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Great/inspirational quotes

People ignore rules that don't make sense and once the habit forms, they ignore rules that do make sense. Sensible lawmaking is important for respecting the rule of law. David Seymour
People ignore rules that don't make sense and once the habit forms, they ignore rules that do make sense. Sensible lawmaking is important for respecting the rule of law. David Seymour
Problem with qoute is that is assumes we need rule makers. Well, we don't.

How did any custom based law was created? People did have conflicts and successful solutions in peace making have in long run become the law.

And also quote assumes bureaucrats won't screw up common sense by blindly following rule book.
People ignore rules that don't make sense and once the habit forms, they ignore rules that do make sense. Sensible lawmaking is important for respecting the rule of law. David Seymour
This is why YHWH reserved the right to make law to HIMSELF.
Problem with qoute is that is assumes we need rule makers. Well, we don't.

How did any custom based law was created? People did have conflicts and successful solutions in peace making have in long run become the law.

And also quote assumes bureaucrats won't screw up common sense by blindly following rule book.
I see in the videos of e.g. BLM protests etc. what happens when people decide they don't need law makers or law enforcement. Come and try driving down the roads here where there are frequent examples of people doing what is right in their own eyes, not caring for the safety and wellbeing of other road users and causing serious suffering and even death. Do you obey the rules for driving in your country?
I see in the videos of e.g. BLM protests etc. what happens when people decide they don't need law makers or law enforcement. Come and try driving down the roads here where there are frequent examples of people doing what is right in their own eyes, not caring for the safety and wellbeing of other road users and causing serious suffering and even death. Do you obey the rules for driving in your country?
Police doesn't exactly enforce driving laws in my country. It's mass disobedience thing happen casually.

Real problem is from laws come. By real problem solving done by individuals or "wise masters" (ie central planners) inventing rules.
Problem with qoute is that is assumes we need rule makers. Well, we don't.

How did any custom based law was created? People did have conflicts and successful solutions in peace making have in long run become the law.

And also quote assumes bureaucrats won't screw up common sense by blindly following rule book.
I think you miss the point that “Sensible lawmaking “ would mean knowing when not to make laws.
I think you miss the point that “Sensible lawmaking “ would mean knowing when not to make laws.
I would very much prefer discovering natural law rather that having current situation of inventing law.

This is real reason why current situation is so bad because when some group has rightvto enforce it's morality on other people, this group will have incentives to be bad. And will also get inflitrated with worst people.
I think you miss the point that “Sensible lawmaking “ would mean knowing when not to make laws.
Once-free AmeriKa-with-a-K is in a far worse place today:

They "make law" to turn what YHVH decreed literally on its head, calling 'evil' good, and 'good,' evil.

He says "don't do it," even "it's Abomination" - and they mandate it be taught to your children. And they're Proud of it, too.
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