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In which I say nice things about polygamy..


Seasoned Member
Real Person
This is harder to start than I thought it would be. My urge to be contrarian is very strong. Nevertheless in the interest of ... balance? Balance:

I believe polygamy is a culturally necessary option. My country is rotting, starting at the coasts but steadily working it's way inward. The concepts of feminism, toxic masculinity, and materialism are causing my culture to disintegrate. People who are otherwise well adjusted do not want children because of the drain on their resources. The children that are raised do not know how to be men OR women. Nigh or not, the end is coming.

Biblically plural marriage is the best answer for this. It tends toward the having of many children. It absolutely requires make leadership and female submission in order to work. The men have to be men, and the women have to be women, or the whole thing goes to hell. And our culture desperately needs both. Either poly will provide a fresh shot in the arm to our ailing society, or it will provide the strength needed to protect the seed for the next society after this current one has collapsed. I make no mistake, neither those who have left no issue, nor those who are confused about gender roles have any staying power to weather a long winter brought about by the closing of an age.

(forgive the wording, I have libated)

Whether or not a man ever becomes polygamous, I think all Christian men should have the option of polygamy firmly on the table. Not much tests a woman like the idea of poly, and not much tests a man like having to deal with his wife having to struggle with it. Every man should lead his home with the seriousness of purpose it would take to lead a multi-woman home, and every woman should learn to submit as if any day she could be 'a' wife and not 'the' wife.

The Church is full to bursting with 'warriors' that can't say a word in contradiction of their own wives, and women who laugh with each other about their husband's wishes. They are quislings indeed who claim to be under authority of Christ while modelling open rebellion against Him. Their bizarre presumptions of basic nature make scripture unintelligible to them. They don't know how to relate to Christ because they don't know how to relate to each other, which the bible relies upon to explain it to them. This powerless apostate Church needs a healthy dose of polygamy to shock it awake to the kind of submission required to please Him, to do the Greater Works, to be (at long last) healthy.

I have other thoughts, but I'll close this post with this thought: Poly is so crucial that even those who do not engage in it must learn from it and adapt to it. Our culture has scurvy from a lack of patriarchy, and poly is a vitamin C shot.
The Church is full to bursting with 'warriors' that can't say a word in contradiction of their own wives, and women who laugh with each other about their husband's wishes. They are quislings indeed who claim to be under authority of Christ while modelling open rebellion against Him. Their bizarre presumptions of basic nature make scripture unintelligible to them. They don't know how to relate to Christ because they don't know how to relate to each other, which the bible relies upon to explain it to them. This powerless apostate Church needs a healthy dose of polygamy to shock it awake to the kind of submission required to please Him, to do the Greater Works, to be (at long last) healthy.

The whole post was excellent, but this specifically, was tremendously well said.
I was reviewing a "Christian Family" study guide a coworker gave me a few years ago. I never really studied it much, but my mouth dropped when I saw the diagram again recently while going through some old papers. It was a flow chart of submission (not called that, but the implication was clear).


Wait....parents? I don't recall the line of authority being egalitarian. It's infiltrated the Church.
Bravo, Slumberfreeze. Exceptional.

My personal favorite:
Their bizarre presumptions of basic nature make scripture unintelligible to them. They don't know how to relate to Christ because they don't know how to relate to each other, which the bible relies upon to explain it to them.
I was going to ask you to post a video of you burning your Contrarian Card, but I realized that being contrarian to (sub-)standard Christianity is more than adequate to retain your status.

Bravo on the rant!

(For you younguns, burning your Draft Card used to be a thing.)
Whether or not a man ever becomes polygamous, I think all Christian men should have the option of polygamy firmly on the table. Not much tests a woman like the idea of poly, and not much tests a man like having to deal with his wife having to struggle with it. Every man should lead his home with the seriousness of purpose it would take to lead a multi-woman home, and every woman should learn to submit as if any day she could be 'a' wife and not 'the' wife.

Fully agree with it. Excellent wording.
I believe that this post defining the need for poly belongs in the “Best Of” section.
Er hopefully we can leave out the bit about me not being a hundred percent sober...
You sound better slightly libated than most do stone cold sober.
I believe that this post defining the need for poly belongs in the “Best Of” section.
I added it to the thread Samuel started awhile back (Slumber, I even edited out the libation reference ;)). Not really sure what those other threads in that category from 2011 are about....