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Meat "It all depends on what the meaning of the word is..."

The Israelites should had known better. The adversary used a woman's beauty to get the Israelites to bow down to pagan gods. They weren't forced - they had a choice. If it was just about getting some POA with some prostitutes - I highly doubt 24,000 would had died in the plague. But there were strings attached.

Not much difference with the 501 c3 church. This time the adversary offers financial gain. No one is forced to accept. It's simply an offer. Of course - it too comes with strings attached. A 501 c3 church can not preach something that "violates fundamental public policy." So for financial gain they compromise on the Word of YAH. The Creator of Existence is the last one you want to rebel against (even the demons tremble):

Matthew 10:28 NLT
Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

I don't know any 501 c3 church that preaches the truth on marriage, polygyny, and headship. Polygyny is something that violates fundamental public policy, so they all do their dirty little dance with the devil. They do violence to the scriptures. When they say "we're not under the law anymore," what they really mean is that they don't like what the Creator wrote, because it offends their other master; and the fundamental public policy of this exiled land we're living in.

These places are un-holy:
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So is anyone surprised these places (Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox) are filled with horror stories happening behind closed doors?

Testimonies of many mainstream celebrities and musicians (Bob Dylan) confirming they made a deal with the devil. Or praising Lucifer for their success.

View attachment 8212

1 Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Rev. 18:4
Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “’Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues.

24,000 died in that plague. How many are going to perish in the future plague?

This video has pastors talking about it. Highly recommend watching both videos.
Which financial gain? If fact, currently there is active another thread which started with idea that churches can't corrupted due to financial gain (nothing is offered).

And this is doubtful. You just repeat same: it's 501(c) without thinking and checking logic. So start, why is Catholic church corrupted by 501(c)? Why is worldwide church in whole world corrupted by US law which applies only in US?

Far more reasonable explanation is secret Satanists on top, not US law.At least secret Satanists have worldwide influence on church.
That's 'cause it's obvious you didn't listen to the MIDRASH, at the top of the thread, which was the point. Which is funny, because you didn't even read that post for comprehension.

I was again talking about what the THREAD was about, not your attempted hijack. No wonder you continue to "fail to understand."

You assume wrongly, so the rest is irrelevant.

Black's Law is Black's Law DICTIONARY, arguably the best-known (Bouvier's would be the other) in America. And here I thought "four pages of DEFINITIONS" might've been the giveaway there.

And it's BlackSTONE's Commentaries on the Common Law...

Arguably the only cogent thing you've said. Try it.
So there’s nothing in the actual law about any of this. There’s a dictionary in which if we dig through four pages of definitions we can find concepts that could possibly apply?

This is why I don’t listen to your itchy stomach ranting. You don’t even try to back up your wild claims, you throw a temper tantrum when anyone asks you to and then when you’re finally maneuvered into having to you come up with the weakest ass, unrelated, laziest crap you can and tell everyone they’re just too stupid to see it.

I wouldn’t worship a God who would allow my salvation to be effected by a legal dictionary I’ve never read, isn’t even law and doesn’t actually talk about the topic that is allegedly effecting my salvation.

You’re just engaging in chicken little self aggrandizement. The sky is not falling. No one needs to follow you to safety in the fox’s den. Deploying tax strategies does not by itself indicate a side in the great battle between good and evil.
Do you even PRETEND to read what I write? Or are you just so obsessed you make stuff up?

I contend (and not in this thread!!!!) that (as does the incorporation itself!) when a 'church' incorporates, the creator of that entity, and thus its master, is the State of Delaware. Or whatever State the 'church' chooses to subject itself to. Why you can't see that is stultifying.

There are thus "strings attached." DUH, and Double-Duh.

Give it a rest. Go find someone else to argue with. I'm sick of lipstick on a pig games.
You are correct @Mark C I was lead to do a teaching and a short article on this a few years ago. Whether you call it 501c3 in the USA or registered charity via the charities commission in the UK, or whatever the registered status is called in your particular democratic jurisdiction, once that process is done that entity is subject to the authority of the Pontifex Maximus who is now commonly known as the pope (which is a smoke screen title), and by default all the members in the belly of that entity.

