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How did you come to understand about Polygamy?

People finding out via TV (i.e. Big Love, Sisterwives)...thats probably NOT God.

For me personally, TV was not the only factor, but was more like a contributing factor. That first episode where the husband kissed the three wives before going to work was a real eye opener, especially for my wife. Monogamy only was and is so pervasive that it is hard to even imagine how anything else could work, but seeing a happy functioning polygamous family was a revelation. We would eagerly watch the show together and my wife told me she wished it was more common and more accepted in our culture. And of course it led to a lot of Bible study. but I think I was mostly already convinced by that point. Hard to remember exactly.

In any case, however it happened, I just thank God every day that he saw fit to bless me and us with the knowledge of the truth of his will. I am not sure how I got chosen. I feel unworthy.
In any case, however it happened, I just thank God every day that he saw fit to bless me and us with the knowledge of the truth of his will. I am not sure how I got chosen. I feel unworthy.

I hear what you are saying and agree most of the time.... then there are days when my wife says, 'why us? Couldn't God have picked somebody else to show this too? It hurts too much.'

But, the personal growth is worth the discomfort!
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Mormonism deserves a lot of respect for their contribution in helping make PM a thing in the current world.
Acknowledgement yes, they did force it out of the closet.
But all respect goes to YHWH for being able to use their perverted version of it to plant some seeds.
I had known my son (vv76) was researching and studying the topic for several months. Being mom, concerned for my grandchildren, his marriage, the influence or ultimate result this subject might have on the rest of my five children--I watched from afar with concern and trepidation. As time passed, it became obvious he was definitely going this direction--a direction which was diametrically opposed to all teaching in any church I'd ever been in. At the same time, I distinctly remembered the questions his brother, my 5th child had presented way back at age 10 or 11--"Why can't a man have more than one wife?" He'd gotten that question from reading the Bible and thinking. He was the one who always asked the tough questions. Fast forward back to 2018. I wondered if vv76 had talked with our pastor, or when he talked with our pastor what the exchange would net. Then the week before Resurrection Sunday, after mowing my yard on Thursday evening, he asked if we could talk so we came inside. He explained that by divine appt. he and the pastor had ended up at Braums after church the night before. He'd been trying to get together with the pastor for almost 6 months, but because both have extremely busy schedules, it would never work. Only God knows why they were supposed to meet that specific Wed. night. VV76 shared the truths about poly from a Scriptural standpoint. So on that Thursday night he felt like he needed to bring me up to speed on what had happened because his discussion with the pastor had not been well received at all. We both attended the same church.

As always, I tend to be very open minded, think outside the box, and at least am willing to give audience to new ideas so I was glad vv76 wanted to share his findings with me. At least it would either put to rest my concerns which had been growing for several months, or drastically increase them. The bigger picture is that this would be an open door for me to make a statement to my son about my fears for his family and for our whole family unit of now grown adults with their families. We talked for 2 hours. He never gave me his opinion. He took the Scripture and gave a thorough presentation of "what saith the Lord". There was good dialogue. I asked questions as they arose in my mind. Every time he'd take me back to Scripture. My final question was a doosy--can't even remember what it was now--but again he could answer it with Scripture. At the end of 2 hours I had no more questions and was left with the truth of Scripture and the decision of what I was going to do with it. I don't know that vv76 expected me to make a decision that night; he never indicated that I needed to. However, when something is clear, there's no need to pray about it nor put off anything. The whole time I'd been talking with Yeshua as much as I was talking with vv76. I couldn't walk against light--not if I intended to keep walking with my Yeshua. So that night I embraced the truth of poly. I wondered what it would mean to the sphere I call life, but it didn't matter right then. What mattered most was that by God's amazing grace, He'd chosen to give me the opportunity to hear truth. I'd accepted that truth. It was like the Lord was offering His hand for the next dance--would I take that dance with Him? I cried many tears last night as WellLovedWife and I talked again about being given the left boot by Friday night, the night after vv76 sat in my living room for 2 hours. As mama of 6 children and 15 grandchildren, this new truth is beginning to draw lines in our family unit. As of right now for sure there are 3 of the six who are totally rejecting the truth and beginning to distance from us. It hurts so much, but I cannot turn back. Once you make the first step to walk against light, the next step gets easier, then there's a next and so on. The converse is also true about walking in light. Where ever this light takes me, if all were to forsake me, there is One who will never!

