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Helpmeet - Ruprecht Wachter

In any case, @Maia , while @frederick has not managed to support his own points (and indeed has rather soundly undercut his own thesis on multiple occasions), he has managed, as a side-effect, to quite solidly prove one of yours for you. Earlier when I admonished you for picking and choosing what Scriptures you considered valid and what Scriptures you did not, you replied with a casual, "everyone does."
Well, after reviewing nearly a page of Frederick insisting "Rupe, your direct quotations of Scripture are a flawed InTeRpReTaYsHuN and they contradict Scripture, and only my statement of a principle not found in Scripture, with no Scriptural backing, is Scriptural," I'm forced to concede that you are, in fact, very much not alone in your error.
I am jumping in here to point out that 1 Peter claims to have been written by Peter. For the vast majority of us, and for the ministry at large, it is a settled fact that Peter wrote 1 Peter.
I would say I have neither a domination fetish, nor do I prefer being submissive. I do not think you can simply put people into cupboards.
Dominance - submission is spectrum.

For date, do you prefer choosing activity and place yourself or leave this to date?

Sometime I like taking the lead because, as they say, if you want something done (well) do it yourself, I am unwilling to be sloppy. That includes leading a group.

Look more like bad delegation if you have to do everything yourself good.
I guess to some extent it is based on how I was raised, and the examples set by other females in my family. There is maybe one cousin, and one aunt who are more on the submissive side, but in general the vast majority of the woman in my family are very confident in life. I would say they all view marriage as more of a partnership, I don't think anyone of them bosses their husband around, but they would likely also not tolerate being bossed around. In the end, none of my aunts are divorced so whatever it is they are living seems to work for them, that does not mean it would work for everyone.
Submission isn't connected with confidence. It's measure of letting somebody else take charge of life. Dominance is opposite.

Extremely high dominance would rather kill themselves than be subordinate in anything. Better village chieftain than second in Rome. Yes, such people did truly exist. I know two, one is Julius Caesar.

I am in the middle. I am 17. I have a 19 year old brother, and a 22 year old sister. I also have younger 12, and 14 year old sisters.

Nice to know. It's mostly sisterly family just as I suspected.

Sex might be different, I do not really know, but other aspects of life, I would not view myself as submissive. For example, I could not tolerate not having my own bank account, with my own income. Again I view my family as an example, both my parents have separate accounts, and both finance their own hobbies and projects, there is a joint account for family affairs.
Sex has nothing with finance. I know proper mindset, just there is too much censorship here.
You jump to many conclusions. Just because Peter did or did not write the book of 1 Peter doesn’t have any bearing on whether or not he built the church or if he did that the church he built was the Roman Catholic one. Remember that Paul was in Rome too at that time. But either way, there is just no indication that there was anything like the Catholic Church existent at the time. To prove Peter founded the Roman Catholic Church you would have to show that he espoused any of the peculiar theology that church adheres to. There’s simply no indication that he did.

As far as Adam goes, he did not experience a gestation through pregnancy. He was created a fully grown man. He would have never been a female “embryo”. But again, even if he had been that wouldn’t violate the creation account. It says Adam was created first. Had Adam been created as an embryo he still would have been Adam in those early stages of gestation. But again, he was created as an adult so that doesn’t matter anyway.

Correct. And depictions of Adam and Eve with navels are wholly wrong.
Ok. Bought it.
Read it.
Found it fantastic, even if it’s a book aimed for women, I found several nuggets for me too.

Even translated it all into french!

Do you know how I could contact Ruprecht?
It’s impossible to join him via Amazon.
Any leads?
You begin by stating your own view, and then you assert that the onus is upon God to alter His Scripture so that it lines up with your view.
Never stated that. What I am stating is that I believe unmoral people are putting words in God's mouth. I am pretty sure there is a technical term for that.
Yes, which is precisely what you confess that you are doing when you flatly declare that you pick and choose when Scripture does and does not apply. Your position from the beginning has been "I don't like the interpretation that a woman is the property of a man." The rebuttal was "that's not an interpretation, it's direct quotation." You followed that up using multiple declarations of modern thought that have no Biblical basis, in an attempt to support your claim that what God intends is what you think, and not what the Bible says.
I believe you'll find that it is you who are misusing Scripture by openly declaring that only those passages that conform to your view are to be accepted and all others are to be dismissed, and the rebuttal you have come up against is the literal, unfiltered, uninterpreted application of Scripture in the original, unaltered language.

Here is what I think. Many people are using scripture to further their own agendas. Many men will not only try to intimidate woman into a submissive position via scripture, but keep her under control by limiting her education, ability to earn money, and deny her, her own bank account.

