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How should I go about this?


New Member
Life is good and God gives people a lot in life. God has provided me with knowledge at my finger tips. I believe I have a great idea to group people of Jewish, Christian, Islamic faith to teach and come to understand our faiths together. I know a lot of the differences and similarities between the three faiths. Nothing makes me feel happy to teach about the three faiths. Do any of you guys think it would be good to start up a group for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to get together and have fun together growing in faith for god? I have a copy of the Jewish Bible, KJV Christian Bible and the Quran on my bed side. For some reason I always locate the text promoting harmony between man.
What a wonderful idea! I think it is very admirable to look for a way to promote harmony. Do you have an Interfaith fellowship in your area? That is a good place to start.

You usually find them associated with moderate and liberal factions of religions, as you can imagine, people who insist they are right usually don't care to talk to people who they think are wrong.

Good Luck,

Thanks for the reply. I plan of attending college next year and seeing if I can make some fliers for a group. I need a great name or title for he group as well a headline. Everyone would be welcome to join though I would want mainly Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
Romantic_Rebel said:
Thanks for the reply. I plan of attending college next year and seeing if I can make some fliers for a group. I need a great name or title for he group as well a headline. Everyone would be welcome to join though I would want mainly Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

Oh well, you could definitely start your own group yes. I don't know what you would write to indicate you have a preference for the Abrahamic religions, perhaps it could be a side line to the main title?

I don't know, are you sure there isn't an interfaith group already?

It is a noble cause, I am sure it will go well.

Bonne Chance again,

Romantic_Rebel said:
Life is good and God gives people a lot in life. God has provided me with knowledge at my finger tips. I believe I have a great idea to group people of Jewish, Christian, Islamic faith to teach and come to understand our faiths together. I know a lot of the differences and similarities between the three faiths. Nothing makes me feel happy to teach about the three faiths. Do any of you guys think it would be good to start up a group for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to get together and have fun together growing in faith for god? I have a copy of the Jewish Bible, KJV Christian Bible and the Quran on my bed side. For some reason I always locate the text promoting harmony between man.

Hello Romantic Rebel,

This is a noble idea, humanistically speaking. However, for Bible believing Christians, this would not be acceptable. Out of our sincere love, our job is to teach all nations to observe all things Christ commanded (Matthew 28:19-20), which includes Muslims and Jews. This would bring a great deal of tension. Only those who do not take the Words of Christ seriously could ever meet with other faiths without preaching the gospel.
with nominal "believers" from the 3 groups you can sit around singing kumbyah and every would get the "warm fuzzies". and it will go nowhere.

with people who truly believe the teachings of their prophets it will be a disaster. think gasoline and fire.

the word "radical" does not mean someone who is twisting their religion away from what their prophet teaches, but someone who actually believes fully what their prophet teaches.

ducking and running ;)

"grace, where is that table? i need to hide under it with you"
I love your idea on wanting to create harmony. However, prepare yourself with all the knowledge you can. I'm sure there is going to be that one person who crashes the party with an agenda of his/her own that tries to turn the forum into his/her own battlefield.
Christian, Jewish, & Muslim? Well, you're going to need hummus for the Jews and bullet proof vests for everyone non-Muslim. lol, jk.

I have to agree with with DaPastor and Steve on this one. Doesn't really seem like it's a good idea and even if nothing happens it won't go anywhere. If you don't make progress in some way or another then all you're really doing is just standing in the same vicinity. Are you prepared to preach the gospel to them? Are you ready to convert to Judaism and have to deal with guilt dealing Rabbis and mother-in-laws? Are you ready to convert to Islam and say "Derka, derka, muhammad, jihad!" BOOM!!! Cause one way or the other there is going to be some proselytizing going on there. Probably not so much from the Jews, but I guarantee you it's going to happen from the Muslims. Are you prepared to try and make converts to Christianity as well?
I agree with DaPastor and Steve on this one. No true Christian can have fellowship with someone who rejects Jesus of Nazareth as the Only Begotten Son of God, as do the false religions of Islam and Judaism. (And Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and...)
2 Corinthians 6:14 NKJV (14) Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?
This verse has been applied to marriage in most sermons and Bible studies I have heard - but it really applies to any relationship, including what you proposed.

