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Meat "It all depends on what the meaning of the word is..."

So, there's also nothing to worry about, and the whole discussion is unnecessary? What are you even discussing if there is no law to discuss?

The rest of your above post is a pile of repetitive waffle that, once again, just restates many things you've said a thousand times but does not at all address the very clear and simple question that I asked, and that you quoted. In the other thread, @Earth_is- also persists in not answering that simple question. If neither of you can make a clear answer to a simple question, you're just wasting everyone's time, most of all your own.
Beat me by 5 minutes!
And I too am interested in hearing an answer to the questions posed by @The Revolting Man, as it is something I have wondered about also. I appreciate that his tone is argumentative, but that's because the two of you just have a habit of arguing, and he's frustrated that you're not answering his questions...
...because he's an asshole, and they weren't questions, they were attempts to foment rancor, and do exactly what both you and I knew $#Q#!! well was intended to happen.

So I answered YOUR question. But let's be clear:

I would never have engaged this Asshole but not for your "moderation".

Cool it, everyone (especially @Mark C and @The Revolting Man - drop the personal attacks).
As if you weren't pushing like a carnival barker.

The rest of your above post is a pile of repetitive waffle that, once again, just restates many things you've said a thousand times but does not at all address the very clear and simple question that I asked, and that you quoted.
The hell it doesn't.

If neither of you can make a clear answer to a simple question, you're just wasting everyone's time, most of all your own.
All of that, and neither of you ever even listened to the audio that made the point you continue to ignore. It's know - it's beneath both of you Superior Intellects. That's why you are godlike Moderators, after all.

What a hypocrite.

So quit wasting our time.

So now I have a question, for anybody that doesn't think Zec's excrement doesn't stink:
(and answer privately if you are afraid of retaliation from the TagTeam Twins)

Did you get the point of Bilaam's "work-around"?
Thanks. I'm relieved. (If whatever you said means what I think it might. :) )
Still waiting for proof.

And you still haven't proven 501(c) is bad. Use causal logic. Having 501(c) status causes A which causes B which causes C where C is you are screwed.

See, you can use causal logic to prove state marriage is bad. State marriage causes being under laws favouring women causes husband being afraid of wife causes husband being submissive instead of leader causes marriage structure against Lord's will.

Unless you can provide causal chain, @Mark C, you are talking hot air. All hay, no cattle, forum version.
Having read this thread and having not heard the initial teaching from Bilaam, i'll affirm that he absolutely used a workaround.such that Israel cursed themselves...

Also, while the individual in a 501c3 may be able to walk away, the ministry/church and most assests cannot, thereby entrapping all who value salaries, prestige, and the corner lot more than truth. Ask how many pastors I know who enjoy the benefits but admit they'd lose everything if they tried to untangle themselves... the illustration holds. In the future, most in those circumstances will sell their own congregants to maintain favor w the State...

The State's hooks are firmly planted in the 501c3 church/ministry system and as some point the State will call in their right. Count on it. At that moment we'll see who prefers whoring with the State v Truth.

That popped up in a Telegram thread I watch... poignant point re how the average person uses certain words compared to theircreal legal purpose... selah.
Having listened to what Mark has submitted, I can’t see any real problems. It’s not a big stretch to get the connection he has made , although I can see how some won’t like it.

That popped up in a Telegram thread I watch... poignant point re how the average person uses certain words compared to their real legal purpose... selah.
That's not only a great (and no doubt surprising to some) video, Pete - it makes the point in several ways. Those who will end up finding their "money" gone will look in vain for a 'contract' they didn't understand, with words that may or may not even be in it, that they thought didn't matter anyway.

But it cost them Big Time.

And the irony is - even the 'legal definition' of the word "money" itself is very different between the private (fascist, public-private partnership) kingdom, and the Kingdom of YHVH. And in this case, the constitutional definition as well!
Still waiting for proof.
Keep waiting. You've had what you're gonna get, and I'm not wasting any more time trying to "prove" anything to those who "have eyes but will not see."

And if you haven't even listened to the point of this thread - quit whining.
This video has pastors talking about it. Highly recommend watching both videos.

Thank you for this video, I just watched it, I am even more surprised that anyone actually continued to state a position in support of, or indifference to the 501* status or charity registered religious status.
That popped up in a Telegram thread I watch... poignant point re how the average person uses certain words compared to theircreal legal purpose... selah.
This looks interesting, Pete - but those of us who 'don't do 2FB' can't see it. Is there a snippet you can cut and paste in here?

That popped up in a Telegram thread I watch... poignant point re how the average person uses certain words compared to theircreal legal purpose... selah.
This is a very good interview to watch in its entirety. The banker feigns ignorance.