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Pray For Cecil

CecilW said:
This is NOT the sort of thread I like to bring back. However ...

I appear to have a bad infection in my right foot. Maybe leg. Went to a podiatrist. He refused to even SEE me. Said to goto the emergency room.

I could uae a bolt of divine healing right now. I'll even walk. EVEN take up my bed if necessary. Fortunately, at the moment it's a camp cot, so that it possible. Couldn't you just SEE me hobbling down the street, pulling a box springs and a pillowtop Queen matress on a little red wagon?

ok brother - will begin praying right now!
Cecil, sorry to hear you are having some trouble again. I will be praying for that miracle! Hang in there, and do the things that are best for you.

Praying for you now

You know you and I have spoken about me going through the same thing 2 months ago!!! James and I will be praying for divine healing. If there is anything we can do other than that, please let us know. Let us know what is going on with you as you find out more.

Lacey Lee
All: Cecil landed in the hospital this afternoon with this re-occurrence, and that's why Cindy is headed down to be with him, and hopefully bring him home before too long.
Please continue to keep them both in your prayers, and hopefully we'll get an update soon.

We love you bro, and you have lots of family praying for you tonight.
Hi all,

Thanks for your prayers. I talked to Cecil this morning and he sounds alot better. Even sitting in bed working !! They are giving him antibiotics thru IV. As of this morning i think i will hold off on going down, unless he needs me to come down and drive home with him for christmas. I was freaking out just a wee bit and wondering how i was suppose to be in two places at once. BUT.... God is good all the time!!!! I know the antibiotics are working . I also know that God can heal.

Happy Holidays to everyone,

You and Cecil are in my thoughts and prayers for Cecil's speedy recovery.

My foot appears to contain a foreign object, such as a metal filing or glass sliver. This is causing all the trouble.

Funny thought: Has it BEEN there for some time, but only began creating problems now that I've begun actively walking a lot? Possible.

Regardless, it is scheduled to come out Tomorrow night (Thu 12/17) at 8pm EST. A little prayer along about then wouldn't be amiss. I really prefer having knives and such pointed away from me. Thanks.

Presumably then I will be well on the road to mending. :)

Thank you again, one and all, for your prayers, good wishes, and offers of help.

Actually, now that I think of it ... James and Lacey, could you run up Sam Rittenburg and get me a Firehouse Subs Roasted Veggie, with double the cheese and lots of their Firehouse sauce? I seem to be fixated on them at the moment for some unknown reason! :lol:

More prayers coming your way for tomorrow. I'm praying that you will be out of the hospital before Christmas, so you don't have to eat that yuckie hospital food for Christmas dinner.

If he isnt out .. i will break him out!!! The grandbaby is going to be here... Grandpa has to be here!!!

Surgery is scheduled for 8pm this evening.

I thought it would be a simple, casual affair -- a sterile Xacto knife, a pair of tweezers, a nice bottle of saline solution and some gauze dressings. Silly me!

Apparently it is to be a more formal and nasty affair. General anesthetic so I won't know or remember anything until I wake up pregnant! LEGAL date rape drugs!

Last time this happened they almost lost me getting me sedated in the first place. Then, so I am told and vaguely remember, I came halfway to while being transported to a hospital room and began to bellow bawdy lyrics to "Deck The Halls". Instant fame! :lol:

Making matters worse, they insist on no food or liquid since 11am. Cruel and unusual punishment. Too late for a trip to Firehouse Subs. And no water for 9+ hours? I'm likely to shrivel up and turn into Mini-Me!

Somebody come BREAK ME OUT!!! :eek: I'll be GOOD! I PROMISE!!! :lol:

New proof is in that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

Among the possible effects thereof are picking up a glass sliver in your foot, becoming violently ill from infection, ending up in hospital where Cindy does NOT get to cook for ya, and being confined to a bed next to a 93 year old man who whines all day, "I just gotta get HOME? When are they gonna let me go HOME? I'll pay them, I PROMISE, if they'll just let me go HOOOOME!"

Nope! Best keep the stones to oneself, or move to a rock house. Maybe a nice padded cell somewhere. :D

I wish I could tell you that surgery went well last night, but it seems I can't remember! Sorry. However, I am told that what needed to be done was done and a (you guessed it!) glass sliver was removed.

Foot is bandaged within an inch of its life, I'm able to trot around in a post op boot, my 93 year old roomate has been sent home and replaced with a much younger one who whines that he just "wants 2 sausage Biscuits? Why can't I just sneak out of the hospital and get 2 sausage buiscuts from McDonalds?" Poor man has never had Cindy's cooking, or he'd be whining a different tune! :lol:

Anyway, I do thank you all mightily for you thoughts, best wishes, and especially the prayers. I fervently believe that they have helped tremendously! It finally feels like I'm on the road to recovery. LOOK OUT, NY's retreat! Here I come!

That is awesome news about the surgery going so well. Not so awesome about the type of roomates you have. I'm still praying that you can get home for Christmas with your family. I think Cindy mentioned she was going to break you out of there if they don't let you out by then. If she needs backup I think I remember how to hand a M 16 from my Air Force days. Since I only had one day of training, I'm not really a good shot.

lutherangirl said:
If she needs backup I think I remember how to hand a M 16 from my Air Force days.

Thanks, Michelle! I can just see it now! You and Cindy come barreling down the hall in camos and face paint, carrying an M16 and a riot-shotgun! :eek: Come to break Cecil out of durance vile so he can get home for Christmas. :twisted:

The roommates have been more hilarious than annoying. Sorry if I sounded "poor me".

The current one just announced to his "brother" that he's in the hospital cause his kidney stones didn't pass, instead they're stopped somewheres and clogging up his uterus! :eek: Now he's waiting for a visit from his Uterologist!

I'd feel sorry for the guy, but the way he's been talking (on the phone) to the women in his life (there appear to be several, all ignorant of each other!) ... let his uterus STAY clogged up!

ROFL my bloomin' TAIL off!!!

This brings us to Cecil's new corollary to my last posted theorem: Men with uterii shouldn't pass stones! :lol:
CecilW said:
Thanks, Michelle! I can just see it now! You and Cindy come barreling down the hall in camos and face paint, carrying an M16 and a riot-shotgun! :eek: Come to break Cecil out of durance vile so he can get home for Christmas. :twisted:


I don't know how you manage to always make me laugh even when you are the one going through pain and discomfort. My husband is also very good at making people laugh. Humor is such a wonderful gift from God. A few years back the trend was pink and white camos or blue and white, so at least Cindy and I can wear these and be stylist instead of the military issued ones when we brake you out.

The story about your roomates are too funny. God must have sent them your way to keep your spirits up!
