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Meat Obeying the voices in your head?


Seasoned Member
Real Person
I've seen that too. All sorts of unbilblical or sinful things. It seems most can't tell the difference between the HS and their own feelings. I wouldn't say that I can either.

I once talked with a prophet and asked when God talks to him, is it in his own internal head voice or in an altogether different voice. He said it sounded like himself talking.


The prophets in Scripture never seemed to have any problem AT ALL hearing exactly what God was saying to them.

I’m curious does anybody here know of any cases in Scripture where it specifically says that God spoke to a prophet in his internal head voice rather than audibly?


There is a big difference between being a prophet and hearing from Yah.

Just saying



Does it ever say that God spoke either audibly or in ones head? Doesn't it just say, He spoke? Or it sounded like thunder to others, which I assume implies someone heard Him speak in their head.


I am not a prophet, but I could not do what I do if the heavens were brass.


I mean from Scripture, where is this taught in scripture?


The case where it sounded like thunder to others would suggest that it was audible and the others weren’t permitted to hear it. There are a number of times in Scripture were God’s voice was audible, but i have not found anywhere where Scripture says that God spoke to someone with their own inside there head voice (or however you want to phrase it).


I know that phrases in the bible say that God spoke from 'heaven' in many places, but does that mean there was really an actual sound wave producing sound that came from the sky, or was it more of a sensation manifested in your mind, like when you hear someone speak in a dream.


I don't know. Those I've talked to who claim to be prophets or who say the HS gives them messages all relate it being internal. But I would not at all say that is definitive of the current experience of prophets much less scripture.

My relentlessly logical brain struggles to understand what you speak of.
Scripture never taught me how to breath,
make love,
or hear from my Creator, and a million other things. But I do. Not continually, He doesn’t perform on demand like a trained puppy.
But He gives me the guidance that I need when I need it if I am willing to listen.
Most people will never hear Him because they have been taught that He doesn’t speak to them.

True story:
Last night Ali got back from a visit to Seattle. One of the blessings of the visit was to find out that the private school that she was instrumental in rescuing twenty some years ago is still thriving under one of the teachers that she hired back then.
You see, the school was closing down back then and she had specific plans to rescue a small number of the children and homeschool them. I felt impressed of the Lord that she was to take the entire school on. She had never done anything similar and didn’t want to do it, but she acquiesced.
She couldn’t be happier about having done it and seeing her obedience bear fruit to this day.

Sometimes He does it with a thought, sometimes an impression, sometimes with words. Sometimes just seeing a word or two in your mind that you don’t understand the significance of at the time, but you mull it over and bathe it in prayer until He brings clarity.

Ali , for the past five years has written and published a small commercial paper that has a ministry to thousands in our local area. Hardly a week goes by but that multiple people tell her how blessed they are by it, read it cover to cover. And it pays for itself.
Something that she never desired to do, but I listened to that small voice and now, as part of writing a column about the city for each edition, she meets personally with the mayor and prays with him each time. Something that the local pastors would give their eye teeth to be able to do.

I am blessed to be married to Karin because of the words that Yah spoke to her. She had no intention of ever marrying again.


I have not heard anyone ever teach a doctrine, that they claim is biblical, on how to suckle, but I assure you, if they do, i will ask them to give me the scriptural references. I do, however, agree with you. One does not need to learn or be taught how to hear God. If He wishes to speak to someone, they will hear Him loud and clear.

Isn’t this contradictory to your first point? I agree that people don’t have to learn to hear God, he is powerful enough to be heard whenever He chooses to communicate with a human being. However, it seems somewhat illogical to say that a person doesn’t need to be taught to hear God and at the same time say that God isn’t capable of speaking to someone who has been told that God won’t speak to them.

Take Saul as an example. God knocked him off his horse, spoke to him in what seems to have been an audible voice, and then blinded him and didn’t seem to struggle at all with the fact that Saul was not expecting to hear His voice that day.

I don’t mean to be in any way disrespectful toward you and your wife’s accomplishments and
I’m not saying that God doesn’t direct our paths in various ways. It would seem, however, that the vast majority of the time it’s completely without us noticing. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord : and he delighteth in his way.”

We are not instructed anywhere in scripture to listen to the voices in our heads, at least not that i have found. If I’m wrong please show me from scripture. I know of people, who are successful and have accomplished some great things for humanitarian efforts. Some of those same people have had the experience of a burning in their bosom, that proved to them that the book of mormon is true. What sets your experience apart from or makes it superior to theirs?

What are the biblical ways that God communicates with us and what things are simply traditions of men?

Can you provide Scripture for that statement?

This line of conversation doesn’t completely support the op, so I am not comfortable with discussing it too deeply here.
@steve , Yes, I can provide scripture that demonstrates that God has no problem being heard by whomever He wishes to communicate with.