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin TRANSGRESSING TORAH unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? - Rom 6:16 KJV

I knew this for a fact by research, however, I have not long returned back from Rome and what I saw and learned not only confirmed what I have taught but has prompted me to not want to get into any sort of senseless circular argument debate etc with those who argue from a place of stubborn ignorance and blind allegiance to the PM relating to the command to be holy from our eloah our father in heaven who is, contrary to popular opinion, HOLY.
There is another gospel
Another Yahushua
Another spirit/ruach
There is the straight and narrow way
There is the broadway.

He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. - Rev 22:11 KJV

For those in opposition you unwittingly fight for ROMA..... your goddess, whether you realize it or not.

roma goddess.jpg
The Israelites should had known better. The adversary used a woman's beauty to get the Israelites to bow down to pagan gods. They weren't forced - they had a choice. If it was just about getting some POA with some prostitutes - I highly doubt 24,000 would had died in the plague. But there were strings attached.

Not much difference with the 501 c3 church. This time the adversary offers financial gain. No one is forced to accept. It's simply an offer. Of course - it too comes with strings attached.

The modern phrases "knew, or should have known," and "ignorance of the law is no excuse" come to mind, even though the latter is often used following entrapment.

Which - ironically - is SUPPOSED to be "illegal" for "law enforcement" (except in NY!) and turns out to be EXACTLY what Bilaam encouraged THAT Moabite/Midianite "state church" to do!!!

So, yes, @Following Him, I hope you see the connection now.
Which financial gain? If fact, currently there is active another thread which started with idea that churches can't corrupted due to financial gain (nothing is offered).
Say WHAT? If that 'idea' is claimed there - it's bogus. (And I'm being kind!) And obviously YOU continue to miss the point of this thread, too - which is that 'financial gain' is only ONE of many ways to get men to fall into idolatry.

Obviously, you didn't even read the Bible story upon which the lesson is based, but Bilaam (Balam) - to whom I refer as an ancient type of Slick Willie - found a 'whole 'nuther thang' to slip around the prohibition from Yahuah Himself and get the people of Israel to curse themselves.

And this is doubtful. You just repeat same: it's 501(c) without thinking and checking logic. So start, why is Catholic church corrupted by 501(c)?
Good grief, man!

The Whore Church was 'corrupted' back when it was just called Aholah! And when YHVH first exiled it from the land, and it morphed into the "Ten Lost Tribes."

It was further corrupted in 325 AD, when it "changed times and seasons," and began a long process of persecuting people (whom they later demonized as "judaizers") for daring to honor His Sabbaths and Moedim. It was further corrupted when it "outlawed" polygyny, and then mandated 'priestly celibacy.' It was further corrupted during the Inquisition.

It had BECOME The State Church (and/or The Church State) LONG before there was a united States.

And a part of the First Amendment was about trying to prevent that.

And THAT is why I put the miscreant example of the 501c(3) Whore Church in here, as just one ASS-pect (oooh! I just noticed ANOTHER Bilaam-connection :) ) of the "seduction into idolatry" mechanism.

Why is worldwide church in whole world corrupted by US law which applies only in US?
Asked and answered. You got the order wrong. What LBJ wanted to accomplish was EXACTLY what Bilaam was trying. But it's Slick Willie who makes the connection undeniable.

Far more reasonable explanation is secret Satanists on top, not US law.At least secret Satanists have worldwide influence on church.

You split hairs to miss the entire point.

It's a bit like saying that since the women of Midian tempted the Israelites with ORAL sex instead of The Real Thing, it somehow doesn't count. (WAIT! That was Slick Willie's argument, too!)
So there’s nothing in the actual law about any of this.
Do you even know what THAT word means??????

There’s a dictionary in which if we dig through four pages of definitions we can find concepts that could possibly apply?
No, there's a Law Dictionary which is known to every lawyer/liar in the land, and which defines WORDS that you had better know if you are ever in a place where "the meaning of words matter."

I had thought that a "moderator" would at least know that if you're going to belittle someone over language, you'd know what the words you use actually mean.

