorry about that Liz. i think when you talk to someone never assume that they are only talking to you. Unless there is an agreement already made. Always be flexible and you never know what happens. For a time I had been talking to this one woman on the phone and im's, We seem to get along wonderful and then she up and deleted her profile and just totally disappeared. yeah i was heart broken and just thought it was another woman changing her mind. Her friends finally informed me that she had an accident and didn't make it. She was in the military and when I met her she was stationed over sea's. The shock of it was that she had just transferred to the stated to pro sue a relationship with my family and I.
Now I have gotten close to her family. So the courting thing can go either way
Another situation that I had was with a woman named Lorrin Loines and we talked on the phone and im's a lot. She seemed real nice and then started having 'internet problem" She texted me to asked if I could pay her internet bill. I refused and then she deleted me and had nothing to do with me. Taking apart the situation i realized that she was having some issues with her male next door nieghbor and I figured out she wasn't really not interested in me or the idea of polygamy. Had I had sent her the money it would have been lost and most likely She and whomever would have been laughing it up.
Two situation's that cam out completely different . So we have to be vigilante and aware so not only we don't get our hearts broke or our wallet's emptied. I have run into quite a few that give a good story.
Wow man folks is gettin messed over alot on here. I for one just get hooked up with crazies and the good ones (or the ones who seem good any ways live over seas). I gave up looking for a second wife a long time ago. If it happens cool if not oh well it wasn't ment too be. Honestly though I don't mean to sound this way, but searching for a second wife all the time is a waste of time IMHO to me for me. I could be out doing things living life to the fullest instead of chatting online all the time. I am pretty much like this I'll talk to you for three days online after that I'll send you my number if you think I am interesting cool call or give me your number if not nice chatting with ya. I usually don't continue to have an online relationship. I really lay off talking to them in general or as a whole. I figure why get attached if they can't even call me? Most people will try to draw it out online for as long as they can. I just don't have time. More so now then I did before. I am more of a talk to ya if I am interested in courting ya. Second I just really dislike messenger Hard to tell peoples true emotions the only difference is if they are talking or YELLING. I am more of a need to figure you out kind of person. But hey we are all different. Good luck to every one with your search for 1st 2nd or wich ever wife you are being led to find!
I have also known of single women approaching several married couples simultaneously, and no one knows about the "other ones." Hearts open, hopes get raised, and then the "dear John" letter. Everybody needs to be open, honest, and careful. Again, no offense intended to anyone, but yeah, Doc, "you got the word" when you say "fool me once..."

Good points, all.