We can't all "just get along" if we are really going about our Father's business. The Muslims will sure be going about their father's business, and in spite of what former President Bush said, Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God.
Romantic_Rebel said:
Do any of you guys think it would be good to start up a group for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to get together and have fun together growing in faith for god? I have a copy of the Jewish Bible, KJV Christian Bible and the Quran on my bed side. For some reason I always locate the text promoting harmony between man.

I'm sorry but no, I don't think it's a good idea. For one thing, the god of Islam is not the God of the Bible (I don't care what they claim), so exactly how would we all "have fun together growing in faith for god" ??? Whose God ?? I don't see any way for Muslims and Christians to have "deep" fellowship with one another without compromising their core beliefs. As Christians, we have a spiritual obligation to witness to others about salvation in and through Jesus Christ. True harmony will not be achieved by accepting and accommodating the false belief systems of the world.

Romatic_Rebel! Much kudos to you, I think you should be commended on your efforts to UNITE the whole! Given that all 3 religions, making a trinity in itself, stem from the forefather Abraham! I believe that are GOD is HUGE and not one group has it all! If that was the case, we wouldn't have so many religions! I believe that the LIGHT sparks from the Creator is scattered throughout the Earth, some to the East, some to the West; just as, we are (humanity)!

I think you should start out by visiting each faith community in your area and asking the Father to guide/show you individuals inside each faith who are WAKING up to the same conclusion as you.

The Duke Of Marshall said:
Are you ready to convert to Islam and say "Derka, derka, muhammad, jihad!" BOOM!!!
All faiths have and have had martyrs! That was a low-jab! Ouch to the Islamic faith!

DaPastor said:
Only those who do not take the Words of Christ seriously could ever meet with other faiths without preaching the gospel.
Are not, at least 50% of the Christian faith, working outside the home, meeting in public, coming to an agreement on personal, community and business affairs?

Also, wasn't it Christ who stated that "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick." Matt 9:12 I do not believe that Christ was preaching or Bible-beating the non-believers! Christ preached the Kingdom of Heaven, which is found in all, whether Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc.

As for a name for the group, I would suggest MO, Merging Oneness! Given that all faiths believe in Oneness!
I'm with you on this one Nicola. I don't ever feel like I have to beat people down with my bible or I can't visit with them. That would pretty much rule out our entire family and most of our friends too. I love discussing religion and politics and try to engage ever chance I get. I have no interest in converting to anything other than what I am, but I do love to learn about other religions.
Given that all 3 religions, making a trinity in itself, stem from the forefather Abraham! I believe that are GOD is HUGE and not one group has it all!
Nicola and Donnag, my friends you are way out in left field with this line of thinking and I cannot allow it to go unchallenged. Neither Judiasim or Islam has the redeemer, Messiah, Christ Jesus or whatever correct name it is in Hebrew or Greek. God's Word clearly says if one comes to us in Gods service and does not hold the doctrine of Christ, we are not to accept them into our homes or even bid them Godspeed, because we would become partakers of their evil deeds. You nor anyone else has the authority as a christian to minimize our Savior by equating His faith with that of these anti-christs that you mention. God help us in this day of moral compromise and cowardice to keep a clear trumpet sound of the gospel.
I am hoping that your motive in talking this way was pure and generous concern for all people, but we must keep the poison out of the soup.
Romantic Rebel, you have been advised by several wise brethren of the futility of such attempts, please heed their advice.
Given that all faiths believe in Oneness!

Oneness in WHAT? (Pardon my yelling...)

The Muslims believe that it is a disgusting idea to even think that Allah would have a son.

The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus of Nazareth is God's Only Begotten Son. See John 3:16 in case you doubt that.

Even though some Muslims are descended from Abraham, Islam is most definitely not an Abrahamic religion. Mohammad rejected the Bible and the God of Abraham and wrote his own "holy" book.

At least Judaism is an Abrahamic religion, but (except for a small, growing group of Messianic Jews) those of Jewish faith reject the idea that Jesus of Nazareth is the Promised Messiah.

John 14:6 NKJV Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
I believe that simple statement made by God's Only Begotten Son.

Muslims don't. Those of Jewish faith don't. (Other than the Messianic Jews.)

Therefore, we can not have deep fellowship with one another.

