• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Hi from New Engkand

@BibleChristian, I wanted to encourage you to check out some of our book resources that talk about Polygyny and Marriage. You can find them listed under RESOURCES, on the HOME page. Select Further Reading, or checkout Articles.
Shalom and welcome from Missouri.
I am a straight woman looking for polygamy... actually polygyny if you wanna get technical about it....
Straight is good, and polygyny is correct.
I am a Christian (non-denominational). I know I know! This lifestyle goes against my faith but that would be another issue to hear me out on!
I my opinion the Schiptures goes aganst 99% of christendom.
I have spoken to some people who follow only the old testament, but a major deal breaker with them is that the wives have been bi-sexual. As a Christian, I am looking for one man (who would be a husband-relationship) and a woman (or women) to share non-sexual but deeply-bonding friendships with.
Not all Torah observant people are bad, BUT just like new testament only people, there are a lot of missguided people. The questian is, are you a Truth Seeker??
Belief in the new-testament, including the Holy Trinity and the book of Revelation is really important to me.
Remember you can't have the new without the old.

I find a lot of women today want a man, and they want him to change and follow their belief system when in all reality she is to submit to him...
Ephesians 5:22-24 KJV Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. (23) For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. (24) Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

and yes I am aware of...
Ephesians 5:25 KJV Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Are you willing to let him wash you in the word?
Ephesians 5:26 KJV That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

That word includes all of Scripture, the Old and New.

May YaHWeH lead, guide, and direct you.
Straight is good, and polygyny is correct.

I my opinion the Schiptures goes aganst 99% of christendom.

Not all Torah observant people are bad, BUT just like new testament only people, there are a lot of missguided people. The questian is, are you a Truth Seeker??

Remember you can't have the new without the old.

I find a lot of women today want a man, and they want him to change and follow their belief system when in all reality she is to submit to him...
Ephesians 5:22-24 KJV Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. (23) For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. (24) Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

and yes I am aware of...
Ephesians 5:25 KJV Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Are you willing to let him wash you in the word?
Ephesians 5:26 KJV That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

That word includes all of Scripture, the Old and New.

May YaHWeH lead, guide, and direct you.
So, the only thing in this post that is news to me, is that I've never heard of 'new testament only' people. Since Christians can't deny their Jewish roots, I don't see that as being a thing. I mean, unless there is a group like this secluded somewhere then of course I've never heard of them, but it just doesn't seem logical. Is there a group like this somewhere? What are they called?
So, the only thing in this post that is news to me, is that I've never heard of 'new testament only' people. Since Christians can't deny their Jewish roots, I don't see that as being a thing. I mean, unless there is a group like this secluded somewhere then of course I've never heard of them, but it just doesn't seem logical. Is there a group like this somewhere? What are they called?
There’s actually several such groups. I interacted with a Mennonite sect one time that only believes in the New Testament.
So, the only thing in this post that is news to me, is that I've never heard of 'new testament only' people. Since Christians can't deny their Jewish roots, I don't see that as being a thing. I mean, unless there is a group like this secluded somewhere then of course I've never heard of them, but it just doesn't seem logical. Is there a group like this somewhere? What are they called?
The flavor of most churches that I have attended was that the NT was the only part of the Bible that we need to bother with today.
That was when they even opened the Bible.
The old has been done away with, etc. etc.

The OT was good for Sunday School stories for the kids.

Btw; it wasn’t Muslims or Buddhists that rounded up the Jews and persecuted them.
Most churchians aren’t really fond of their “Jewish roots”.
Hi there and greetings from New England!

