• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Hi from New Engkand

I doubt anyone would yell, but you are brave to put what you are wanting out there.

You will find like minded people here. I am a first wife of many years...have had a sisterwife for two years.
We are Christian but don't claim a church or denomination.

Hope you find what you are seeking!....and enjoy being here.
Oh wow! I give my you a lot of credit. It seems like it is also very hard for couples to find real women so congrats!
I doubt anyone would yell, but you are brave to put what you are wanting out there.

You will find like minded people here. I am a first wife of many years...have had a sisterwife for two years.
We are Christian but don't claim a church or denomination.

Hope you find what you are seeking!....and enjoy being here.
I mean! I've received a lot of hate from the lds people. A lot of them are on the sites obviously. I think that they are so intolerant bc they aren't Christian and you know... Matthew 10:22 (I think that's the one)
Whew! Brutal
But ty all for being so nice
Welcome to the group. We are in northern Minnesota so not very close to you and have had very similar experiences as you've described. The dating sites have been problematic with Bots, fakes and bisexual women. You think you find the one only to be a fake.

My wife was a teacher but chose to focus now on teaching our kids so the homeschooling world has provided so much flexibility in life it is something everyone should at least consider, especially with your skill set.

We have found many helpful and very intelligent people on here that can provide you all kinds of suggestions in this way of life. So many potential benefits it's worth going through some challenges.

The group has conventions that seem to float around the country so maybe one will come to you. If you find yourself traveling west hit us up as we enjoy visiting with like minded Christians.
Thank you! A convention here would be great. But I'm good with flying out too just not in the fall. I give your wife a lot of credit for homeschooling. That is so so hard! I actually can't homeschooling bc my older daughter needs other services at her school. We would also starve and die if I did that lol!
Oh wow! Minnesota. So I do have a polygamous acquaintance out there. Ohh his story! You have to be so so careful! I lady moved onto their property and she invoked her squatter rights for a couple of WEEKS. It could have gone on much longer. Keep being cautious and I wish y'all the best!
Welcome! Glad you found us. I hope you will find some good things, and connections, here.

FYI, if you would like to post in the Ladies Only section at any point, you will need to select Female under your account info. Looking forward to getting to know you more.
Ohh thank you that is a great tip!
Welcome! I'm a fellow Northeasterner and I can say I haven't seen anything. I can barely find fellow Christians here that actually at least pretend to read the Bible, never heard of any groups here either.
Welcome! I'm a fellow Northeasterner and I can say I haven't seen anything. I can barely find fellow Christians here that actually at least pretend to read the Bible, never heard of any groups here either.
Oh nice! What area are you from? You don't have to tell me exactly. But I will tell you that I am from in the smallest state lol. And yes so many nominal Christians here.
Welcome from Washington State!

I don't think there are many of us up in New England. Most of us are in the South, Midwest, Western US, and New Zealand.

You aren't crazy!

Traditional patriarchal polygyny is consistent with the Christian faith of the Bible. It might possibly be a good option for you.

Our fathers Abraham, Jacob, Gideon, David, Josiah, Moses, etc were polygamous, are were approved by God.

Likewise, Abigail was a wise and virtuous woman, and she chose to marry David, knowing him to be polygamous.

Even Christ and His apostles teaching in the New Testament seem to strongly indicate the continued legitimacy of the practice.

Polyamory is wicked, but traditional patriarchal polygamy is acceptable according to God's Law.

There are Christians out there who believe what you believe.
Thank you! That's really interesting that you said that. What verses do you know from the new testament?
I believe you I just am wondering. See I kinda believe in it for a different reason. Although I am a Christian. Something from the book of revelation that struck me as I went back into the dating world. Other than my 'revelation' that hit me like a ton of bricks.... I honestly can't find any scripture actually supporting the practice.
I can find one verse denouncing the practice, but I believe that that may have been geared toward that one person at that point in time in the old testament.
I do believe that it would be a very good option for me personally. I am a 'helper,' I don't have relatives, and I honestly don't think that many men are worthy of wives and children anymore. Our culture just doesn't promote family. Hence my belief mentioned earlier. Things may be going back to the days of old. Idk.
And yes polyamory is just.... terrible.
Augustine and Martin Luther are both on record acknowledging the legitimacy of polygyny. Those are two of the biggest names in the history of Western Christianity.

Add in men like the Protestant reformer Phillip Melanchthon, Puritan John Milton, and famous Methodist pastor Martin Madan.

There has long been a polygynous minority viewpoint in Western Christianity.

Many of us here hold traditional Evangelical, Protestant, and Reformed Christian beliefs, and also recognize the legitimacy of polygamy (though most of our Evangelical brothers are ignorant or wilfully ignorant on the issue).
I'm not reformed at all.... but thise are some famous ministers. I'll be interested in researching what they said about polygamy. I mean... I understand having a neutral stance in the subject.... I really do. Idk if they are so much ignorant as they are just not interested in researching the matter. Or haven't had a personal calling towards it. Like a real, true... like smack you in the face realization about it. I think for me it took a tragedy to even think about it in a sense to want to explore it as an option.
I'm not reformed at all.... but those are some famous ministers. I can actually totally see puritans being down with polygamy. I'll be interested in researching what they said about it. I mean... I understand having a neutral stance in the subject.... I really do. Idk if they are so much ignorant as they are just not interested in researching the matter. Or haven't had a personal calling towards it. Like a real, true... like smack you in the face realization about it. I think for me it took a tragedy to even think about it in a sense to want to explore it as an option.
Oh nice! What area are you from? You don't have to tell me exactly. But I will tell you that I am from in the smallest state lol. And yes so many nominal Christians here.
Originally from the Midwest now in PA.

You should read 2 Sam 12:8. Read the whole context of course, but this verse is a key verse in polygyny. There are quite a few more but it's hard to argue at that God declared it sin from this.
Most protestants are unaware that they are actually siding with the Roman Catholic Church in this matter of doctrine.

The same self appointed authority that "thought to change times and laws" changed the sabath from the 7th day to the first....and also claimed to have authority over marriages .. ..by power of fear of retribution.

Before the Council at Trent there were matters in the church that people did not agree on. So they made a "political" of sorts (church politics) ruling to settle things and it was then "politically incorrect" for a man of faith to have more than one wife.

Here is what they said about marriage.
View attachment 8403

In case you missed it. This was when the church first inserted itself formally and arrogantly into the business of marriage....AND also decided IT could redefine the parameters that YHWH had given. Too big for their britches me thinks!

Just a bit of history for those who might be interested.
I mean. I'm down with apostle Paul when it comes to the sabbath and such. But I do know exactly which group you are talking about. It's funny bc their leader was actually a woman who I believe was a proponent of polygamy. I think. I could be mistaken but I think her name wad Ellen White or something. Idk much more about them but that's always stuck with me since I read that in a SAD video. So I'm not even sure if it's common knowledge among them. Just something interesting.
Originally from the Midwest now in PA.

You should read 2 Sam 12:8. Read the whole context of course, but this verse is a key verse in polygyny. There are quite a few more but it's hard to argue at that God declared it sin from this.
Ah ty I will!
Oh ok! Well cool 😎 PA is far but I have driven through to get it Ohio.