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I think it's obvious God does not want women to be prostitutes.

I think it's obvious fathers do not want their daughters to be a prostitutes.

I don't think the Government should make it illegal or exact any punishment as a "prostitution" charge on a background report does not improve the odds of more dignified employment. Also, locking people up for sex just seems ridiculous.
If two consenting adults agree to a proposition, a service for financial reward, why does anyone else need to be involved? The government has no right to step in between them, whether it is a marriage or brief physical interaction. Biblically it may be an unwise exchange, and that includes an unwise marrage, but that doesn't mean the government should become involved. People are too quick to throw away their freedoms and want government intervention.
I'd like to see the government get out of the marriage business altogether. It shouldn't be that difficult to work out an equable application for medical care, taxes, joint financial situations, etc. A lot of social/political discord could be reconciled. Many states have slowly moved in that direction. Heck, Indiana doesn't care who signs the Marriage License; it could be the dog catcher.

So, . . . yes agreements between two competent adults are between them.
If two consenting adults agree to a proposition, a service for financial reward, why does anyone else need to be involved? The government has no right to step in between them, whether it is a marriage or brief physical interaction. Biblically it may be an unwise exchange, and that includes an unwise marrage, but that doesn't mean the government should become involved. People are too quick to throw away their freedoms and want government intervention.

I like how you phrased this.

I have said in the past that I wasn't far off from the mark of being a prostitute. I was IMHO a definite concubine.

I wanted a safe home, I wanted to be cared for, and I gave my husband my body in return.

And a lot of other women do the same thing but they call themselves something more acceptable like gold diggers or trophy wives.

It doesn't matter if you have one customer or 100 customers, if you're trading yourself for gain then you know what you are.