Totally agree.... there is a price for truth and this one is expensive, but the Father always rewards faithfulness and truth. The road may be challenging now, but I fully expect that out of this fire come immeasurable greater glory and eternal reward.
I find this to be an inaccurate thought. Besides all the other stuff in there, Mormonism deserves a lot of respect for their contribution in helping make PM a thing in the current world.

I in no way meant that as disrespect to Mormons of any stripe or to cast aspersions on PM. Yes polygyny is Godly and yes God can use evil for good; that goes without saying. But there is a whole lot more going on under the surface.

Satan is in firm control of Hollywood and much of the mainstream media and has been actively working towards destruction of the family. The media is highly controlled and coordinated worldwide. If you followed the whole gay marriage debate and how the media propagandized homosexual marriage into existence in a very short period of time you've seen this at work. The media isn't pushing PM because it's Godly, but because it undermines the common Christian conception of marriage and clears the way for the Islamic invasion.
I in no way meant that as disrespect to Mormons of any stripe or to cast aspersions on PM. Yes polygyny is Godly and yes God can use evil for good; that goes without saying. But there is a whole lot more going on under the surface.

Satan is in firm control of Hollywood and much of the mainstream media and has been actively working towards destruction of the family. The media is highly controlled and coordinated worldwide. If you followed the whole gay marriage debate and how the media propagandized homosexual marriage into existence in a very short period of time you've seen this at work. The media isn't pushing PM because it's Godly, but because it undermines the common Christian conception of marriage and clears the way for the Islamic invasion.

I understand what you are saying and agree that the world is fearful to some, even those who have certain level of faith. The whole world is evil, but God turns all things to good for those who love Him. So, God is in everything. The Matrix, Star Wars, The Unbreakable, Pirates of the Caribbean, whole bunch of them, even in Mormons, those with a certain level of faith can see God in everything. But I agree, there are those who can't,... yet.
I don't really have much of a story on how I came to a biblical understanding of polygamy. I was brainwashed (brainwashed meaning I have a clean brain;)) by my parents into believing polygamy is biblical starting at about the age of five. I think sixteen years of hearing about it will probably have that effect on most people.:)
I don't really have much of a story on how I came to a biblical understanding of polygamy. I was brainwashed (brainwashed meaning I have a clean brain;)) by my parents into believing polygamy is biblical starting at about the age of five. I think sixteen years of hearing about it will probably have that effect on most people.:)
Well, then your story starts with your parents.
Please tell us how they got to that understanding.
I was deep diving into the Bible on homosexuality. Came across several secular sites blasting Christians for being theologically two-faced — using Old Testament laws to condemn homosexuality but then amazingly ignoring OT laws *supporting* polygamy! I had no comeback.

So did some light homework and after reading just 1 or 2 verses supporting polygamy I realized I had a huge hole in my understanding of marriage and needed WAY MORE reading!

I was really embarrassed. Here I was *super* smart with my interlinear New Testament, with years and years of reading the Bible, even been a cross-cultural missionary in other countries, been involved in the William Carey Institute for World Mission, blah, blah, so cool and full of myself (but that's another story)... I TOTALLY missed this central point of how people thought back then. It wasn’t that I thought of polygamy as good or bad — it’s just that I didn’t even think to look at it! And certainly wasn’t reading my Bible through this important lens. <sigh> <facepalm>

