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God not a polygamist?

Ok, derailment in one thread is not excepted, but in another it is, got it.

@Evo, thank you for your input. I would like to learn more about your country and how polygamy is lived there today.

Are you saying that polygamy worked in you county until western 'christianity' changed it?
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Ok, derailment in one thread is not excepted, but in another it is, got it.
It is often the prerogative of the OP, unless moderators deem it necessary for some practical reason.

From time to time, moderators are asked by members to move such and such rabbit trail from the post they've started. It's not uncommon.

You've already started a new thread, so we won't have to, but a simple request by @Evo would have had the same effect.
Oh to not have to concern oneself with what should be considerd canonical and what ought to be rejected! Life is so much simpler when you can just say "These 66 books and no more". I find the arguments that Mark and Luke ought to be canonical, somewhat disturbing, since those two were not apostles, and if John's gospel was actually written by someone like Lazarus, because it almost certainly was not written by the brother of James, should we not include it, when there is so much in that gospel account that we have always embraced as profound truth?
It's difficult when you're trying to put everything into a black & white categorisation of what is "canonical", but becomes simpler when you're willing to simply read everything the NT writers and church fathers found had value and find that value for yourself. The idea of books being "canonical" or not is far more recent anyway. So there's no reason to reject Mark, Luke or John - the church has always found these to have value, so they have value.
@Evo, thank you for your input. I would like to learn more about your country and how polygamy is lived there today.

Are you saying that polygamy worked in you county until western 'christianity' changed it?

Do you know of any families that have been split apart because of the church?
A very well known member who has not been active lately, lost his first wife because of the church.
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Oh to not have to concern oneself with what should be considerd canonical and what ought to be rejected! Life is so much simpler when you can just say "These 66 books and no more". I find the arguments that Mark and Luke ought to be canonical, somewhat disturbing, since those two were not apostles, and if John's gospel was actually written by someone like Lazarus, because it almost certainly was not written by the brother of James, should we not include it, when there is so much in that gospel account that we have always embraced as profound truth?
And, who wrote Hebrews?
Yeah, in fact Jesus said that it is those men, who cause their wives to commit adultery, so I don't blame the women whose husbands unjustly divorced them. We have a few of them here on this site, and I know that men who have no issue with taking them to be their second or third, are here, so I don't see myself filling a void, if I were to include them. My preference would be for the husband who is responsible for this situation, to first be forewarned that there are serious consequences, either in this life or the life to come, for his refusal to take his wife back.

Those men are of course welcome to seek out women who are not divorced, but that is entirely up to them, and it is entirely possible that a divorced woman might slip through the cracks and end up marrying them, but I won't have a guilty conscience over the matter.

So be it. I cannot concern myself with how the website seems. I put the topic in as a Vent your rage item, so that it can be discussed. The America's Biblical Polygyny FB group was so off-put with my stance that one of the Admins blocked me on that page for two weeks. I got a number of likes from others in the group, when I took that stance.

If another polygamy dating website pops up that welcomes divorced women, I will have to change my tagline to reflect that mine is not the only one out there. Some people have no qualms about going to a Muslim run site to find a second or third wife. I want to have a site for people who believe in doing this in accordance to what the Bible teaches. I recognize that others are out there who believe that Scripture teaches differently. If any of them are open to marrying divorcees, I don't believe they will have too much difficulty finding them in different polygamy forums.

Daniel, have you ever known anyone who got a wife through a dating site? Do you know any plural families that claim that's how they started?
Daniel, have you ever known anyone who got a wife through a dating site? Do you know any plural families that claim that's how they started?
Can't speak for Daniel, but I know two monogamous marriages successfully begun through dating sites. Including one of the men here years ago finding a first wife through one, while being completely open about his views on polygamy. It does happen - but these are exceptions.
Daniel, have you ever known anyone who got a wife through a dating site? Do you know any plural families that claim that's how they started?
Somehow this got posted here instead of the Goin' Live thread.
Can't speak for Daniel, but I know two monogamous marriages successfully begun through dating sites. Including one of the men here years ago finding a first wife through one, while being completely open about his views on polygamy. It does happen - but these are exceptions.

I left out the word 'polygamous wife', do you know of anyone who has gotten a polygamous wife from a dating site. My wife and I met on a dating site, and it is a common thing. I wanted to know if anyone had meet a wife who joined a a family on a dating site.
I left out the word 'polygamous wife', do you know of anyone who has gotten a polygamous wife from a dating site. My wife and I met on a dating site, and it is a common thing. I wanted to know if anyone had meet a wife who joined a a family on a dating site.
I don't know of any - but given most serious dating websites don't cater for polygamy, I am not surprised. There are so few opportunities at present it would be no surprise if there are few successes at present. That doesn't mean the potential doesn't exist.
@Evo, thank you for your input. I would like to learn more about your country and how polygamy is lived there today.

Are you saying that polygamy worked in you county until western 'christianity' changed it?[/QUOTE]

In my country there are many tribes and in most of these tribes polygamy was/is normal. That was the life's style.

When the Belgian came and brought Christianity, they said polygamy was not good. They were catholics, so not really forcing them to have only one.

But when the revival started, those people were adamant.
Anyone wanting to be baptized had to give up on all the wives except the 1st.
That's mainly in major towns and cities.
In villages people still openly practice polygamy.

If a woman is the second or nth and goes to church, the pastor will tell her she's not married. She needs to break up and pray for the man of her life.

If the man is a polygamist, the pastor tells the man to break up with all the wives exceptthe 1st.
Some people follow that.

people having money: president, rulers of the country, politicians, businesses man...always have more than one wife openly.

The remaining people living in cities have girl friends.
I would say 95% of men if they don't have more than one wife have had girl friends while married.

Nowadays life is hard for many here and fathers are failing to provide for their children, so young girls easily go into relationship with married men, most of the time for money.

The other case is in Africa at 25- 30 you have to be married or engaged. Past that age it's difficult to find a free man willing to marry a woman of +30

Those women over 30 wait for that free man to come then end up being with married men without those men marrying them.

Few men have got the guts to take more wives, more wives means more responsibilities more problems.

One wife and many girl friends. You're still the good guy at church, no one knows so no one judges you and you enjoy many women.

These women don't deserve happiness? ? Are the wives at home of more values or more women than these single women that don't deserve to be married??

Now even the law is kind of against it, although no body follows that.
No one gets arrested for paying the dowry of many women (having many wives )

One more thing, years back women were not really educated or they were but were still good wives or were completely dependent on the husband.
So they couldn't leave a husband just because he's got another wife or girlfriends.
And the family would reject a woman who divorces.

Now all the women are educated and work.
They think they are equal to men.
They don't accept or tolerate a husband marrying another one.
If they hear the husband has a girlfriend eish big trouble.
Sometimes they attack the girl.
Divorce is not that okay but it's not acceptable.
Women are independent. They can supply for themselves

Because of all this men who are not rich are scared to have many.

Here being rich it's being powerful sometimes being above the law