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Practical Circumcision Query


Seasoned Member
Real Person
We are having an unassisted homebirth at the end of the month and are also "in between" pediatricians. So if the baby is a boy, we'd need to get him circumcised preferrably on the 8th day.

Ideally we'd love to have a "religious practitioner" perform it but that doesn't seem too likely at this point.

I was hoping that maybe someone might have ideas or advice. I am really reluctant to call up doctors in the area before the birth just to avoid any unnecessary questioning. Actually tbh, after the birth as well. I have no idea how these people will respond to no prenatal/postnatal care/vaccines/etc.

(I put this in the HR section to avoid debates, but if anyone else has any experience with this, please do respond :) )
I don't have any advice on the circumcision front, but congrats and good luck in your unassisted homebirth! I'm having qualms about calling our ob/midwife. The medical system is really stacked against the patient which is exactly what it's not supposed to be like. We're 15 weeks and haven't been seen by anyone as of yet. I'm trying to talk @Soldier's Psalm into delivering this one, but he's not sold on the idea. Lol.
Congrats :) talk to rockfox about unassisted on the hubby side.. we had 3 that way.. but not preferred though. We like having a midwife.

As for circumcision.. I dunno. We don't.
Congrats :) talk to rockfox about unassisted on the hubby side.. we had 3 that way.. but not preferred though. We like having a midwife.

As for circumcision.. I dunno. We don't.

We have a midwife close to us that offers homebirths, but her fee is close to $3000. Soldier would rather have a hospital birth "just in case", but I didn't appreciate the way they treated me. They wouldn't let me eat, so it was over 24 hours since my last meal when I had our son. I didn't even get to hold him for almost three hours. I just want simple this time. Lol.
My understanding is that you can google/YouTube information that would enable you to perform the procedure yourself. The only guy I know that has tried that, though, is facing criminal charges for doing so (long story), so be aware of what constitutes child neglect or endangerment in your jurisdiction. (The mother is also facing charges for not reporting, even though it was done over her objection and a doctor has said there was no harm to the boys. Watch yourself.)
Sounds about right for hospital births.. that's how mine was and I was hypoglycemic. Idiots. They offered no useful labor help either.. other than let us give u drugs.. blah rockfox had to make certain I was cared for himself. A midwife keeps all in mind and makes sure you're cared for. Many bring an assistant if your husband feels unable to help. Much more personal and at ease. We always waive the assistant though.. because rockfox has no qualms in taking charge in such situations. Oh and that sloppy little darling mess is on you as soon as possible..
My understanding is that you can google/YouTube information that would enable you to perform the procedure yourself. The only guy I know that has tried that, though, is facing criminal charges for doing so (long story), so be aware of what constitutes child neglect or endangerment in your jurisdiction. (The mother is also facing charges for not reporting, even though it was done over her objection and a doctor has said there was no harm to the boys. Watch yourself.)
I heard about this..
Sounds about right for hospital births.. that's how mine was and I was hypoglycemic. Idiots. They offered no useful labor help either.. other than let us give u drugs.. blah rockfox had to make certain I was cared for himself. A midwife keeps all in mind and makes sure you're cared for. Many bring an assistant if your husband feels unable to help. Much more personal and at ease. We always waive the assistant though.. because rockfox has no qualms in taking charge in such situations. Oh and that sloppy little darling mess is on you as soon as possible..

Uh ya, to the extend they did anything, it only made things worse. Frankly, an experienced midwife can handle the bad cases with more skill than most OBGYNs. It depends on your insurance but midwives are often cheaper than hospital birth.

But homebirth takes a step of faith, and unassisted all the more. Good on you @windblown for taking the leap!
My understanding is that you can google/YouTube information that would enable you to perform the procedure yourself. The only guy I know that has tried that, though, is facing criminal charges for doing so (long story), so be aware of what constitutes child neglect or endangerment in your jurisdiction. (The mother is also facing charges for not reporting, even though it was done over her objection and a doctor has said there was no harm to the boys. Watch yourself.)
Oh yikes.
And @ZecAustin already wants to cut the cord with his tomahawk....
I've got my fingers crossed for a girl. ;)
A urologist is a good suggestion, but I would also suggest you decide about what degree of circumsicion will satisfy your conscience.
This article has some history about circumcision.


I have a sis in law who had a tongue tied baby and thought to snip it at home. I recommended a Dr we had used because anesthesia could be administered. They found him willing to work with them, (he let them stay with their 1 year old during the procedure) and they were glad that the little guy couldn't feel the cutting....it took two cuts to finish the job.

If we purposed to minimally circumcise our boys, anesthesia would not be a concern, but if the entire foreskin was to be removed an injected anesthesia may be desired, and finding a doctor that will work with you may be well worth the effort.

A longer time of separation after birth of daughters, other issues to weigh with boys.

Not to compare children with animals, or conflate circumsicion with castration.....but we are farm folk, and one advantage to fillies and ewes is not having to decide whether to "alter."

I'm not gonna hope you have a girl though, just for that....because boys and men are AWESOME!
I would recommend finding a doc so you can get local anesthetic done. Otherwise you risk messing with the boy's future experience of sexual pleasure by overloading those brain circuits with extreme pain.