• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Modern Polygamy is now free!

Thank you. At the moment, I am overloaded in my personal life in a myriad of ways I won't go into beyond saying that my mom is in stage 5 (ish) of dementia and has been living with us the last year (when it was 4 when we started)...and it's one of those great transition points in your life where you know certain curtains are closing and trust in a great tomorrow, but that's not where you stand today.

Knowing that something I have built and can carry through, even on the back burner, can help a few people (or even a couple) head the right direction helps to balance those scales a bit. And I appreciate the "thank you". :)
Thank you. At the moment, I am overloaded in my personal life in a myriad of ways I won't go into beyond saying that my mom is in stage 5 (ish) of dementia and has been living with us the last year (when it was 4 when we started)...and it's one of those great transition points in your life where you know certain curtains are closing and trust in a great tomorrow, but that's not where you stand today.

You have my sympathy

I spent the last 4 years dealing with the aftermath and juggling related to my mom having a severe stroke at the beginning of the covid nonsense.
I won't detail the various and sundry struggles it involves as you have your own unique circumstances to deal with. The point being that I get it more than I would have ever liked to.
Difficult doesn't scratch the surface

Knowing that something I have built and can carry through, even on the back burner, can help a few people (or even a couple) head the right direction helps to balance those scales a bit. And I appreciate the "thank you". :)
Will admit with no reservations that I am more than a little green about your position with respect to the site.
I considered something similar myself for years but unfortunately, life can very much get in the way as we all know.
The ability to play a part in the joining and creating of new families though...that is enviable and honorable position to step into.

So bravo.
Thank you. At the moment, I am overloaded in my personal life in a myriad of ways I won't go into beyond saying that my mom is in stage 5 (ish) of dementia and has been living with us the last year (when it was 4 when we started)...and it's one of those great transition points in your life where you know certain curtains are closing and trust in a great tomorrow, but that's not where you stand today.

Knowing that something I have built and can carry through, even on the back burner, can help a few people (or even a couple) head the right direction helps to balance those scales a bit. And I appreciate the "thank you". :)
That’s a lot to be dealing with. We’re praying for you.
I wanted to update everyone about the delayed verification issue. I found a code issue last night that was keeping me from seeing them and it was somewhat of a mess. Worse, it was alphabetical so I would get verifications to review and didn't notice we had a black hole problem but then I would hit the end of the queue when that was not the end...they just weren't showing.

An event happened that I had not accounted for in my "simple" modification to handle the verification videos. An account submitted a verification video and was later terminated before it could be verified or rejected. I don't recall the account so can't say why (my guess now would be they uploaded junk pictures and were terminated when the update review came in as we've gotten more of those lately)...but what happened was that it saw the pending video verification but the account status was not active so it couldn't show it.....showing me an empty queue as it was working off of "what's next" rather than a total, and what's next was not a valid account.

It didn't take much to fix, but not knowing it was there caused quite the backlog. So, for everyone who hasn't been verified, the problem has been fixed and I am slowly working my way through the backlog. Sorry about that and hang on, I'll get you!

And thank you, Revolting Man.
I wanted to update everyone about the delayed verification issue. I found a code issue last night that was keeping me from seeing them and it was somewhat of a mess. Worse, it was alphabetical so I would get verifications to review and didn't notice we had a black hole problem but then I would hit the end of the queue when that was not the end...they just weren't showing.

An event happened that I had not accounted for in my "simple" modification to handle the verification videos. An account submitted a verification video and was later terminated before it could be verified or rejected. I don't recall the account so can't say why (my guess now would be they uploaded junk pictures and were terminated when the update review came in as we've gotten more of those lately)...but what happened was that it saw the pending video verification but the account status was not active so it couldn't show it.....showing me an empty queue as it was working off of "what's next" rather than a total, and what's next was not a valid account.

It didn't take much to fix, but not knowing it was there caused quite the backlog. So, for everyone who hasn't been verified, the problem has been fixed and I am slowly working my way through the backlog. Sorry about that and hang on, I'll get you!

And thank you, Revolting Man.
Well I wait a few weeks before I add to the backlog!
No, and it extremely unlikely that there will be. We could verify a number, but what does that really verify? Even for the method being used, this method is near 100% certain right now but is unlikely to be 2 years from now.

What we are after is two things.... First, ensure that the real person behind the keyboard matches the pictures and story. Second, filter out those that aren't serious enough to go through it and would just be more noise or provide a bad experience for other members (ie: "Hey, u r hot, wanna meet?" sent to 100 different accounts).

At the same time, I understand the concern for privacy and it is a major reason the site was built from scratch rather than using a dating site package (like both of our competitors). When it comes to verification videos, these are a more personal window into your life and are not posted to your profile. They are only visible to us.
I am just as hesitant to give out a phone number, if not more so, The tracking capability of ones number is insane in the hands of someone who knows what to do with it. What do you do with the videos after confirmation? One must consider should the data on your server fall into the wrong hands, or rather be seized.
You can always use a burner phone if you're that worried.

@BiblicalLiteralist, dating websites are on the internet, and there is always a limit to how much security is practical. Using dating sites is risky, that's just the reality, and although I am sure that @ModernPolygamy will try to have good security measures, accidents happen. A poorly written line of code can expose everything. You just have to accept a degree of risk if you're going to hunt for a wife on the internet.

Honestly if you are that worried about it I wouldn't be quizzing them about all the little details of how they do things, I just wouldn't use a dating site. You make your own decision based on your own perceived risk threshold.
You can always use a burner phone if you're that worried.

@BiblicalLiteralist, dating websites are on the internet, and there is always a limit to how much security is practical. Using dating sites is risky, that's just the reality, and although I am sure that @ModernPolygamy will try to have good security measures, accidents happen. A poorly written line of code can expose everything. You just have to accept a degree of risk if you're going to hunt for a wife on the internet.

Honestly if you are that worried about it I wouldn't be quizzing them about all the little details of how they do things, I just wouldn't use a dating site. You make your own decision based on your own perceived risk threshold.
The answers to the questions is how I establish the risk.
I am just as hesitant to give out a phone number, if not more so, The tracking capability of ones number is insane in the hands of someone who knows what to do with it. What do you do with the videos after confirmation? One must consider should the data on your server fall into the wrong hands, or rather be seized.
We do not ever have your phone number. It is never asked for and we have to place to give it. The information we ask for is intentionally limited and the only thing personal we ask is your e-mail address. Verification videos are kept in case they need to be cross-referenced in the future (let's say someone starts uploading pictures that is way more handsome than the dude in the video), but are only accessible by me.
If only "kindheart640" from Clinton, NJ would write to me ... <sigh>. I am confident I can put a smile on her face and love her for who she is, whoever she is.
If only "kindheart640" from Clinton, NJ would write to me ... <sigh>. I am confident I can put a smile on her face and love her for who she is, whoever she is.

Not sure about that one in particular but one of the things I have learned is that even if you tick every potential box the ladies claim they are seeking...those replies don't come fast or frequently.
If only "kindheart640" from Clinton, NJ would write to me ... <sigh>. I am confident I can put a smile on her face and love her for who she is, whoever she is.
I can't imagine how many messages she's had to sort through LOL
I can't imagine how many messages she's had to sort through LOL
Got curious about who that was and yep, I sent her a polite note long ago and got the L as well

Hey ho
I had little dialogue with Ukrainian girl Marusec007, and suddenly she stopped talking to me. She is still active. So I figured that one of you studs made yourself available. No harsh feelings. Congratulations to you whoever you are. :)
Nuffin on my end. Dozens of em looking at my profile. But no messages. Maybe I intimidate them 😜