Are not, at least 50% of the Christian faith, working outside the home, meeting in public, coming to an agreement on personal, community and business affairs?
There is a huge difference in doing day-to-day business with someone and (pardon the expression) "getting in bed" with those who reject Jesus. Here is the verse again:
2 Corinthians 6:14 NKJV (14) Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?

Remember, this is BiblicalFamilies.org, not OldTestamentFamilies.org or KoranFamilies.org. Let's promote Biblical values. That means evangelizing, not compromising.
John Whitten said:
Nicola and Donnag, my friends you are way out in left field with this line of thinking and I cannot allow it to go unchallenged. Neither Judiasim or Islam has the redeemer, Messiah, Christ Jesus or whatever correct name it is in Hebrew or Greek. God's Word clearly says if one comes to us in Gods service and does not hold the doctrine of Christ, we are not to accept them into our homes or even bid them Godspeed, because we would become partakers of their evil deeds. You nor anyone else has the authority as a christian to minimize our Savior by equating His faith with that of these anti-christs that you mention.

In no way am I minimizing Christ, heb. Ha Mashiach. (I believe Muslims are waiting for their coming Savior Mahdi.) You can not tell me that if Christ were here He would only stop at the churches that preach from the Bible. You must know that He went to the synagogue where organized religion was being preached and got angry! All I'm saying is we should be open to others, if we want them to be opened to us?

PolyDoc said:
Even though some Muslims are descended from Abraham, Islam is most definitely not an Abrahamic religion. Mohammad rejected the Bible and the God of Abraham and wrote his own "holy" book.

There is a huge difference in doing day-to-day business with someone and (pardon the expression) "getting in bed" with those who reject Jesus.

Have you ever read the Qur'an? Do you know that it states, if you are ever having trouble in this life, ask a Christian? Also, Romantic_Rebel was speaking about organizing a group based on, I'm guessing, community purposes; not an orgy.
All I’m suggesting is that when you have an attitude of ‘I want nothing to do with anyone who doesn’t agree with me’ it shuts down communication. I prefer a gentle spirit and I don’t relate well to people who are arrogant and heavy handed no matter what they are saying. Their actions usually say it so much louder than their words ever could.

When I was working in India I was working with Muslim and Hindu men; MEN, NO women; Men who had never worked with a woman and didn't like it either. One day one of them asked me what religion I was and I said Christian. He sneered and stared at me but he didn't back down and neither did I. It was very stressful but over the course of a few months we had a chance to talk about a few things. He of course never indicated a desire to convert but at least he was willing to listen because I made a big effort to be very patient with him. I did what I could with the chance I had. I don't feel any more responsibility to him that the opportunity I was presented with at the time.
I have read the Koran, which makes me even more adament about only not being in unity with them whatsoever. Our job is to preach the gospel to false religions, and they are a false religion. Here is good book for those who desire to be "unified" with Muslims to read:

http://arc.easystorecreator.net/items/b ... il.htm?1=1

Our love, communication, and kindness is to be centered on preaching the Gospel to them, not fellowshipping with them. There is an old maxim that goes something like this: Have CLOSE fellowship with believers, and CAUTIOUS friendship with unbelievers.

Respectfully Submitted
I hear you loud and clear DaPastor! So, let me ask you this, there was no wisdom in the Qur'an? All I'm saying is that there are LIGHT sparks everywhere! Not just in the Christian faith!

Donnag, I'm with you, the patience you showed the men of Islamic and Hindu is commendable, we all should wait patiently to seize opportunities to save more souls. Reminds me of the scripture from Paul, "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour." 1 Cor. 3:6-7 You sowed a seed and has given someone else an opportunity to water, which will lead to a new tree!
nicola said:
I hear you loud and clear DaPastor! So, let me ask you this, there was no wisdom in the Qur'an? All I'm saying is that there are LIGHT sparks everywhere! Not just in the Christian faith!

I have also read the Satanic Bible too. There is even light in there, believe it or not. All false religions mix truth with error. The Bible is 100% truth - that is the difference. The Bible warns about mixing truth with error. It is the job of believers to speak the truth in love. Moreover, true love rejoices in truth not error mixed with truth.
There may be light in those other books, but how is someone with a beginner's knowledge of God know the difference between light and dark?
