• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

How does Courting a SW differ from the FW in your experience?

I was not married via any license with any woman. I am not braking your fake and gay law. You do not have authority over my relationships.
Not an issue of abolishing monogamy only laws. Issue of abolishing the pretense that functionaries get a say in my relationships or anyone else's.
That is where I hard disagreed with the same sex marriage recognition...yeah yeah I know it was a cultural contagen and Overton issue rather than a real push for the state to feck off out of people's lives but in broad strokes I see far more sense in pointing out to the state that they are not part of my family and that they should butt out.

I still see you looking only from your persective, mostly. This includes "not your business" state.

My point is to take from societal perspective, nilot just because societal altitude influence laws, but also because they influence general permisivness of activity.

If America goes hardcore Christians, polygyny will be forbidden in practice, even if laws itself doesn't. You will be seen as hardcore adulterer and that is very negative.

Wasn't it you who did a long post about origins of anti plig attitudes in Greece for what amounts to bureaucratic red tape etc?

Possibly. I did one post and, I think, nobody answered. I think real reason for Greece was blocking alliance building needed for elite replacement in polis.
I still see you looking only from your persective, mostly. This includes "not your business" state.

Still? Of course I do. I am the oddball in this environment.
Plus...are you familiar with the French term raison d'etre?
My notions and attitude towards a false authority and false morality imposed by functionaries not just is good for the group but is one which should be adopted by the group.
So, no problem found there. To the contrary in fact.
A position that involves advocating the removal of government from our private affairs should come with a brass band, tickertape parades, pretty woman waving at the crowd from open top cars, the aroma of meat grilling, the bursting of fireworks overhead and children cheering while perched on their father shoulders.

My point is to take from societal perspective, nilot just because societal altitude influence laws, but also because they influence general permisivness of activity.

If America goes hardcore Christians, polygyny will be forbidden in practice, even if laws itself doesn't. You will be seen as hardcore adulterer and that is very negative.

If Americans all develop blue skin then it will be because of that one scene in will Wonka where it happened to the bitchy girl.
Not bo be flippant but more nonsensical as thst is as likely of a scenario of not just America going hardcore Christian currently but also in conjunction embracing polygamy.
Without Extreme er...call it selection pressures (you have heard why I think Noah had his head screwed on good and tight and the future I expect so work it out from there) you will see a small to medium swing back to the right in America if we can manage it or we will go full collapse but it is still up in the air. November will be a large factor obviously.
Without the Extreme hardships though, the west broadly, not just the Americans will not pull their heads out and rediscover faith in large enough quantities to really shift the proverbial needle and for this new group of Christians to realize that they are being taught chuckleshit levels of lies like that clown-shoe test pilot who referenced this joint claims...just not on the table.
It will be harsh environmental salients that make polygamy an option in people's mind or fairly common practice.
See the increased interest as American begins to have chinks in it's armor exposed and the world goes down the toilet with us because of the failings of the liberal economic order and it being run by people with high'ish IQ but too dumb to deal with conditional hypotheticals.

Possibly. I did one post and, I think, nobody answered. I think real reason for Greece was blocking alliance building needed for elite replacement in polis.

I saw it and put it on my mental list to actually read rather than skim and was not bright enough to open it within its own tab sooooo....all the talky talky we have here and it was quickly buried beneath a bunch of other content

Just for this meme....From my favorite movie!!!!!

Just for the meme?
Pffft...all points were steep shop and on target.
I don't recall them currently and can't be bothered to go back and look but I am confident none the less. I don't just drop a mad man thinking he is Teddy in the mix without my chin raised high with confidence and a gleam in my eyes.

I think I need coffee...always weird and stream of conscious before coffee
Just for the meme?
Pffft...all points were steep shop and on target.
I don't recall them currently and can't be bothered to go back and look but I am confident none the less. I don't just drop a mad man thinking he is Teddy in the mix without my chin raised high with confidence and a gleam in my eyes.