And yet you lecture us about "contract" and "what it says," and "corporate" law - and don't even know what the word "PERSON" means to a liar/lawyer.

This is why I don’t listen to your itchy stomach ranting. You don’t even try to back up your wild claims, you throw a temper tantrum when anyone asks you to and then when you’re finally maneuvered into having to you come up with the weakest ass, unrelated, laziest crap you can and tell everyone they’re just too stupid to see it.
And you reveal yourself as an ignorant self-aggrandizing moron in public, and are rightfully humiliated for it - and still can't manage even a BIT of humility, mea culpa (look THAT one up!) or even -- oops -- guess I'd better learn what the hell I'm talking about before I shoot off my foot again.

I wouldn’t worship a God who would allow my salvation to be effected by a legal dictionary I’ve never read, isn’t even law and doesn’t actually talk about the topic that is allegedly effecting my salvation.

NOW we're getting somewhere. I've heard that lie before:

"I wouldn’t worship a God who would allow my salvation to be effected by a legal Book I’ve never read, isn’t even law and doesn’t actually talk about the topic that is allegedly effecting my salvation."

Horrible grammar, but sure sounds sadly familiar.

Stick with what you know, especially when what you know is so scant.
And you won't even take your OWN advice.

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. (Proverbs 12:15)

It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
(Proverbs 10:26)
Say WHAT? If that 'idea' is claimed there - it's bogus. (And I'm being kind!) And obviously YOU continue to miss the point of this thread, too - which is that 'financial gain' is only ONE of many ways to get men to fall into idolatry.

Obviously, you didn't even read the Bible story upon which the lesson is based, but Bilaam (Balam) - to whom I refer as an ancient type of Slick Willie - found a 'whole 'nuther thang' to slip around the prohibition from Yahuah Himself and get the people of Israel to curse themselves.

Good grief, man!

The Whore Church was 'corrupted' back when it was just called Aholah! And when YHVH first exiled it from the land, and it morphed into the "Ten Lost Tribes."

It was further corrupted in 325 AD, when it "changed times and seasons," and began a long process of persecuting people (whom they later demonized as "judaizers") for daring to honor His Sabbaths and Moedim. It was further corrupted when it "outlawed" polygyny, and then mandated 'priestly celibacy.' It was further corrupted during the Inquisition.

It had BECOME The State Church (and/or The Church State) LONG before there was a united States.

And a part of the First Amendment was about trying to prevent that.

And THAT is why I put the miscreant example of the 501c(3) Whore Church in here, as just one ASS-pect (oooh! I just noticed ANOTHER Bilaam-connection :) ) of the "seduction into idolatry" mechanism.

Asked and answered. You got the order wrong. What LBJ wanted to accomplish was EXACTLY what Bilaam was trying. But it's Slick Willie who makes the connection undeniable.

You split hairs to miss the entire point.

It's a bit like saying that since the women of Midian tempted the Israelites with ORAL sex instead of The Real Thing, it somehow doesn't count. (WAIT! That was Slick Willie's argument, too!)
By whore church you mean anyone not totally right with Lord. Poster I was answer was commenting building of Catholic Church. I commented Catholic Church.

You changed topic and now you to present case that I have idea what I'm talking about.
By whore church you mean anyone not totally right with Lord.
Oh, good grief. If you don't know what I mean by "Whore Church" - ask!!!!!

But we've seen enough asinine "assuptions" in this (and your other ) thread already.

It's not like most here aren't already rolling their eyes and saying, "Oh, NO. Surely you don't want to go THERE, again."

But they would - with a few obvious exceptions - at least know how the word applies, from Jeremiah chapter 3, and Ezekiel chapter 23, and the modern, idolatrous descendants. And, most were whorin' long before the IRS started to subsidize 'em for it.

Poster I was answer was commenting building of Catholic Church. I commented Catholic Church.
RCC is just one (but certainly a Big ONE) example.

You changed topic and now you to present case that I have idea what I'm talking about.
I don't know what THAT was supposed to say. But the topic of the thread was mine to begin with. :) And nothing you have written in it so far is even remotely related.