So, I totally understand that this is not a dating site, and I am just looking for some guidance, or a point or a spin in the right direction. A few years ago, I became interested in polygamy as an option to help build a little network of family for myself and my 2 children.
I am hitting some major walls and I just wanted to reach out before I give up. My biggest problem is where I live.... New England 😬. Polyamory is a thing here. And it is even legal in Cambridge and Sutton Massachusets (for 3 adults to share benefits, etc.)! Polyamory isn't the issue lol. However, I am a straight woman looking for polygamy... actually polygyny if you wanna get technical about it.... there is no one here here and worse.... no where to meet or talk to anyone.
I do try! I look for meet-ups, but they are for polyamorous people. I can tell the profile photos that I won't find what I'm looking for at these meetings.
I am also in a couple of polygamous dating sites, but boy those are a mess as well. Another issue that I am having is that I am a Christian (non-denominational). I know I know! This lifestyle goes against my faith but that would be another issue to hear me out on! Lol.
So if course my question is, is there a network people in or around NE (or at least the east coast of the United States) who are polygamous? But who also happen to be Christians? I wanted to ask because there is a group of polygamous people out west who keep amongst themselves and network within that group.
I have spoken to a couple of them in hopes to find what I'm looking for (and trust me this group gets it right! Except..... you guessed it.... they aren't Christian). So those are my issues, I am not bisexual, and I am a Christian. I have spoken to some people who follow only the old testament, but a major deal breaker with them is that the wives have been bi-sexual. As a Christian, I am looking for one man (who would be a husband-relationship) and a woman (or women) to share non-sexual but deeply-bonding friendships with. Belief in the new-testament, including the Holy Trinity and the book of Revelation is really important to me.
Also, if there is not a new england or east coast meet-up or gathering, are there any that are held in other areas of the country, but not in August? I noticed there is one posted for next week but I start work at that time. I am a teacher and this is a super-difficult time for teachers to travel.
Finally, if this post is not allowed, please feel free to remove it. I know that I am asking a lot and for a lot of info and that I may just need to keep searching for on my own. Please don't yell at me haha 😬
Welcome & hello from Florida. Thank you for sharing your story!

My family and I were very relieved to find this place and local families where we live. I am not sure about NE, BF has helped us to connect with like minded Christians.

I've used most of the polygamy dating websites the paid ones are full of scammers. I have one still up but found it may be worth the wait searching out in the real world. I've also found there are alot of people online obsessed with the end goal and are at heart polyamorous. They will say what they think you want to hear. Please watch out with online, I've heard many horror stories of people rushing into a relationship and are suprised at the person they thought they knew. modernpolygamy.com has been a safe place so far. Just watch out for your flooded inbox being a woman.
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Hi there and greetings from New England!

So, I totally understand that this is not a dating site, and I am just looking for some guidance, or a point or a spin in the right direction. A few years ago, I became interested in polygamy as an option to help build a little network of family for myself and my 2 children.
I am hitting some major walls and I just wanted to reach out before I give up. My biggest problem is where I live.... New England 😬. Polyamory is a thing here. And it is even legal in Cambridge and Sutton Massachusets (for 3 adults to share benefits, etc.)! Polyamory isn't the issue lol. However, I am a straight woman looking for polygamy... actually polygyny if you wanna get technical about it.... there is no one here here and worse.... no where to meet or talk to anyone.
I do try! I look for meet-ups, but they are for polyamorous people. I can tell the profile photos that I won't find what I'm looking for at these meetings.
I am also in a couple of polygamous dating sites, but boy those are a mess as well. Another issue that I am having is that I am a Christian (non-denominational). I know I know! This lifestyle goes against my faith but that would be another issue to hear me out on! Lol.
So if course my question is, is there a network people in or around NE (or at least the east coast of the United States) who are polygamous? But who also happen to be Christians? I wanted to ask because there is a group of polygamous people out west who keep amongst themselves and network within that group.
I have spoken to a couple of them in hopes to find what I'm looking for (and trust me this group gets it right! Except..... you guessed it.... they aren't Christian). So those are my issues, I am not bisexual, and I am a Christian. I have spoken to some people who follow only the old testament, but a major deal breaker with them is that the wives have been bi-sexual. As a Christian, I am looking for one man (who would be a husband-relationship) and a woman (or women) to share non-sexual but deeply-bonding friendships with. Belief in the new-testament, including the Holy Trinity and the book of Revelation is really important to me.
Also, if there is not a new england or east coast meet-up or gathering, are there any that are held in other areas of the country, but not in August? I noticed there is one posted for next week but I start work at that time. I am a teacher and this is a super-difficult time for teachers to travel.
Finally, if this post is not allowed, please feel free to remove it. I know that I am asking a lot and for a lot of info and that I may just need to keep searching for on my own. Please don't yell at me haha 😬


I wrote something a while back that might be useful information for you:
