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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

I had an uncle named D---, and he really was one. Needless to say, his marriage to my mother's sister did not stand the test of time. His son is an atheist. Just because you meet a man in church, doesn't mean that he is good husband material.

EDIT: I think I should make a meme about just because you met a man in church.
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I had an uncle named D---, and he really was one. Needless to say, his marriage to my mother's sister did not stand the test of time. His son is an atheist. Just because you meet a man in church, doesn't mean that he is good husband material.

EDIT: I think I should make a meme about just because you met a man in church.
My husband's youngest sister met the man she married at church. We never liked him....but she didn't care what her brother thought. A few years and two children later his true colors were showing. He got them into swinging....something she hated and divorced him over. She moved on to a relationship with a good man who supported her through beating brain cancer. Then she went to pick up her children after visiting their dad....and he snuck out to where she was waiting in the car and shot her in the head. She was about 32. Some men go to church to meet good girls ... girls that they do not deserve. There are plenty of wolves in the pews.
She was murdered Aug 8th 2020. Just ten days after her dad passed at 87

A wise girl listens to the opinion of her father and/or brothers. They see men with different eyes.
A wise girl listens to the opinion of her father and/or brothers. They see men with different eyes.
Love may feel like the most powerful force in the universe at the time, but it can fail.
Love may feel like the most powerful force in the universe at the time, but it can fail.
And since we are told love NEVER fails, young girls must be often mistaken about what love is and mistake eros for agape in the males they fall for.
And since we are told love NEVER fails, young girls must be often mistaken about what love is and mistake eros for agape in the males they fall for.
Amen, I love that you specify that they are males rather than men.
My husband's youngest sister met the man she married at church. We never liked him....but she didn't care what her brother thought. A few years and two children later his true colors were showing. He got them into swinging....something she hated and divorced him over. She moved on to a relationship with a good man who supported her through beating brain cancer. Then she went to pick up her children after visiting their dad....and he snuck out to where she was waiting in the car and shot her in the head. She was about 32. Some men go to church to meet good girls ... girls that they do not deserve. There are plenty of wolves in the pews.
She was murdered Aug 8th 2020. Just ten days after her dad passed at 87

A wise girl listens to the opinion of her father and/or brothers. They see men with different eyes.
That no doubt must have been gut wrenching for you.
That no doubt must have been gut wrenching for you.
People in this modern world get desensitized to murder by watching the multitude of un-holy grove (Hollywood) movies that feature that sin.
If everyone's experience with murder was real life impacting friends and loved ones there would be fewer murderers alive in prison or getting out of prison.
Statistics show that people that do not believe in capital punishment (something our just God required for murder) change their minds when they see the injustice of one who deprived an innocent of life continuing to live.
When it is their loved one murdered, they side with the Biblical law YHWH gave.

We have always been of the mindset that Paul expressed. "If I have done anything worthy of death I do not wish to escape it."

Murder is not an accident, or even manslaughter. Those who deliberately deprive an innocent of life should forfeit their own. PERIOD! The sad thing is that this sick system warps minds and hearts. This is why the scriptures say the blood of all the righteous slain since Abel is found in Mystery Babylon the Great. Our Just God knows the degree of guilt each soul bears.

May His Name be magnified and praised forever!
I posted one, but then I removed it, because I didn't think it would be fitting for this thread..
And since we are told love NEVER fails, young girls must be often mistaken about what love is and mistake eros for agape in the males they fall for.
Personally I contend that a goodly number are only capable of one and lack the capacity for the other. Male and female