Can you give me any scripture that tells christians to listen for the voice of God as one of the voices in their head?
Can you give me any scripture that tells christians to listen for the voice of God as one of the voices in their head?
Ah knows that he is one of them, ah jes ain’t figured out which one He is yet.
Seriously, does Yah do things in the same way very often?
How many times did He send an angel in human form to inform someone?
Spoken out of a burning/not burning bush?
Sound like thunder?
Sent an angel to block the donkey’s path?
Actually, that last one is quite germane to the question. Yah could have just thundered at the guy, but instead He just blocked his.... ahh... the animal that he was riding. Caused him great frustration, he beat his animal and then the animal spoke to him before he finally saw the angel and heard from him.

Do we take the position that Yah could never speak to us through a radio, because He never did in the Bible?
Or it’s impossible that He would ever speak through a goat?

He only ever blinded one guy when He chose to speak to him.

It does seem to me that there was a time when someone heard Him and their companion/s didn’t, but I cannot place it. Maybe someone else can.

If you choose to believe that nobody in the Bible ever heard Him other than audibly, just because the Bible never mentions that, that’s your problem.
I will just go on with my life being open to what He has to say to me.
Jesus said He would send His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all Truth. The only way to communicate with a spirit is by your spirit.
The only way you will hear His voice is by listening. The Holy Spirit is gentle. He does not force His way in. People can close their ears so they cannot hear by vows and disbelief.
Most often He speaks in a still small voice. I can testify that at work one day I heard a voice asking me , "What is faith"?
A short dialogue ensued with it becoming clear an issue I had been praying about for 2 weeks was going to happen even tho the door had been firmly closed.
That voice was just as audible and real as if a person had been standing 5 ft away. Yet if someone else had been there they would not have heard it. I heard it thru my mind not my ears.

I also submit for every legit thing their is a counterfeit. Like the voice that told my wife because I believe in polygany I have allowed a spirit of adultery into my life. Yet I remain faithful to the (sadly)vows of taking no other.
Before I say anything else, let me say this, God can speak to anyone He wants, whenever He wants, in whatever method He wants. He is God.

My question was, are Christians told in scripture to listen to the voice inside our heads because that is God speaking to us.

The answer is no. Scripture does not teach that, anywhere.

We are very quick around here to demand chapter and verse from someone who claims that the Bible teaches monogamy only. Which is a good thing! :) But we need to be consistent with all of our theology.

What if I said that the little voice inside our heads is our old sinful hearts?

If God wants to speak words to me outside of scripture, well, did He not create my ears? He is perfectly capable of speaking to people audibly. If He wanted to talk to me, outside of Scripture, why wouldn’t He speak audibly? It’s not like it would be difficult for Him.

I have children and I am capable of communicating with my children and I speak to them audibly. What if the way I tried to communicate to them was by making them chase after me while I was running and I was whispering, and when they cannot hear me, I blamed them for not listening hard enough. That is absurd!

If you watched me run away from my children while whispering and then heard me complaining that my kids aren’t listening hard enough. Would you not think i was nuts? o_O

Why do we think that’s how Almighty God would try to communicate with us?

If that was how scripture said He would speak to us, then by George, I would be really trying to hear Him, but Scripture doesn’t teach that.

If God wants to speak to you, He will, and you can’t stop Him. :)
Seriously, does Yah do things in the same way very often?
How many times did He send an angel in human form to inform someone?
Spoken out of a burning/not burning bush?
Sound like thunder?
Sent an angel to block the donkey’s path?
Actually, that last one is quite germane to the question. Yah could have just thundered at the guy, but instead He just blocked his.... ahh... the animal that he was riding. Caused him great frustration, he beat his animal and then the animal spoke to him before he finally saw the angel and heard from him.

Do we take the position that Yah could never speak to us through a radio, because He never did in the Bible?
Or it’s impossible that He would ever speak through a goat?

He only ever blinded one guy when He chose to speak to him.

It does seem to me that there was a time when someone heard Him and their companion/s didn’t, but I cannot place it. Maybe someone else can.

If you choose to believe that nobody in the Bible ever heard Him other than audibly, just because the Bible never mentions that, that’s your problem.
I will just go on with my life being open to what He has to say to me.
It seems like pretty much in every instance, you mentioned above, it appears that God spoke audibly. There are a ton of different ways that He spoke, absolutely, but in every instance He spoke in a way that there was zero mistaking that it was God speaking. God can speak to you out of your radio if He wants, and if He did, it wouldn’t matter if you were trying to hear Him or not, the message would come through loud and clear.
For doctrine, chapter and verse is of utmost importance.
For obedience to Yah, chapter and verse is very important.
For communication with Yah, there are plenty of verses that tell us that He communicates with us at His pleasure.
There are zero verses that that define how we can expect to hear from Him. We can make assumptions on how He might do it based upon what we observe in Scripture, but we cannot require that our assumptions be adhered to.
Is every instance in which Yah spoke to an individual recorded?
The only way to communicate with a spirit is by your spirit.
I’m sorry, but i have to ask. Says who?

