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Mike Winger


New Member
Has anyone seen that Mike Winger has an upcoming video on the subject of polygamy in the book of Genesis? I thought I’d point it out. He’s been so disappointing in the past on this subject and I see no reason to expect otherwise this time. It’s too bad. While I don’t always agree with him, he can be so thorough and thoughtful on so many subjects in ways that are very countercultural. But when it comes to polygyny he just puts on the cultural blinders like everyone else. Anyway, I just thought I’d point it out so maybe a bunch of us can hit the comment section and try to change some minds. Not super likely but worth a shot.
And now he’s posted a video going after Rob Kowalski. Of course he chose a video where Rob is not making biblical arguments but just trying to be logically persuasive. The comments section is trash on this one. People love the red meat of going after one guy. No biblical refutation whatsoever 🤦🏻‍♂️
Well, Mr. Winger is the most articulate and polished of our adversaries. He clearly knows the issue, even hinting at the “mia” fallacy. He knew to go to the divorce teachings as the best place to sow confusion and doubt.

He was masterful at subtly sneering at @robbkowalski .

My default when faced with such a slick presenter is to assume that he’s lying. What’s everyone’s opinion though? Do you think he’s just deceived or do you think he’s a deliberate deceiver?
I used to consume his videos daily and he’s always been unbelievably thorough. I think he has a 7 hour video just on divorce. He has a history of being willing to buck cultural trends in order to get people to “think biblically”. Given all of that it seems impossible that he would give this subject an honest evaluation and come away with this position. I shudder to think that someone can seem so genuine, truth-seeking, and spirit filled then turn around and become a deceiver, but maybe.
However, the spirit of ashtoreth is so thoroughly in control of the average Christian mind, it’s possible that he is incapable of seeing things he doesn’t want to see. He’s got a wife to please, after all.
Well, Mr. Winger is the most articulate and polished of our adversaries. He clearly knows the issue, even hinting at the “mia” fallacy. He knew to go to the divorce teachings as the best place to sow confusion and doubt.

He was masterful at subtly sneering at @robbkowalski .

My default when faced with such a slick presenter is to assume that he’s lying. What’s everyone’s opinion though? Do you think he’s just deceived or do you think he’s a deliberate deceiver?
whats the mia fallacy?
I used to consume his videos daily and he’s always been unbelievably thorough. I think he has a 7 hour video just on divorce. He has a history of being willing to buck cultural trends in order to get people to “think biblically”. Given all of that it seems impossible that he would give this subject an honest evaluation and come away with this position. I shudder to think that someone can seem so genuine, truth-seeking, and spirit filled then turn around and become a deceiver, but maybe.
However, the spirit of ashtoreth is so thoroughly in control of the average Christian mind, it’s possible that he is incapable of seeing things he doesn’t want to see. He’s got a wife to please, after all.
More than a wife... with 900K followers, this topic could end his income... I've seen better men succumb to the almighty dollar... This video alone is worth thousands of dollars.