• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Glutton for punishment

In keeping with the glutton for punishment theme, my wife and I are considering renewing our sisterwives membership.
I say that with full knowledge that apparently (or so @Keith Martin tells me), most of the people on the site are just looking for nookie not marriage. I imagine he is likely right. We are also aware that the site is in large part blatant hucksterism with the fake profiles of pretty young women trying to lure you back messaging you once you allow the membership to expire. Oh and that they are cool with guys in dresses looking to be a "sisterwife "... yeah.

Maybe I should look at other avenues instead. Dithering a bit honestly. Perhaps getting on some of the various social media sites that are laughably called right wing by the maladaptives in pop culture. Beyond finding religion and going out shopping churches or deciding to do the social media thing, I don't see a lot of others potential vehicles for the search.
Just really not liking the notion of that site.
Maybe I should just be Significantly more up front about hard limits in the profile so that I attract less uncompatable potential suitors. Sounds good on the face of things but how difficult is it for a woman to read that a guy is creeped right the hell out by a high body count and then claim near snowy white innocence when she has in fact had a longer line of guys than the tilt-o-whirl?

It boils down essentially to being frustrated at feeling boxed in by a lack of options.
Maybe this is the motivation you need to find religion then, given you've identified that yourself as the main other potential search vehicle? :cool:
It boils down essentially to being frustrated at feeling boxed in by a lack of options.
You don't need options really, just to meet someone compatible.
The overwhelming thought of attempting that....and how unappealing the idea of getting close even emotionally to someone that didn't like me contributed to me sincerely telling God when I was about 14 years old that I didn't want to do the "going out" and "breaking up" thing the girls my age were pretending at at church and school, I told him I just wanted to wait for who He had for me. The "right one" I believed I wouldn't ever break up with. About five years later I had forgotten that I prayed that, and was wondering why I had no prospects. He reminded me and it was like a question "I thought you said you wanted to just wait?" And at that point I remembered. I also quit looking, or worrying about it at all. My hubby moved in next door when I was out living at home with my parents (I listened when God told me to go back home after staying three other places with friends....and given that a very unattractive man with ideas about me was there monopolizing my mom.....it was NOT my favorite idea) and this happened way out in the desert west of Phoenix.
I got everything I wanted and so much more by not giving God a list of requirements. Same here recently with my hubby's new wife. I am just amazed at how perfectly He works out details in our lives and matches people up.

He prepares hearts, and this huge change in their relationship and our family was natural and I would say effortless.

Maybe this is the motivation you need to find religion then, given you've identified that yourself as the main other potential search vehicle? :cool:

You don't have to find God, He's not the one lost.

I have always understood your aversion to religions. Denominations and many of the people that claim them are imperfect. I have also always seen a moral code expressed in your writing that I have long believed was evidence of a "law written on your heart." I know others here would happily debate that belief, but it need not be theirs.
My hubby has enjoyed debating with many people over the years about what some call christian identity, and he also had long shunned ALL denominations prefering to fellowship with whoever God brings our way....without the strings and trappings of churches and the pretended authority of pastors. Of course we hold strong beliefs....because we are right! (*grin*)
But we also love to listen to the reasons others may disagree with us...and we have found we learn much by engaging in meaningful conversations.

God wants to give us the desires of our hearts.


Jesus also said what to prioritize.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" He went on to promise that "All these things (that people seek after in pursuit of happiness) shall be added unto you"

Just like my sweet sisterwife is experiencing love like she has never known in a relationship....God is there waiting for each of those He calls to taste the sweetness and goodness of choosing to trust Him.

I just wanted to share my testimony that faith in Him is never blind, unreasonable, or foolish. That the creator of heaven and earth has said "Come, let us reason together" to his creation.....and we are all just organized dirt! Animated water, minerals and such....this is astounding to me!

I hope you can someday see, and will be willing to reconsider your previously expressed position.
You don't need religion, no one does, but life is better when you read His Story (biblical history) and choose to have a relationship with Him.

To bring this full circle....reconsidering that one relstionship option....might open other possibilities.... and a relationship with the Good Shepherd might better qualify you for caring for His lambs.

Maybe this is the motivation you need to find religion then, given you've identified that yourself as the main other potential search vehicle? :cool:
Hand waggle
I can see the point of view but I also would not appreciate someone apparently hunting in my neck of the woods if they were not a local or actively intending to move to the area. It would seem disingenuous to me.