When it comes to spiritual things I’m constantly amazed at how much stupider I am than I thought I was.
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I can't say for certain what started me on exploring the topic of polygamy. But I did somehow. I came across the biblicalpolygamy website and read some verses that caught my eye like 2 Samuel 12:8 and others. I attempted to reconcile these verses in light of my belief that anything else besides monogamy was sinful, but I was having trouble. In fact, I even lost some sleep thinking on this topic due to how perplexed I felt. I ultimately came to realize that I was unable to prove 'monogamy only' from the text of scripture without first reading in the presupposition of 'monogamy only'. And of course, that's eisegesis instead of exegesis. I was comforted when I saw that other Christians had reached similar conclusions on the topic (Man and Woman in Biblical)
I had a brief time after high school when I questioned the “poly is sin” narrative but when I asked someone about it they pointed out the usual passages and claimed they meant mono only. I just let it go and didn’t continue to dig into it. But I wasn’t really convinced because it always bugged me that so many of the heroes of faith had multiple wives. Fast forward to about a year and a half ago I was reading an article about something unrelated that I 100% agreed with and the writer mentioned poly, sort of in passing. That got me looking into it again for real this time... and now I’m here.
I had a brief time after high school when I questioned the “poly is sin” narrative but when I asked someone about it they pointed out the usual passages and claimed they meant mono only. I just let it go and didn’t continue to dig into it. But I wasn’t really convinced because it always bugged me that so many of the heroes of faith had multiple wives. Fast forward to about a year and a half ago I was reading an article about something unrelated that I 100% agreed with and the writer mentioned poly, sort of in passing. That got me looking into it again for real this time... and now I’m here.
What was the article?
I've always wanted to be a knight in shining armor and 'rescue' and help those in loneliness, especially women. Sounds silly maybe, but the desire has always been there. Of course, once I met my first wife, I felt like that was over. Not because I had any real reason or argument to think so, it's just 'what Christians believe". Over the years of our marriage, I've had many close friendships with single women, always trying to care for them but also feeling the pull to be more (not that I always felt romantically interested, but I always felt like I was not really doing what I was supposed to in terms of taking care of them. I've watched many of the women I knew enter broken relationships and drug-addled, hedonistic lives of solitude :( )

I also had an interest in anime, which is somewhat (in)famous for having tons of 'harem' stories (poly but the guy ends up having to pick a girl in the end, just pursues multiple at a time). I always felt really strongly like there was something to that, some deeper truth that was gnawing at me, and like that was a part of me in some way. I remember particularly watching this one show... the story follows the main male character who is tasked by a spirit to rescue a bunch of possessed girls. The only way to get the possessing spirit out of them is to fill their hearts with love instead (and make them fall in love with him). But after they do (and the spirit leaves) their memory is wiped and they forget him :( I remember watching that and thinking, simultaneously, "THATS ME! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO DO!" but also heartbreak, thinking "am I really doomed to never be able to do/be that?"

Fast forward a year or two and I was living in Japan, where I met and fell in love with a (non-Christian) lady. My first wife was, at the time, completely ignorant of/against poly (I hadn't even really studied it myself yet), and so that ended with a lot of heartbreak. Looking back, God protected me from a toxic relationship, but I still feel some shame for not taking better care of her :(

Anyway. Got back from Japan and realized that something in me had changed. It WAS possible to love more than one woman equally at a time. I had not stopped loving my first wife at all! And, I swore I was NEVER going to go through that again. Next time I would either not fall in love, or I would marry her. Which meant I had to do some serious digging.

Don't remember the specific site...Godrules.net I think? I was actually studying pornography and erotic art at the time (distracted) and I think I happened to see a couple articles about how polygyny is not sinful. I don't remember where I found it but somewhere was a link to this site and specifically Andrew's testimony. I remember reading that and crying for quite a while, then getting on my knees and having a day of prayer and fasting, asking if this was God or not. Did more research and lots of study, and realized what I'd always felt in my gut: that yes, it is Biblical, and yes, I am called to it.
Short and quick: Raised in church, been reading scripture since I could read. Never saw polygyny as a big deal. Culturally, it never dawned on me. Wife and I discussed the matter once, then found Dr. Luck and BF and have solidified the belief.
My journey started with a trauma when I was sixteen. After that I was not at all interested in being alone in a relationship with a man. Then I was watching the TV and they had the raid on the FLDS in Waco and while everyone else was all freaked out about poly I was curious. Not long before I turned 17 I finally got a computer and started exploring and looking into it. After I got on a Yahoo group that was pretty safe I met a few couples in person and then met Christie. Christie was a 2nd wife and she and I met up and it was very nice.

It was the first time a woman was the lead person who was interested in me instead of the man. I liked that a lot and it led to my visiting and staying with the family. After a while Steve the husband was courting me. A lot of things moved really fast and I moved in with the family and then got married/sealed/handfasted. I'll be honest that it all went faster than I was ready for but here I am almost ten years later and I love it and would never want a mere monogamous marriage!!!