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Helpmeet - Ruprecht Wachter

I am adventurous. We like taking a Jeep as far as it can go, and then putting canoes and tents into the water. We like sailing not in the Caribbean, or the Amalfi coast, but in truly remote areas.

But I do not like surprise.

Well, some are nice. I was solo kayaking, in a creek, and when I rounded a corner there was a moose standing in the creek. That was a nice surprise. Waking up to a Black Bear in the camp site (and yes the food was in a tree, away from the campsite) was a not very nice surprise.
Ok, spontaneous adventurous just for you.

More like, let's go somewhere. 30 minutes from idea to trip.

Heard case of girl who has finished in Israel less than day after getting idea to travel there from Croatia.

You sound like someone who likes planning.
I can’t figure out why women’s actual opinions would trump a male’s

Thank you!
That was the most exercise that my laugh muscles have gotten all week!
You know what I can't figure out? i cant figure out why that comment by memefan would make a person laugh...
I can’t figure out why women’s actual opinions would trump a male’s
Then why men have better understanding of what women find attractive than women themselves? Hint: Men have systematically studies this. We call this red pill.*

Second reason is exposure to more different types to people which provides more data points.

For example, I appreciate value of sexual openness way more than average member here which explains why most of you believe I'm too much obsessed with sex in marriage and "immature". Nope, I like to test women on this value very much.

End result in that I have way more exposure to how people in different cultures behave in sexual situations, while most of you only know very conservative/conservative culture.

So yes, in certain areas man can better understand women than woman.

*Rule zero is that only thing which matters is what increases man's sexual success. I would thought this would be area of interest.

Fact is that @Eristhophanes had to write this banger because people of this forum were at least decade behind findings:

Thank you!
That was the most exercise that my laugh muscles have gotten all week!

Glad to be of service. 🤩 Where is smiley?
Ok, spontaneous adventurous just for you.

More like, let's go somewhere. 30 minutes from idea to trip.

Heard case of girl who has finished in Israel less than day after getting idea to travel there from Croatia.

You sound like someone who likes planning.
Some adventurous women understand if the wind blows them into a different port, or the weather delays sleep, or some wild creature steals or ruins breakfast... and they get married and extend the same understanding to their man. Others don't.
Ok, spontaneous adventurous just for you.

More like, let's go somewhere. 30 minutes from idea to trip.

Heard case of girl who has finished in Israel less than day after getting idea to travel there from Croatia.

You sound like someone who likes planning.

I know people who went to the airport with no idea where they would be flying to. That is not me.

A lot of what we do requires planning.

If you are going wilderness canoeing/camping finding out after someone broke their finger that one has forgotten the first aid kit is not acceptable. Especially in the north american Rockies, Prairies, in August one can have scorching weather, we have also woken up in August with 20 cm of snow on the ground that was not forecast. So basically one has top be prepared for everything. Many people consider wilderness camping to be light weight camping, you are actually preparing all eventualities. The wilderness canoes are designed for this. Empty, with just two people, they sit too high in the water, and are quite tipsy. Loaded up they are snuggly in the water.

Sailing, especially if you are travelling between countries, oh boy, you better plan.

Just the customs and immigration part.... Some countries want you you to inform them when you are leaving port in the previous country, others want to be informed just 48 hours before arrival, others 24. Some countries just want you to deal with the local harbor master, and he will facilitate everything, others want every email to be CCd to the head of immigration. Some countries want everyone to leave the boat and head to immigration, others want just the skipper to leave the boat with everyone passports, the others stay on board. With others still, custom and immigration comes to you. Some want a list of every persons personal electric devices to be listed. Others want every data processing device installed on the boat to be listed with serial numbers, including engine control units. There are over 50. Some accept it if everything is digital, others demand everything to be printed. Bad time to figure out that the printer will not print, or that you do not even have one on board. Some consider documents voided if there is any markings on them, others want the skippers signature on everything, others want no signatures but the yachts registered signet stamp on all docs.

Mess anything up, and you are potentially facing thousands in fines, and even jail time. Yeah, you need to plan.
You know what I can't figure out? i cant figure out why that comment by memefan would make a person laugh...
You don’t see the audacity of a male telling women that he understands them but they don’t understand themselves as being humorous?