Very useful tools to keep the cheap maid, and child care provider from running away.

Even Satan would probably agree with the way the woman's position is described in the bible, which cannot be right.

As far as Adam goes, he did not experience a gestation through pregnancy. He was created a fully grown man. He would have never been a female “embryo”. But again, even if he had been that wouldn’t violate the creation account. It says Adam was created first. Had Adam been created as an embryo he still would have been Adam in those early stages of gestation. But again, he was created as an adult so that doesn’t matter anyway.

If he is the blue print then it would be logical that the Y Chromosome kicks in right away, why have it activate later in the progenitor?

Correct. And depictions of Adam and Eve with navels are wholly wrong.

You have seen a swim ware shoot they did, or read an autopsie report? Perhaps it had other functions such as serving as a mounting point for God's flesh CNC machine.
Here is what I think. Many people are using scripture to further their own agendas. Many men will not only try...

Many PEOPLE use...politics, money, force, coercion, lawfare, weapons...sex, lies, videotape - fill in the blank! - to do exactly that.

What matters is whether or not Scripture as Written is TRUE. And then whether or not people try to read it for that and walk it out for that same reason.
No woman will complain of receiving order on Friday afternoon to pack up because her darling is taking her on mysterious romantic trip.
You are not even a woman, but presume to know all?
I don't like surprises....so I would likely not be happy about being ORDERED to pack....but not what to pack for.
Never. I just know much.

What, you don't like romantic suprises?
You have this idea about women, about what you think they want, what they're like, how to treat them etc. But they're all different. Woman are not a one size fits all sort of thing. Some women may like a romantic surprise like that. I would not.

Your comments here show on a regular basis that you do not know much about women at all. And even less about the type of woman you would want as a wife.
I would say I have neither a domination fetish, nor do I prefer being submissive. I do not think you can simply put people into cupboards.

Sometime I like taking the lead because, as they say, if you want something done (well) do it yourself, I am unwilling to be sloppy. That includes leading a group.

As I also said I have no issues letting someone lead a project if they are better.

I guess to some extent it is based on how I was raised, and the examples set by other females in my family. There is maybe one cousin, and one aunt who are more on the submissive side, but in general the vast majority of the woman in my family are very confident in life. I would say they all view marriage as more of a partnership, I don't think anyone of them bosses their husband around, but they would likely also not tolerate being bossed around. In the end, none of my aunts are divorced so whatever it is they are living seems to work for them, that does not mean it would work for everyone.

I am in the middle. I am 17. I have a 19 year old brother, and a 22 year old sister. I also have younger 12, and 14 year old sisters.

Sex might be different, I do not really know, but other aspects of life, I would not view myself as submissive. For example, I could not tolerate not having my own bank account, with my own income. Again I view my family as an example, both my parents have separate accounts, and both finance their own hobbies and projects, there is a joint account for family affairs.
"As I also said I have no issues letting someone lead a project if they are better."
Gents, let God offer you a woman who will choose to submit to you in a situation even if she thinks that situation matches her excellence better than yours. Many men are striving for excellence so their wives can justify their submission to themselves and others.
You have this idea about women, about what you think they want, what they're like, how to treat them etc. But they're all different. Woman are not a one size fits all sort of thing. Some women may like a romantic surprise like that. I would not.
Well, all men like pretty women, except ones 0.01% who prefer fatties.

When I say or imply all women, it's either something driven by biology so it will influence all women or something vast majority wants.

So tell me that vast majority doesn't like doing romantic with her man? I don't believe it. When something goes against usual cultural norms, you better have great proofs.

What is interested I said this answering @Maia, but she stays silent. It's you, @FollowingHim2 and @Joleneakamama who have issue.

Number one, you don't need to defend @Maia. She is old enough to fo herself. And secondly, I understand if your husbands try to take you on mystery journey. What about children? And farm animals?

Well, I assumed hubby will take care of it without telling you.
Your comments here show on a regular basis that you do not know much about women at all. And even less about the type of woman you would want as a wife.
Or maybe I have different experiences.

I do know what I like in women. I'm certan many won't approve here.
Well, all men like pretty women, except ones 0.01% who prefer fatties.
See you just don't know what you're talking about, you really don't. You make huge assumptions like this, never based in fact, just on what you feel.

So tell me that vast majority doesn't like doing romantic with her man? I don't believe it. When something goes against usual cultural norms, you better have great proofs.
You assume that the example you gave was the only type of romance. There are many forms of romance, and other things I would prefer than my husband suddenly telling me to pack a bag we're going away for the weekend. Your proof is that Jolene and I both said we wouldn't like it, I don't know how much more fact you can get than that, it is true.