Speaking of which:
The Israelites were literally worshipping literal false gods. Church attendees are deploying a tax strategy.
One More Time: Demonstrating that you didn't get the central point, the peripheral point, or even the concept of the story of Bilaam.

If that’s not a difference then we’re all just wasting our time here.
YOU are wasting our time. And trying to simply disrupt, besides. Shame on you.

I challenge anyone who has actually even had the integrity to LISTEN to the thesis of the midrash (analysis/discussion of why Bilaam was killed, and what he did that merited it) to support that claim. I'm happy to have a real discussion, as @Following Him can now affirm, if people will actually let "iron sharpen iron."

But I have limited patience with those who so "reject knowledge" that not only will they NOT even bother to do a simple web search before demonstrating their ignorance of even what a WORD means, but then try to block others from the chance to learn what they won't.
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Oh, good grief. If you don't know what I mean by "Whore Church" - ask!!!!!

You use whore church everywhere. And constantly. Which provides enough context to understand what you mean by "Whore Church".

This is exactly how people learn what words mean. It certainly doesn't include learning whole dictionary.

Use regular definitions which other people use. It not my problem if you get misunderstood because you use special definition and don't tell anyone.

I certainly won't learn @Mark C dictionary just to be be able to understand you.
But they would - with a few obvious exceptions - at least know how the word applies, from Jeremiah chapter 3, and Ezekiel chapter 23, and the modern, idolatrous descendants. And, most were whorin' long before the IRS started to subsidize 'em for it.
IRS has nothing with 501(c). Congress makes US laws. Even administrative law has basis in law created by Congress.

So tax exemption of churches isn't IRS policy, but Congress.

RCC is just one (but certainly a Big ONE) example.

I don't know what THAT was supposed to say. But the topic of the thread was mine to begin with. :) And nothing you have written in it so far is even remotely related.
It would be better if you didn't say anything. No value add, no reason to speak.

And topic of thread can be changed.
You use whore church everywhere. And constantly. Which provides enough context to understand what you mean by "Whore Church".
So what's your excuse then, for NOT getting it?

Use regular definitions which other people use. It not my problem if you get misunderstood because you use special definition and don't tell anyone.
"Ignorant - and Proud of it!"

Do you have the T-shirt?

I certainly won't learn @Mark C dictionary just to be be able to understand you.

You and Zec prattle about "law," and "jurisdiction," "exempt status," and "corporate entities" and licensed 'churches,' and "501c(3)" as if you ACTUALLY KNEW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

And you use specific legal terminology, and tell people to trust you, you know what you are talking about, and those of us who know the meaning of the VERY WORDS THAT ARE USED by the Enemy to ENTRAP YOU into "a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and laws," and then you ask questions, and REFUSE TO HEAR THE ANSWER, because you don't even WANT to know what the words mean.


Use regular definitions which other people use. It not my problem if you get misunderstood because you use special definition and don't tell anyone.
That's the whole POINT of lawyers/liars having a "special language" that the Idiot Public cannot (and - to see here - WILL NOT) understand. Don't you get it?

Of course you don't! You're not supposed to! You're supposed to think that because you didn't KNOW what the meaning of those words you AGREED to was, that you have to be let off the hook! Surprise.

Slick Willie, paraphrased:
"I did not have sex idolatry with that Midianite woman, Miss Lewinsky."
Which financial gain? If fact, currently there is active another thread which started with idea that churches can't corrupted due to financial gain (nothing is offered).

And this is doubtful. You just repeat same: it's 501(c) without thinking and checking logic. So start, why is Catholic church corrupted by 501(c)? Why is worldwide church in whole world corrupted by US law which applies only in US?

Far more reasonable explanation is secret Satanists on top, not US law.At least secret Satanists have worldwide influence on church.
The Roman Catholic Church was already a church/state power. Constantine said - “let us have nothing to do with the Jews and their detestable customs.” So they started to make state approved changes.

Financial benefits (one big club and you’re not in it):

The Roman Catholic Church was already a church/state power. Constantine said - “let us have nothing to do with the Jews and their detestable customs.” So they started to make state approved changes.

Financial benefits (one big club and you’re not in it):

So change as per your quote was due to culture, not finances.
Cool it, everyone (especially @Mark C and @The Revolting Man - drop the personal attacks).
You've each just picked part of the truth and then get all worked up defending that part of the truth, rather than seeing the whole.
@The Revolting Man is right, in that Black's dictionary is not the law.
And @Mark C is right, in that the people who wrote the law used words as defined in Black's dictionary, so it helps to interpret and understand the law.
You need BOTH to get the full picture. Stop arguing for one of the two, let's just look at both.

@The Revolting Man is right to point out that @Mark C is not actually referring to the law itself, only to a dictionary. @Mark C, if you don't actually refer to the law, the dictionary is irrelevant. You keep quoting words and phrases and talking about what they mean - but never actually refer to a real law that uses those phrases. This is pointless argument for the sake of argument - from both of you.

If you want to debate the law, first quote the law. And then quote the dictionary where needed to clarify the meaning of any potentially difficult words of phrases in the law.

Or shut up.
So change as per your quote was due to culture, not finances.
The changes were made because what’s written in the Scriptures contradicts the teachings from the world and culture. Men were created in the image of the Creator, and the Creator gave men great power and authority. Biblical polygyny - having multiple wives and dozens of sons and daughters - and everyone in the household being taught the Scriptures through faith in the Son - is an extremely powerful tool.

Biblical polygyny is a threat to the state. Because if the state wants to bring in foreign invaders into the land - and the Christians have hundreds of powerful families (empires) - well then the state has a big problem, because it's not very easy to persecute a family of 100 or a 1,000 people. It's easy to persecute a household of 5 people, and everyone else falls in line due to fear.

Question -- Has the Roman Catholic Church benefited financially from submitting to another master? They’ve amassed a massive amount of wealth. They don’t pay taxes. They have property all over the world. Of course they've benefited financially.
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So what's your excuse then, for NOT getting it?

"Ignorant - and Proud of it!"

Do you have the T-shirt?

You and Zec prattle about "law," and "jurisdiction," "exempt status," and "corporate entities" and licensed 'churches,' and "501c(3)" as if you ACTUALLY KNEW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

And you use specific legal terminology, and tell people to trust you, you know what you are talking about, and those of us who know the meaning of the VERY WORDS THAT ARE USED by the Enemy to ENTRAP YOU into "a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and laws," and then you ask questions, and REFUSE TO HEAR THE ANSWER, because you don't even WANT to know what the words mean.


That's the whole POINT of lawyers/liars having a "special language" that the Idiot Public cannot (and - to see here - WILL NOT) understand. Don't you get it?

Of course you don't! You're not supposed to! You're supposed to think that because you didn't KNOW what the meaning of those words you AGREED to was, that you have to be let off the hook! Surprise.

Slick Willie, paraphrased:
"I did not have sex idolatry with that Midianite woman, Miss Lewinsky."
I have zero interest in wordsmithing.

I have just applied norms from communication in person to forum. If you have trouble with them, not my issue.

And this is forum for regular, not legal professionals. I know legal people have different definition. But if you insist on using legal language while speaking with regular people, I'm not one using nonfunctional communication norms.

Anyway, I'm out of speaking with you.
If you want to debate the law, first quote the law.
You still don't get it, Samuel. NOTHING associated with 501c(3), or incorporated churches, or boinking Midianite women, is "law".

So there's nothing to quote!

(What they ALL are, BTW, is choices, with consequences.)

The American First Amendment is clear, it is the "Supreme Law of the Land," (and I quote!) --
"Congress shall make NO LAW...[doing a whole lotta things they do anyway!]...respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free-exercise thereof..."

If they (Congress) TRIED to prohibit my Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship from meeting, worshiping, teaching about multiple wives, or against cutting genitalia off of little boys and girls - or ANYTHING ELSE in that Book - they have ABSOLUTELY NO POWER WHATSOEVER to do so!**

And they can mandate masks and poison injections for "religious organization" to meet, or have a pork roast, or whatever - all they want. I don't give a damn. They have NO JURISDICTION over our fellowship, created by YHVH Himself, and by people who voluntarily congregate on His Sabbath.

But, were I stupid enough to volunteer into their anti-Constitutional system, and ask for incorporation, OR just "declare" that I want the Bennies of the 501c(3) commie state - they'd have their hooks in. (And, no, I don't give a damn how someone might do that, but I've seen the forms - and guarantee you I won't have one handy.)

What do you all mean, specifically, by a "501c3 church"?

Both documents state that all religious organisations are automatically covered under that law -
I addressed this in that 'other thread' - it seems to have been ignored.

They can tell me that we "qualify" under their "rules" (not 'law!') for "religious organization" status. BFD. Again, I don't care. It's what YHVH declares that matters!!!!!

(And, I don't care if Australia mandates EVERY PERSON who ATTENDS ANY church on any day to ... take the Poison Poke, wear an idiotic mask, or say "hail satan" three times. No offense; but they have NO jurisdiction over me whatsoever, either. You need to know for yourself wherever you are Who you really serve. Because "push" WILL come to "shove." I argue it already has, and many are dead for not having pushed back.)

They have NO AUTHORITY over something which is just plain "outside their jurisdiction." The Bill of Rights says so, more importantly, YHVH says I have a choice. I choose His Word, His Instruction, His 'Law', His Protection, His blessing.

I urge people to understand the meaning of words so you DON'T GET TRAPPED.

And I keep hearing what I must in this ghetto thread say bluntly are "unbelievers" tell me that what I believe doesn't matter, more importantly that what YHVH says doesn't matter, because some government of men is more important, or more "scary" to them than He is!

That, I contend, is idolatry, pure and simple.

The 'men' of Israel got suckered into it by good-looking women, and the Slick Willie of their era. 'Men' today get suckered into it because of that reason, the "love of money" (or even just fiat now), and a thousand others. Often just ignorance and apathy.

But, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And because you have REJECTED KNOWLEDGE, I will reject you for being priest for me, and will also forget your children."

Can you honestly not see how appropriate that is? If not, I can't make you. And He won't either.

And that verse is not "law," either! It is a warning.


** They can, and did, create something else ENTIRELY, the term is "private law," and people can volunteer into it. They do, and some here will tell them they don't see a problem. I will let you and Zec console them later.

And for those that dare to say "they DO have the power! To FORCE you!" I say, again, you are unbelievers. Pray about it, and ask, "Just Who do you REALLY trust?"
You still don't get it, Samuel. NOTHING associated with 501c(3), or incorporated churches, or boinking Midianite women, is "law".

So there's nothing to quote!
So, there's also nothing to worry about, and the whole discussion is unnecessary? What are you even discussing if there is no law to discuss?

The rest of your above post is a pile of repetitive waffle that, once again, just restates many things you've said a thousand times but does not at all address the very clear and simple question that I asked, and that you quoted. In the other thread, @Earth_is- also persists in not answering that simple question. If neither of you can make a clear answer to a simple question, you're just wasting everyone's time, most of all your own.
This is where you go off the rails. The words of pagans and unbelievers can not “entrap” followers of Christ. Only our conscious actions can. Satan and his minions have no powers we don’t give them. IF the tax law said “You must deny Christ to use this category of incorporation” AND that was disclosed in the law THEN your panicked accusations of apostasizing tax strategies would have a basis. You can show me none of those things so tax strategies can are not then apostasizing. It’s that simple. The IRS can’t take me out of Christ’s hand. Until they explicitly publish some thing saying that 510c3 requires apostasy, using it does not constitute apostasy.
How does attending a non profit anything submit you to Satan? And you still haven’t told me if I can go to the 501c3 thrift stores or take stray cats to the animal shelter without being enslaved by a whore thrift store or a whore animal shelter.
You still don't get it, Samuel. NOTHING associated with 501c(3), or incorporated churches, or boinking Midianite women, is "law".

So there's nothing to quote!
So it’s all meaningless then? All of this was for nothing? None of it is in the law, either God’s or man’s? You just made it all up?