Yesterday I was watching another YT video from a very public christian polygamist when I heard him parroting some of the thinking that I have been hearing from another of our friends that likes to parle with people.
They have been making statements that in my view water down the legitimacy of a man wanting more than one woman. The statements go something to the effect of, you should not plan to have more than one wife. Or, It has nothing to do with sexual desire, I just want to cover more women. In yesterdays "Live" the statement was made that you should NOT come into marriage saying, "I want to have four wives". And that you do not know how many God will bless you with and you should only take a wife if God tells you to take a wife. It should not be your idea but God's idea.
That statement was so OFF BASE that his wife who was with him in the "live" asked him point blank, how can a man know if it is God's idea or your own?
Here is the truth of it all. We Can have a plan. We SHOULD have a plan. And, plans can change. But to say that it should not be your idea is nuts!
How many times have we heard a young girl or a recently married young lady say that she intends to have X number of children. It is her role to have children and for her to be making plans to have X number is not something that we should scorn her for. We all know that she may end up unable to have children at all. She may end up being fertile Mertle and have more than she wanted. Each child she gets we count as a blessing from God but that does not mean that she should not plan for the number that she wants.
The EXACT same thing should be true for men. As young men still single or early into married life, if a man were to say, I plan to have 3 wives someday, that should be perfectly fine. We all know that he may never find the first woman to marry him. He may end up as an incel. That is life. But, with a plan, the likely-hood of life playing out somewhat close to the plan goes way up!
Another trend is telling men what are the legitimate reasons for wanting another wife. Saying that the only valid reason should be for covering a woman that needs covered.
Well DUH! IF you are desiring to cover a married woman that is a major issue. But a man may desire to take another wife for any of the reasons that he sees fit to marry her. Stop trying to say how other men should be thinking!
So, to our public facing friends, STOP being weak in the debate!
It is OKAY for men to have a desire and plan for more than one wife!!
Stop telling men the reasons that you find acceptable for them to desire a wife.
STOP telling people that you publicly debate that it has nothing to do with physical desire. There is nothing wrong with that being a legit reason for the desire.
And to the two I am speaking to, thank you for being in the public arena and engaging on this topic.
They have been making statements that in my view water down the legitimacy of a man wanting more than one woman. The statements go something to the effect of, you should not plan to have more than one wife. Or, It has nothing to do with sexual desire, I just want to cover more women. In yesterdays "Live" the statement was made that you should NOT come into marriage saying, "I want to have four wives". And that you do not know how many God will bless you with and you should only take a wife if God tells you to take a wife. It should not be your idea but God's idea.
That statement was so OFF BASE that his wife who was with him in the "live" asked him point blank, how can a man know if it is God's idea or your own?
Here is the truth of it all. We Can have a plan. We SHOULD have a plan. And, plans can change. But to say that it should not be your idea is nuts!
How many times have we heard a young girl or a recently married young lady say that she intends to have X number of children. It is her role to have children and for her to be making plans to have X number is not something that we should scorn her for. We all know that she may end up unable to have children at all. She may end up being fertile Mertle and have more than she wanted. Each child she gets we count as a blessing from God but that does not mean that she should not plan for the number that she wants.
The EXACT same thing should be true for men. As young men still single or early into married life, if a man were to say, I plan to have 3 wives someday, that should be perfectly fine. We all know that he may never find the first woman to marry him. He may end up as an incel. That is life. But, with a plan, the likely-hood of life playing out somewhat close to the plan goes way up!
Another trend is telling men what are the legitimate reasons for wanting another wife. Saying that the only valid reason should be for covering a woman that needs covered.
Well DUH! IF you are desiring to cover a married woman that is a major issue. But a man may desire to take another wife for any of the reasons that he sees fit to marry her. Stop trying to say how other men should be thinking!
So, to our public facing friends, STOP being weak in the debate!
It is OKAY for men to have a desire and plan for more than one wife!!
Stop telling men the reasons that you find acceptable for them to desire a wife.
STOP telling people that you publicly debate that it has nothing to do with physical desire. There is nothing wrong with that being a legit reason for the desire.
And to the two I am speaking to, thank you for being in the public arena and engaging on this topic.