I think I need coffee...always weird and stream of conscious before coffee
To be fair I didn't have the brain power at the time of night to appreciate your other (Most likely on point and based opinions)

I've been burning the candle at both ends for the last two months so the fact that my brain had a fun meme moment without having to digest the text around it was appreciated.
To be fair I didn't have the brain power at the time of night to appreciate your other (Most likely on point and based opinions)

I've been burning the candle at both ends for the last two months so the fact that my brain had a fun meme moment without having to digest the text around it was appreciated.
To be fair, I am noting a glaring typographical error come autocorrect which made nonsense of what I wrote and given my record there are likely more.

Note to self...finad a woman good at editing my shenanigans
To be fair, I am noting a glaring typographical error from autocorrect which made nonsense of what I intended to write.

Note to self; Find a woman good at editing my literary shenanigans.

Still? Of course I do. I am the oddball in this environment.
Welcome to company. I lost count how much times I had to fight whole forum.

Plus...are you familiar with the French term raison d'etre?
Ja, natürlich.

My notions and attitude towards a false authority and false morality imposed by functionaries not just is good for the group but is one which should be adopted by the group.

Care to explain? I can't decipher meaning.

So, no problem found there. To the contrary in fact.
A position that involves advocating the removal of government from our private affairs should come with a brass band, tickertape parades, pretty woman waving at the crowd from open top cars, the aroma of meat grilling, the bursting of fireworks overhead and children cheering while perched on their father shoulders.
I prefer champagne celebration of their firing. Anything else is extra.

If Americans all develop blue skin then it will be because of that one scene in will Wonka where it happened to the bitchy girl.
Not bo be flippant but more nonsensical as thst is as likely of a scenario of not just America going hardcore Christian currently but also in conjunction embracing polygamy.
Who knows. Population altitudes can change pretty fast, althought this is rare. And somebody may pray revival.

Polygyny currently requires somewhat permissive social altitude. Either hardcore Christian revival or woke imposition on country would destroy chances for safe polygyny practice.

Without Extreme er...call it selection pressures (you have heard why I think Noah had his head screwed on good and tight and the future I expect so work it out from there) you will see a small to medium swing back to the right in America if we can manage it or we will go full collapse but it is still up in the air. November will be a large factor obviously.
Without the Extreme hardships though, the west broadly, not just the Americans will not pull their heads out and rediscover faith in large enough quantities to really shift the proverbial needle and for this new group of Christians to realize that they are being taught chuckleshit levels of lies like that clown-shoe test pilot who referenced this joint claims...just not on the table.
It will be harsh environmental salients that make polygamy an option in people's mind or fairly common practice.
See the increased interest as American begins to have chinks in it's armor exposed and the world goes down the toilet with us because of the failings of the liberal economic order and it being run by people with high'ish IQ but too dumb to deal with conditional hypotheticals.
Changes are coming with light speed. Reality is that Western nation state is dead idea. They are bankrupt and therefore at lost of legitimacy.

Only real question which we can't know is when it will fall. And best for global elite, they can by time for one generation max. Even if population replacement succedes (from their perspective).

I saw it and put it on my mental list to actually read rather than skim and was not bright enough to open it within its own tab sooooo....all the talky talky we have here and it was quickly buried beneath a bunch of other content
Here is another post:

In my opinion one of my top 3 ever.
I think I should provide more context.
The videos she has provided are quite in depth and use our names and reply specifically to us. We would not consider sending her money of course, but would purchase a ticket using her passport details and in her name, so no money or gifts would be sent. She hasn’t actually asked us to send money and knows that our current financial situation prohibits this from occurring.
The idea is for her to visit us for a month so we can be sure she is a good fit before making any commitments.

i agree that a video call needs to happen. If she really is as excited to meet us as she suggests, and is willing to meet us in person, she should be able to have a video call.
Don't even buy the ticket. Chances are she (or the man, or the group of men working together) will find a way to get a "refund" on the ticket. You need to get some kind of proof that this woman is genuine and even if she is, that she is not sending pictures of some other (more attractive) woman in a ploy to get you hooked with "true love" only to find out later she doesn't look anything like the pic. Don't spend a cent on anything and don't put in another modicum of emotional investment until you have some kind of proof from her end. Maybe she is a great woman and maybe it will work out wonderfully, but refusing a video call is as big a red flag as they come.