• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Lost “Unique” feelings of the wives

New wife. (Although we all prefer the term 'etzer kenegdo.' :) )
If you want to share your story at any time I am sure there will be many people fascinated and encouraged.

Also, there's an interesting point here in that she spent a long time listening to your podcast to understand you. Was she attracted to you in the first place as she saw you as a sound teacher? If so, there's an encouraging pattern here - you'd be the third man here that I can think of here who has had a wife attracted to them through their scriptural teachings online. There is hope for persistent podcasters and youtubers! :)
If you want to share your story at any time I am sure there will be many people fascinated and encouraged.

Also, there's an interesting point here in that she spent a long time listening to your podcast to understand you. Was she attracted to you in the first place as she saw you as a sound teacher? If so, there's an encouraging pattern here - you'd be the third man here that I can think of here who has had a wife attracted to them through their scriptural teachings online. There is hope for persistent podcasters and youtubers! :)

*taking notes
-youtube channel
-talk about a subject I know well
-flutter my eyelashes becomingly at camera
-sit back and await the Betty's to jam pack my DMs
If you want to share your story at any time I am sure there will be many people fascinated and encouraged.

Also, there's an interesting point here in that she spent a long time listening to your podcast to understand you. Was she attracted to you in the first place as she saw you as a sound teacher?
That one I can answer 'yes,' to, and it was absolutely a blessing from Yahuah. She is not just more valuable than rubies, but excels at being "teachable," particularly on the things that matter most.

If so, there's an encouraging pattern here - you'd be the third man here that I can think of here who has had a wife attracted to them through their scriptural teachings online. There is hope for persistent podcasters and youtubers! :)
Note - unlike Pete, I don't get in front of a camera. :)

(My podcasts are audio-only. And the jokes are all old at this point. ;) )

*taking notes...
-sit back and await the Betty's to jam pack my DMs
I've been doing radio for over 20 years, @paterfamilias, teaching constitutional law and economics that whole time, Scripture only a few years later, and have had occasion to meet dozens, anyway, of SF listeners that might be called 'potentials.' You've written about what can happen...the pitfalls.

This one (and she truly is "one-in-a-million") wrote and asked for prayer.

That one I can answer 'yes,' to, and it was absolutely a blessing from Yahuah. She is not just more valuable than rubies, but excels at being "teachable," particularly on the things that matter most.

Note - unlike Pete, I don't get in front of a camera. :)

(My podcasts are audio-only. And the jokes are all old at this point. ;) )

I've been doing radio for over 20 years, @paterfamilias, teaching constitutional law and economics that whole time, Scripture only a few years later, and have had occasion to meet dozens, anyway, of SF listeners that might be called 'potentials.' You've written about what can happen...the pitfalls.

This one (and she truly is "one-in-a-million") wrote and asked for prayer.

Not sure if that is intended to encourage or discourage.

Only radio experience I have is in college where a friend had an overnight show where I would come on occasionally to do a fake swap meet show where I would play about five regulars with various accents and voices. Attempting to sell and buy things that are just this side of too useless or silly to be believed.

Re youtube, I will likely end up doing it in time. Just one more giy learning to homestead channel with showing and occasional victory and loads of falling on my ass. Probably not discussing plyg-life other than in passing.