The only way you will hear His voice is by listening. The Holy Spirit is gentle. He does not force His way in. People can close their ears so they cannot hear by vows and disbelief.
Sorry, but says who?

Most often He speaks in a still small voice.
Sorry, but... well you know what I’m going to ask...

I can testify that at work one day I heard a voice asking me , "What is faith"?
A short dialogue ensued with it becoming clear an issue I had been praying about for 2 weeks was going to happen even tho the door had been firmly closed.
That voice was just as audible and real as if a person had been standing 5 ft away. Yet if someone else had been there they would not have heard it. I heard it thru my mind not my ears.

I know someone who can testify that they have a burning in their bosom, how is your experience different?

I also submit for every legit thing their is a counterfeit. Like the voice that told my wife because I believe in polygany I have allowed a spirit of adultery into my life. Yet I remain faithful to the (sadly)vows of taking no other.
Well two things here, your wife thinks that the voice in her head is God, it’s obviously not. And she thinks you have an “adultery spirit”? Where did she get those notions? It wasn’t from good exegetical teaching of Scripture.
What if I said that the little voice inside our heads is our old sinful hearts?
I would never claim that that doesn’t happen, usually more often than Yah’s voice. The enemy is a deceiver, after all.
Defeating the enemy by rejecting any message that does not come audibly is not the answer.
The enemy will use lying wonders, after all. Could they not be audible?
I would never claim that that doesn’t happen, usually more often than Yah’s voice. The enemy is a deceiver, after all.
Defeating the enemy by rejecting any message that does not come audibly is not the answer.
The enemy will use lying wonders, after all. Could they not be audible?
Yes of course the enemy wants to deceive us, so why would I attempt to hear and expect to hear God’s voice in a way that God never promised to use? But, I know for sure that scripture is Theopneustos :).
What if the way I tried to communicate to them was by making them chase after me while I was running and I was whispering, and when they cannot hear me, I blamed them for not listening hard enough. That is absurd!

*extreme devil's advocate alert*

What if the way I tried to communicate with my children was to hope they read a book I had published before they were born? What if I intended to make my very existence known to my children primarily through the way I had arranged the house while they weren't looking and through stories told by the one or two of my kids that actually met me? What if I waited till they were dead asleep and whispered into their ears?

My point is that God often uses tactics that seem to be logically absurd. If I were His judge, and not the other way around, I'd tell Him that He needs to get a handle on basic common sense. All of His attempts to make His will known are woefully insufficient for the task at hand for incredibly inefficient results. But you know we don't think like that. We subscribe to the doctrine that God is wise beyond comprehension to the extent that our notions of what is absurd are mostly irrelevant. I can agree that your example seems absurd, while at the same time shrugging my shoulders and saying "But so's washing in the Jordan river to cure leprosy..."
Then there are the wonderful dreams you have to find someone to interpret for you... a man none the less..
*extreme devil's advocate alert*

What if the way I tried to communicate with my children was to hope they read a book I had published before they were born? What if I intended to make my very existence known to my children primarily through the way I had arranged the house while they weren't looking and through stories told by the one or two of my kids that actually met me? What if I waited till they were dead asleep and whispered into their ears?

My point is that God often uses tactics that seem to be logically absurd. If I were His judge, and not the other way around, I'd tell Him that He needs to get a handle on basic common sense. All of His attempts to make His will known are woefully insufficient for the task at hand for incredibly inefficient results. But you know we don't think like that. We subscribe to the doctrine that God is wise beyond comprehension to the extent that our notions of what is absurd are mostly irrelevant. I can agree that your example seems absurd, while at the same time shrugging my shoulders and saying "But so's washing in the Jordan river to cure leprosy..."
I agree that sometimes the things God does seem to us to be absurd, but that doesn’t mean we need to make up absurd things... like “Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice, therefore if God doesn’t talk to you by a still small voice in your head, you’re not his sheep”
I didn’t know that was a thing
Then you are missing out.
There is actual Scripture for this.

Joel 2:28 (KJV)
And it shall come to pass afterward, [that] I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
Acts 2:17 (KJV)
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

Ok, she isn’t an old man (presumably, I have never met her),but it doesn’t say that medium aged ( young in comparison to me, again assumed) women are excluded.
I agree that sometimes the things God does seem to us to be absurd, but that doesn’t mean we need to make up absurd things... like “Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice, therefore if God doesn’t talk to you by a still small voice in your head, you’re not his sheep”
There are many who think that they are His sheep that He will tell I never knew you.
That scares me. What if part of Him not knowing a person comes with holding doctrines that “prove” that He won’t talk to you in certain ways when He has been giving you the chance to hear Him?
Denying the possibility of communication is not a good way to know Him.
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